HomeEffects and Impacts of Global Warming

Effects and Impacts of Global Warming

The growing influence of global warming has also affected our common life, but we are not able to apprehend its danger fully. Due to the effect of global warming, more heat is being generated on the Earth. There is a lot of change in the climate with the frequency of natural calamities increasing.

According to the US Geological Survey, the Montana Glacier National Park used to have 150 glaciers, but due to global warming, only 25 survive now. There has been a lot of climate change due to global warming, such as increase in the summer season, decrease in the cold weather, increase in temperature, change in air circulation, changes in weather pattern, the melting of ice peaks, degradation of ozone layer, severe storm, cyclone, hurricane, flood, drought etc.

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    Global warming is also reflecting in the increase in sea level, infectious diseases, food deficiency, deaths etc.

    Melting Glaciers

    The direct impact of global warming is on glaciers. Due to the increase in temperature, the glaciers are melting, making flood-like conditions in many parts of the world. Not only this, many species of living beings have become threatened by the rising sea level and the balance of our ecosystem is getting worse.

    Weather Swings

    The result of the rise in temperature has started to appear as a changing season. Due to global warming, the process of evaporation begins to accelerate; thereby increasing the risk of uncontrolled rains, there is a situation like floods in many areas. Many animals and plants do not tolerate excessive rain, as a result trees are decreasing and animals are fleeing from their places. Its effect is on the balance of the ecosystem.

    Problem of Drought

    On the one hand, there is emergence of flood situation, while in many countries there is a problem of drought due to global warming. Because the amount of rain has not only increased due to evaporation, it is also increasing the problem of drought. With this, drinking water is increasing in many parts of the world. Due to drought, people are not getting enough food and in many countries, hunger conditions have arisen.

    Increase in Diseases

    As the temperature is increasing, it has an adverse effect on our health. Due to excessive rainfall, outbreaks of waterborne diseases such as malaria and dengue are increasing. The levels of carbon monoxide are increasing in the atmosphere, so people also experience problems in breathing. If the temperature continues to increase in this way, then respiratory diseases and their symptoms will spread rapidly.

    According to statistics, the Health Report of the World Health Organization has estimated that there will be loss of 2.4 percent of people in the middle income group due to diarrhoea and 6 percent of people due to malaria around the world.

    Influence on the Brain

    It is emerging as a new party of global warming, on which experts are researching. It is believed that those who lose their home and family in the form of drought, flood, typhoon and such a natural calamity have an impact on their mental health. Post traumatic stress disorder, symptoms of severe depression and other mental illnesses are seen in them. Many farmers take suicidal steps when there is a serious drought situation.

    Impact on agriculture

    In the coming years, the biggest impact of global warming is going to fall on agriculture. However, many times we also have to suffer the consequences in terms of waste of crops. It is difficult for many plants to flourish during high temperatures and gradually their existence ends. Due to untimely rains or excessive drought, many crops are not able to sustain, so the prices of grains are increasing rapidly. Trees and plants are the main source of our food; in such a way, there will be a shortage of food all over the world and it is highly anticipated that it’s going to be a cause of war between many countries.

    Imbalance in seasons

    Due to global warming, now many seasons are not known to come. In many parts, rainy season is so long that crops are wasted and in some areas the long summer heat affects our lives.

    The Impact on Animals

    Many animal species have come under threat due to ecosystem imbalance. Many species have disappeared, so many are standing on the verge of extinction. Thus, the existence of the whole world will be in danger one day after the end of animals.

    Increasing Forest Fires

    Due to the increasing heat, incidents of fire in forests have increased further. This phenomenon has also been threatening the lives of animals living in the forests as well as on the lives of those living near it.

    Impact on the economy

    Along with the end of the work, the production and construction items of the goods are also affected. Due to the constant impact of nature, it has also seriously affected the food industry. Meeting the needs of people is now becoming a big issue. If the sea level increases and the problem of flood increases, then its impact will be on our entire power system. Due to storms, and sharp rains, the entire grid can crumble and this can ruin our whole life style. Because many of our operations are run by electricity only.

    Many countries under threat

    Due to increasing sea level, many countries are under the possibility of getting submerged in it. The way the country like Greenland is declining rapidly, the beautiful city, country, and even the continent will become a history in the coming times by being swallowed by the sea.

    Violence and War Conditions

    There are many reasons for violence in humans, but in the coming time, due to the main reasons, the increased temperature of the Earth will also be included. The lack of food and water will create dissatisfaction among the people and they will not desist from the use of violence to get it. This situation can take the form of a war at the global level.

    Ozone depletion

    Ozone gas is found in thickness. Ozone (O3) is considered to be very active gas. If the ultraviolet rays of sunlight come from Earth to space, then the stratosphere of the Earth’s atmosphere breaks the oxygen molecules present in the atoms into atoms. These single atoms of oxygen combined with its molecule (O2 + O = O3) make ozone. Ozone is decomposed by acting with nitrous oxide due to its activity. Thus the dynamic process of destruction and the natural process of construction remains. This equilibrium is interrupted when CFCs and other compounds of chlorinated carbon tetrachloride) begin to appear in the atmosphere. Now they act with the atomic ozone of chlorine to form chlorine mono-oxide (CLO) and break ozone into oxygen. It is called ozone erosion. Chlorine acts as catalyst again and the reaction remains active.

    Ozone hole was first detected in 1973 by US scientists on Antarctica In 1985, Joseph Foreman saw a 50 percent drop in the ozone layer. Ozone degradation is a matter of concern for humans. Because it can lead to many diseases in humans, which are prominent – the skin cancer, tree plants and chlorophyll are being seen to have adverse effects.

    The Impacts of Global Warming at a Glance

    • There is rapid acceleration in temperature.
    • The water level of the sea is constantly increasing due to fresh water swamps, lowland cities and islands.
    • Due to changes in the rain cycle, many places have seen droughts, fires and some other areas are in the grip of flood.
    • Snowflakes are melting due to which the life of polar bears is threatening because their diet is declining.
    • Glaciers are melting slowly. Due to the melting of snow and glaciers, there is a possibility of an adverse effect on the internal surface of the Earth.
    • Landslides, earthquakes and volcanic activity are among long-term effects of global warming. A tsunami can also be caused due to these and in many areas of the world such as the French Alps; growth in the frequency of landslide is already being seen.
    • The ozone layer has witnessed depletion.
    • Toxic gases in the environment.
    • Unseasonal rain and water crisis in some parts.
    • Different types of skin diseases. Due to the increase in heat, the possibility of infectious diseases is on the rise.
    • Because of global warming, many animal birds that are unable to cope with this environment are also disappearing.
    • According to Greenpeace, we should limit emissions of unwanted gases by 2015, and then make sure to decrease it as fast as possible to zero level.
    • The developed countries must make 40 percent reductions in their 1990 carbon emission levels by 2020.
    • Developing countries must reduce 15 to 30 percent of their emissions by 2020 with the help of industrialized nations.
    • Protect tropical forests with a special funding mechanism – Forest for climate.
    • Embrace renewable energy and energy efficiency instead of contaminated fossil fuel manufactured energy.
    • Discourage the use of nuclear energy.


    Preventing the process of global warming is not the case with just one person, but small efforts can definitely reduce its speed. Whether we are at home or in the office, our every activity should be done with the safety of the environment in mind. We should minimize pollution and protect energy sources. We should use ozone-friendly substance-hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), rather than ozone-depleting substances such as CFCs.

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