GK QuestionsGK Questions on Insects Names

GK Questions on Insects Names

Welcome to a fascinating journey through the world of insects! Insects make up a diverse and incredibly abundant group of creatures that play vital roles in our ecosystems and impact our daily lives in numerous ways. This collection of “GK Questions on Insect Names” has been curated to pique your curiosity and expand your knowledge about these remarkable creatures.

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    Whether you’re a student with a budding interest in entomology, a nature enthusiast, or simply someone intrigued by the fascinating world of insects, these questions and answers will introduce you to a myriad of insect species, their unique characteristics, and their significance in the natural world. So, let’s embark on this educational adventure and discover the incredible diversity of insect life that surrounds us.

    50 GK Questions on Insects Names

    GK Questions on Insects Names

    Q. What is the name of the insect known for its bright colors and wing patterns?

    Answer. Butterfly

    Q. Which insect is often associated with producing honey?

    Answer. Bee

    Q. This insect is famous for its ability to carry diseases such as malaria. What is it?

    Answer. Mosquito

    Q. What do you call an insect with a hard, protective outer shell?

    Answer. Beetle

    Q. What is the name of the insect that emits light through bioluminescence?

    Answer. Firefly

    Q. Which insect is known for its ability to jump great distances?

    Answer. Grasshopper

    Q. This insect is a symbol of transformation and rebirth. What is it?

    Answer. Dragonfly

    Q. What is the name of the insect that builds intricate underground tunnels?

    Answer. Ant

    Q. What is the smallest flying insect?

    Answer. Fruit fly

    Q. Which insect is famous for its role in pollinating flowers?

    Answer. Butterfly

    Q. What is the name of the insect known for its web-spinning abilities?

    Answer. Spider

    Q. This insect is often associated with infestations in stored grains. What is it?

    Answer. Weevil

    Q. Which insect is known for its long, slender body and is often found near water?

    Answer. Damselfly

    Q. What is the name of the insect that resembles a stick or twig?

    Answer. Stick insect

    Q. This insect is known for its painful sting. What is it?

    Answer. Wasp

    Q. What do you call the insect that is a natural decomposer in ecosystems?

    Answer. Dung beetle

    Q. Which insect is known for its ability to camouflage itself on tree bark?

    Answer. Moth

    Q. What is the name of the insect that produces silk threads?

    Answer. Silkworm

    Q. This insect is famous for its loud chirping sound. What is it?

    Answer. Cricket

    Q. What is the name of the insect that undergoes metamorphosis with a cocoon?

    Answer. Butterfly

    Q. Which insect is often considered a pest in gardens due to its leaf-eating habits?

    Answer. Caterpillar

    Q. What is the name of the insect that feeds on blood and can transmit diseases?

    Answer. Tick

    Q. This insect is known for its ability to jump using its hind legs. What is it?

    Answer. Flea

    Q. What do you call the insect that is nocturnal and produces a buzzing sound at night?

    Answer. Firefly

    Q. What is the name of the insect that is a social colony-builder and has a queen?

    Answer. Ant

    Q. Which insect is known for its large, colorful wings and is often found near flowers?

    Answer. Butterfly

    Q. This insect is famous for its ability to produce a loud buzzing sound. What is it?

    Answer. Bee

    Q. What is the name of the insect that carries out the process of metamorphosis?

    Answer. Butterfly

    Q. What do you call the insect that has a hard, shell-like exoskeleton?

    Answer. Beetle

    Q. Which insect is known for its ability to produce silk used in textiles?

    Answer. Silkworm

    Q. What is the name of the insect that constructs paper-like nests in trees?

    Answer. Paper wasp

    Q. This insect is often found in the soil and helps aerate it. What is it?

    Answer. Earthworm

    Q. What is the name of the insect that is a natural predator of aphids?

    Answer. Ladybug

    Q. Which insect is known for its ability to create complex hives with hexagonal cells?

    Answer. Honeybee

    Q. This insect is famous for its role in the process of decomposition. What is it?

    Answer. Beetle

    Q. What do you call the insect that has a long, segmented body and is often found in gardens?

    Answer. Centipede

    Q. What is the name of the insect known for its ability to glide from tree to tree?

    Answer. Flying squirrel

    Q. Which insect is known for its stinging defense mechanism and distinctive black and yellow stripes?

    Answer. Hornet

    Q. This insect is famous for its association with water and its aquatic nymph stage. What is it?

    Answer. Mayfly

    Q. What is the name of the insect that is known for its loud, buzzing sound during the summer months?

    Answer. Cicada

    Q. Which insect is known for its long, segmented body and many legs?

    Answer. Millipede

    Q. What do you call the insect that is a natural predator of mosquitoes and flies?

    Answer. Dragonfly

    Q. What is the name of the insect that is often considered a symbol of good luck?

    Answer. Ladybug

    Q. This insect is famous for its ability to create intricate, spiral-shaped webs. What is it?

    Answer. Orb-weaver spider

    Q. What is the name of the insect that is known for its nocturnal habits and ability to navigate in the dark using echolocation?

    Answer. Bat

    Q. Which insect is known for its ability to produce a loud, continuous humming sound while flying?

    Answer. Cicada

    Q. This insect is famous for its role in the process of decomposition in forests. What is it?

    Answer. Beetle

    Q. What do you call the insect that is often considered a symbol of transformation and rebirth?

    Answer. Butterfly

    Q. What is the name of the insect that is known for its ability to leap long distances using its powerful hind legs?

    Answer. Grasshopper

    Q. Which insect is known for its vibrant colors and patterns, making it a favorite subject for insect collectors?

    Answer. Butterfly

    FAQs on Insects Names GK Questions

    What are the six insect names?

    6 Insects names are Ant, Bee, Beetle, Spider, Snail, and Mosquito.

    What are the 4 types of insects?

    The orders that contain the greatest numbers of species are Coleoptera (beetles), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps), and Diptera (true flies).

    What are the 5 social insects?

    Social insects are the ants, bees, wasps, and termites that have organized societies.

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