HomeThe French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions History Chapter 1

The French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions History Chapter 1

The French Revolution is a pivotal event in world history, marking the end of monarchy in France and the rise of republicanism and democratic ideals. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 understanding the causes, events, and consequences of the French Revolution is crucial for grasping the broader implications of political and social upheaval. The following compilation of very short, short, and long answer questions is designed to help students review key concepts and prepare for their exams.

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    The French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions Social Science History Chapter 1

    These questions are based on the NCERT syllabus, providing comprehensive coverage of the topic. By studying these questions and answers, students can gain a deeper understanding of the French Revolution, its historical significance, and its lasting impact on the modern world. For more detailed explanations, students are encouraged to refer to NCERT solutions and additional resources.

    The French Revolution Class 9 Questions And Answers Very Short Answer Type Questions

    Q. What was the Estates-General?

    Ans. The Estates-General was a general assembly representing the three estates of French society: the clergy, nobility, and commoners.

    Q. Who was the leader of the Jacobins?

    Ans. Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobins.

    Q. What is the significance of the Tennis Court Oath?

    Ans. It was a pledge made by the members of the National Assembly in 1789 to continue meeting until a new constitution was established.

    Q. When was the Bastille stormed?

    Ans. The Bastille was stormed on July 14, 1789.

    Q. What is feudalism?

    Ans. Feudalism was a medieval European political system based on the relationship between lords and vassals.

    Q. What does the term ‘ancien régime’ refer to?

    Ans. It refers to the political and social system in France before the Revolution of 1789.

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    Q. Who wrote ‘The Social Contract’?

    Ans. Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote ‘The Social Contract’.

    Q. What was the Reign of Terror?

    Ans. A period during the French Revolution marked by mass executions of ‘enemies of the revolution.’

    Q. What is a guillotine?

    Ans. A guillotine is a device used during the French Revolution for beheading people.

    Q. What was the role of the National Assembly?

    Ans. The National Assembly was formed by the representatives of the Third Estate and it played a crucial role in the French Revolution by drafting a new constitution.

    The French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions Short Answer Type Questions

    Q. Explain the term ‘The Great Fear’.

    Ans. ‘The Great Fear’ refers to a period of panic and riot by peasants amidst rumors of an aristocratic conspiracy to overthrow the Third Estate during the early stages of the French Revolution in 1789.

    Q. What were the main ideas of Montesquieu?

    Ans. Montesquieu proposed the theory of separation of powers, where the government is divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. This idea influenced modern democratic governance.

    Q. Describe the role of women during the French Revolution.

    Ans. Women actively participated in the revolution, organizing political clubs and demonstrations, but their political rights were still limited. They fought for equal rights, better education, and improved working conditions.

    Q. What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille?

    Ans. The storming of the Bastille was a symbol of the tyranny of the Bourbon monarchy, and its fall marked the beginning of the French Revolution, leading to widespread rebellion.

    Q. What was the Tennis Court Oath?

    Ans. The Tennis Court Oath was a vow taken by members of the Third Estate on June 20, 1789, to remain united until a new constitution was established, marking the start of a revolutionary movement.

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    Q. Who were the sans-culottes?

    Ans. The sans-culottes were radical working-class men and women in Paris who played a significant role in the French Revolution, advocating for social equality and direct democracy.

    Q. Explain the significance of the Napoleonic Code.

    Ans. The Napoleonic Code, established by Napoleon in 1804, was a comprehensive set of civil laws that laid the foundation for modern legal systems in many countries, promoting equality before the law and secularism.

    Q. What led to the financial crisis in France before the Revolution?

    Ans. France’s financial crisis was caused by excessive spending by the monarchy, costly wars, and an unfair tax system that burdened the common people while exempting the nobility and clergy.

    Q. What were the main outcomes of the French Revolution?

    Ans. The French Revolution led to the abolition of the monarchy, establishment of a republic, and significant social and political changes, including the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Q. Who were the émigrés during the French Revolution?

    Ans. The émigrés were nobles and others who fled France during the Revolution, fearing for their lives and opposing the revolutionary changes.

    The French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions Long Answer Type Questions

    Q. Describe the social structure of France before the Revolution.

    Ans. Before the Revolution, French society was divided into three estates: the First Estate (clergy), the Second Estate (nobility), and the Third Estate (commoners). The Third Estate, which included peasants, artisans, and bourgeoisie, bore the brunt of taxation while having the least political power. The inequality and resentment among the Third Estate were significant factors leading to the Revolution.

    Q. Discuss the impact of Enlightenment ideas on the French Revolution.

    Ans. Enlightenment ideas played a crucial role in shaping the French Revolution by promoting ideals such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. Philosophers like Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu criticized absolute monarchy and advocated for democratic governance, social contracts, and separation of powers. These ideas inspired the revolutionaries to challenge the existing social and political order and establish a republic.

    Q. Explain the economic conditions in France that led to the Revolution.

    Ans. France faced a severe financial crisis due to costly wars, extravagant spending by the monarchy, and an inefficient tax system. The Third Estate, burdened with high taxes and low incomes, suffered the most. Widespread poverty, unemployment, and rising bread prices fueled discontent, leading to widespread unrest and the eventual outbreak of the Revolution.

    Q. What were the main achievements of the National Assembly during the French Revolution?

    Ans. The National Assembly, formed by the Third Estate, made significant achievements, including the abolition of feudal privileges, declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, and the drafting of a new constitution. These reforms aimed to establish equality, end the monarchy’s absolute power, and lay the foundation for a democratic government in France.

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    Q. Analyze the role of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution.

    Ans. The Reign of Terror, led by Robespierre and the Jacobins, was a period of extreme political repression and mass executions aimed at eliminating perceived enemies of the Revolution. While it sought to protect the revolution from internal and external threats, it also led to widespread fear and arbitrary punishments. The fall of Robespierre marked the end of this radical phase and paved the way for more moderate governance.

    Q. How did the French Revolution lead to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte?

    Ans. The political instability and power vacuum following the fall of the Directory created an opportunity for Napoleon Bonaparte to rise to power. His military successes and promise of stability appealed to a war-weary and fractured nation. In 1799, Napoleon staged a coup d’état, eventually crowning himself Emperor and consolidating his control over France, ending the revolutionary period.

    Q. Discuss the legacy of the French Revolution in shaping modern political systems.

    Ans. The French Revolution’s legacy lies in its promotion of democratic ideals, the concept of national sovereignty, and the abolition of feudal privileges. It inspired future revolutions and independence movements worldwide. The principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity became foundational elements in many modern constitutions, and the Napoleonic Code influenced legal systems across Europe and beyond.

    Q. What was the impact of the French Revolution on the status of women in society?

    Ans. While women played an active role in the Revolution, their status did not significantly improve. They organized political clubs, participated in protests, and demanded equal rights, but the post-revolutionary government largely ignored their contributions. Women’s political clubs were banned, and they continued to fight for equality and suffrage in the subsequent decades.

    Q. Explain the reasons behind the financial crisis in France before the Revolution and its impact on the Third Estate.

    Ans. The financial crisis in France was caused by debt from wars, including the American War of Independence, and the lavish spending of the monarchy. The tax burden fell disproportionately on the Third Estate, which included peasants, artisans, and the bourgeoisie. This led to widespread poverty, discontent, and a demand for political and economic reforms, ultimately contributing to the Revolution.

    Q. Evaluate the success and failures of the French Revolution in achieving its goals.

    Ans. The French Revolution successfully abolished the monarchy, established a republic, and promoted ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. However, it also faced significant challenges, including internal conflicts, the Reign of Terror, and political instability. While it laid the groundwork for modern democracy, the rise of Napoleon and subsequent political changes highlighted the complexities and contradictions within the revolutionary movement.

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