EnglishSubject Verb Agreement Exercises with Answers

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises with Answers

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises: In this article, we are going to solve Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises with Answers, aiming to help students better understand this topic. Subject-verb agreement is crucial in English grammar, ensuring that the subject and verb in a sentence match in number. For example, “she walks” uses a singular subject (“she”) with a singular verb (“walks”), while “they walk” pairs a plural subject (“they”) with a plural verb (“walk”). Mastering this concept ensures clarity and accuracy in communication. Through practical exercises and clear explanations, students can gain confidence in applying subject-verb agreement rules correctly in their writing and speech.

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    subject verb agreement exercises with answers

    Subject Verb Agreement Exercises with Answers

    Question 1: The development team _____ diligently on the new software update.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) been
    Answer: A) is

    Question 2: Every student in the class _____ responsible for completing their own assignments.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) been
    Answer: A) is

    Question 3: The statistics _____ clear indicators of a growing trend in consumer behavior.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) been
    Answer: B) are

    Question 4: Either the cat or the dog _____ responsible for knocking over the vase.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) been
    Answer: A) is

    Question 5: Several of the candidates _____ qualified for the position based on their experience.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) been
    Answer: B) are

    Question 6: The news ____ shocking to everyone.
    A) are
    B) was
    C) were
    D) is
    Answer: D) is

    Question 7: Mathematics ____ her favorite subject in school.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) has been
    Answer: A) is

    Question 8: The team of doctors ____ the operation successfully.
    A) perform
    B) performs
    C) performed
    D) performing
    Answer: B) performs

    Question 9: Each of the students ____ a research paper.
    A) write
    B) writes
    C) has written
    D) are writing
    Answer: B) writes

    Also Check: Punctuate the following sentence

    Question 10: One of the cars in the parking lot ____ stolen last night.
    A) were
    B) was
    C) has been
    D) is
    Answer: B) was

    Question 11: The committee ____ their decision next week.
    A) announce
    B) announces
    C) announced
    D) announcing
    Answer: B) announces

    Question 12: Neither the cat nor the dogs ____ at home right now.
    A) is
    B) are
    C) were
    D) be
    Answer: A) is

    Question 13: The percentage of students who ____ their homework on time is quite low.
    A) submit
    B) submits
    C) submitted
    D) submitting
    Answer: B) submits

    Question 14: Not only the students but also the teacher ____ the exam results.
    A) discuss
    B) discusses
    C) discussed
    D) discussing
    Answer: B) discusses

    Question 15: Ten dollars ____ a high price to pay for such a small item.
    A) seem
    B) seems
    C) has seemed
    D) seeming
    Answer: B) seems

    English Grammar Practice: Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

    Question 1: Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

    A) The team are going to their practice.
    B) The team is going to their practice.
    C) The team are going to its practice.
    D) The team is going to it’s practice.
    Answer: B

    Question 2: Select the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement:

    A) Each of the students were studying for the exam.
    B) Each of the students is studying for the exam.
    C) Each of the students are studying for the exam.
    D) Each of the students has studying for the exam.
    Answer: B

    Question 3: Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

    A) Neither Tom nor Jerry likes the new movie.
    B) Neither Tom nor Jerry like the new movie.
    C) Neither Tom nor Jerry liking the new movie.
    D) Neither Tom or Jerry likes the new movie.
    Answer: A

    Question 4: Identify the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement:

    A) The box of chocolates were delicious.
    B) The box of chocolates is delicious.
    C) The box of chocolates are delicious.
    D) The box of chocolates have been delicious.
    Answer: B

    Question 5: Which sentence shows correct subject-verb agreement?

    A) The news are shocking.
    B) The news is shocking.
    C) The news are shock.
    D) The news is shock.
    Answer: B

    Question 6: Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement:

    A) My collection of stamps is valuable.
    B) My collection of stamps are valuable.
    C) My collection of stamps was valuable.
    D) My collection of stamps has valuable.
    Answer: A

    Question 7: Which sentence has a subject-verb agreement error?

    A) Mathematics are my favorite subject.
    B) Mathematics is my favorite subject.
    C) Mathematics have always been challenging.
    D) Mathematics was not his strong point.
    Answer: B

    Question 8: Identify the correct sentence for subject-verb agreement:

    A) Both of the boys plays soccer.
    B) Both of the boys play soccer.
    C) Both of the boys are playing soccer.
    D) Both of the boys playing soccer.
    Answer: B

    Question 9: Select the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement:

    A) Either the dogs or the cat is responsible for the mess.
    B) Either the dogs or the cat are responsible for the mess.
    C) Either the dogs or the cat were responsible for the mess.
    D) Either the dogs or the cat was responsible for the mess.
    Answer: D

    Question 10: Which sentence shows correct subject-verb agreement?

    A) The choir sing beautifully together.
    B) The choir sings beautifully together.
    C) The choir singing beautifully together.
    D) The choir has sing beautifully together.
    Answer: B

    Moderate Level Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

    1. Neither the CEO nor the board members (has, have) approved the budget proposal yet.
    2. Each of the paintings in the gallery (has, have) a unique story behind it.
    3. The rise and fall of stock prices (reflects, reflect) investor sentiment in volatile markets.
    4. A group of talented musicians (was, were) invited to perform at the prestigious event.
    5. The complexity of modern physics theories (presents, present) a challenge even to seasoned researchers.
    6. Either the interviewers or the candidates (has, have) misunderstood the job requirements.
    7. The phenomenon of climate change (is, are) a topic of global concern.
    8. The quality of these products (is, are) unmatched in the market.
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