MathematicsA rectangular field is 50 m by 40 m. It has two roads through its center, running parallel to its sides. The width of the longer and the shorter roads are 2 m and 2.5-m-respectively. What is the area of the roads and the area of the remaining portion of the field?

A rectangular field is 50 m by 40 m. It has two roads through its center, running parallel to its sides. The width of the longer and the shorter roads are 2 m and 2.5-m-respectively. What is the area of the roads and the area of the remaining portion of the field?

  1. A
    195 and 1805 m2
  2. B
    1805 and 195 m2
  3. C
    1200 and 200 m2
  4. D
    200 and 1200 m2 

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    Given that, the dimension of the rectangle is 50m by 40m. The width of the longer and the shorter roads are 2 m and 2.5-m-respectively.
    The area of the roads = (Length × Width of longer road) + (Breadth × Width of shorter road) (Total area of rectangular field).
    Calculating the remaining portion of the field = Total area of rectangle the area of the roads.
    The area of the remaining portion of the field is 1805 m2 and the area of the roads is 195 m2.
    Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.
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