WorksheetActive and Passive Voice Worksheet Class 6 with Answers

Active and Passive Voice Worksheet Class 6 with Answers

Active and Passive Voice Worksheet Class 6 CBSE

Learning about active and passive voice is important for mastering English grammar. In Class 6, students start exploring these concepts to improve their writing skills and sentence construction. This active and passive voice exercises for class 6 is designed to help students tell the difference between active and passive voice and practice changing sentences from one form to the other.

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    This active and passive voice worksheet for Class 6 with answers includes various exercises to help students identify and transform sentences between active and passive voice. By completing these activities, students will gain confidence in using both voices correctly, improving their overall grammar skills and writing abilities.

    What is Voice?

    Voice is all about who is doing the action in a sentence. Imagine you have a superhero named Samantha who can fly. In an active voice sentence, Samantha is the one doing the action – she’s the one flying through the sky. But in a passive voice sentence, Samantha isn’t the one flying – maybe someone else is helping her fly, or the flying is happening to her. The key difference is that in active voice, the subject (Samantha) is the one performing the action, but in passive voice, the subject is receiving the action.

    Active and Passive Voice Worksheet Class 6

    Active Voice

    In active voice sentences, the subject is doing the action. For example:

    • Samantha flies through the sky.
    • The soccer player scores the winning goal.
    • My friend paints beautiful pictures.

    In these sentences, the subjects (Samantha, the soccer player, my friend) are the ones performing the action.

    Passive Voice

    In passive voice sentences, the subject is receiving the action. For example:

    • The sky is flown through by Samantha.
    • The winning goal is scored by the soccer player.
    • Beautiful pictures are painted by my friend.

    In these sentences, the subjects (the sky, the winning goal, beautiful pictures) are not the ones doing the action – they are receiving the action. The main difference is that active voice sentences focus on the person or thing doing the action, while passive voice sentences focus on the person or thing receiving the action.

    Active and Passive Voice Worksheet Class 6 with Answers

    Here are the worksheets on active and passive voice for class 6 with answers having exercises to practice voice:

    Class 6 Active and Passive Voice Worksheet 1

    Part 1: Identifying Active and Passive Voice

    Instructions: Write “Active” if the sentence is in active voice and “Passive” if the sentence is in passive voice.

    1. The cake was baked by my mom.
    2. John is writing a letter.
    3. The homework was completed by the students.
    4. The dog chased the cat.
    5. The book was read by the entire class.

    Part 2: Changing Active Voice to Passive Voice

    Instructions: Change the following active voice sentences to passive voice.

    1. The chef cooks a delicious meal.
    2. The students clean the classroom.
    3. The gardener waters the plants.
    4. The teacher explains the lesson.
    5. The police officer caught the thief.

    Part 3: Changing Passive Voice to Active Voice

    Instructions: Change the following passive voice sentences to active voice.

    1. The song was sung by Mary.
    2. The window was broken by the ball.
    3. The homework is done by the students.
    4. The letter was written by John.
    5. The house was painted by the workers.

    Part 4: Filling in the Blanks

    Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in either active or passive voice.

    1. The car ____ (drive) by my father.
    2. The flowers ____ (water) by the gardener every day.
    3. The movie ____ (watch) by everyone last night.
    4. She ____ (write) a poem for the competition.
    5. The cake ____ (bake) by her for the party.

    Answer Key

    Part 1: Identifying Active and Passive Voice

    1. Passive
    2. Active
    3. Passive
    4. Active
    5. Passive

    Part 2: Changing Active Voice to Passive Voice

    1. A delicious meal is cooked by the chef.
    2. The classroom is cleaned by the students.
    3. The plants are watered by the gardener.
    4. The lesson is explained by the teacher.
    5. The thief was caught by the police officer.

    Part 3: Changing Passive Voice to Active Voice

    1. Mary sang the song.
    2. The ball broke the window.
    3. The students do the homework.
    4. John wrote the letter.
    5. The workers painted the house.

    Part 4: Filling in the Blanks

    1. is driven
    2. are watered
    3. was watched
    4. writes
    5. is baked

    Class 6 Active and Passive Voice Worksheet 2

    Part 1: Choose the Correct Voice

    Instructions: Choose the correct voice (active or passive) for each sentence.

    1. The story __ by the author. (is written / writes)
    2. The dog __ the ball. (chases / is chased)
    3. The dinner __ by the chef every night. (is prepared / prepares)
    4. The homework __ by the students. (complete / is completed)
    5. The letter __ by Sarah. (writes / is written)

    Part 2: Correct the Sentences

    Instructions: Correct the voice in each sentence as instructed in parentheses.

    1. The cake baked by my mom. (Change to active)
    2. The song sings by John. (Change to active)
    3. The match won by the team. (Change to active)
    4. The book read by the students. (Change to active)
    5. The window broke by the ball. (Change to active)

    Part 3: Active to Passive Voice

    Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice.

    1. She is writing a novel.
    2. The kids are playing soccer.
    3. The company launched a new product.
    4. The teacher is grading the tests.
    5. The artist is painting a mural.

    Part 4: Passive to Active Voice

    Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in active voice.

    1. The cake was eaten by the children.
    2. The movie was directed by the famous director.
    3. The plants were watered by the gardener.
    4. The song was sung by the choir.
    5. The homework was checked by the teacher.

    Answer Key

    Part 1: Choose the Correct Voice

    1. is written
    2. chases
    3. is prepared
    4. is completed
    5. is written

    Part 2: Correct the Sentences

    1. My mom baked the cake.
    2. John sings the song.
    3. The team won the match.
    4. The students read the book.
    5. The ball broke the window.

    Part 3: Active to Passive Voice

    1. A novel is being written by her.
    2. Soccer is being played by the kids.
    3. A new product was launched by the company.
    4. The tests are being graded by the teacher.
    5. A mural is being painted by the artist.

    Part 4: Passive to Active Voice

    1. The children ate the cake.
    2. The famous director directed the movie.
    3. The gardener watered the plants.
    4. The choir sang the song.
    5. The teacher checked the homework.

    FAQs on Active and Passive Voice Worksheet Class 6

    What is the purpose of the Active and Passive Voice Worksheet for Class 6?

    The purpose of this worksheet is to help students understand and practice using active and passive voice, improving their grammar skills and sentence construction abilities.

    What types of exercises are included in the worksheet?

    The worksheet includes a variety of exercises such as identifying active and passive voice, converting sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa, filling in the blanks, and correcting sentences.

    Are answers provided for the exercises in the worksheet?

    Yes, answers are provided for each exercise to help students check their work and understand any mistakes they may have made.

    How can practicing with this worksheet benefit students?

    By practicing with this worksheet, students will gain confidence in using both active and passive voice correctly, enhancing their overall writing and communication skills.

    Can this worksheet be used for self-study or does it require teacher supervision?

    This worksheet can be used both for self-study and in a classroom setting with teacher supervision. The provided answers make it easy for students to learn independently as well.

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