PhysicsA wave in a string has an amplitude of 2 cm. The wave travels in the +ve direction of x axis with a speed of 128 ms-1 and it is noted that 5 complete waves fit in 4m length of the string. The equation describing the wave is

A wave in a string has an amplitude of 2 cm. The wave travels in the +ve direction of x axis with a speed of 128 ms-1 and it is noted that 5 complete waves fit in 4m length of the string. The equation describing the wave is

  1. A

    y = (0.02)m sin(7.85x + 1005t)

  2. B

    y = (0.02)m sin(15.7x+2010t)

  3. C

    y = (0.02)m sin(15.7x–2010t)

  4. D

    y = (0.02)m sin(7.85x–1005t)

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    y = A sin(kx -ωt) ; A = 2cm = 0.02m
    λ=45=0.8m ; k=2πλ=2 x 3.140.8=7.85 n=vλ=1280.8=160 ; ω=2πn=2π x160=1005

    So the wave equation will be y = (0.02)m sin(7.85x–1005t)

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