BlogCBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Subject-Verb Concord

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Subject-Verb Concord

Subject Verb Concord Class 10: Subject verb concord is a key component of English grammar. Grasping the rules of subject-verb concord is vital for writing accurate sentences. It ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence are correctly aligned in number and person. To understand these rules better, along with examples, you can read further.

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    Subject-verb concord, also known as subject-verb agreement, ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence match in number and person. Learning the rules of subject-verb concord for Class 10 can significantly improve your writing and speaking skills. It makes them more precise and engaging. With the variety of verbs and their different forms in English grammar, choosing the correct one can be challenging. However, there’s no need to worry. This article provides all the information you need about subject-verb concord for Class 10. It will help you master this grammar topic and excel in your studies.

    Subject Verb Concord Class 10

    CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Subject-Verb Concord

    Understanding subject-verb concord, also known as subject-verb agreement, is essential for students in Class 10. It means the subject and verb in a sentence need to match each other. The subject and verb must match in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). Mastering this concept helps in constructing grammatically correct sentences and enhances writing skills.

    Also Check: Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet

    Subject Verb Concord Rules with Examples

    Here are the fundamental rules of subject-verb concord with examples:

    1. Singular Subjects and Singular Verbs
    A singular subject takes a singular verb.

    Example: The cat runs quickly.

    2. Plural Subjects and Plural Verbs
    A plural subject takes a plural verb.

    Example: The dogs bark loudly.

    3. Subjects Joined by ‘And’
    When subjects are connected by ‘and’, they generally require a plural verb.

    Example: John and Mary are friends.

    4. Singular Subjects Joined by ‘Or’ or ‘Nor’
    When two singular subjects are linked by ‘or’ or ‘nor’, a singular verb is used.

    Example: Neither the teacher nor the student was present.

    5. One Singular and One Plural Subject
    When a singular subject and a plural subject are connected by ‘or’ or ‘nor’, the verb should match the subject that is nearer to it.

    Example: Neither the boys nor the girl was ready.
    Example: Either the girl or the boys are coming.

    6. Indefinite Pronouns
    Certain indefinite pronouns are always singular and require a singular verb, while others are always plural and take a plural verb.

    Singular: Everyone, someone, each, either, neither, etc.
    Example: Everyone is excited.
    Plural: Few, many, several, others, etc.
    Example: Many are called.

    7. Collective Nouns
    Collective nouns, such as team, committee, and family, take a singular verb when the group acts as a single entity. They take a plural verb when individuals act separately.

    Example: The team is winning.
    Example: The team are arguing among themselves.

    8. Distances, Periods, Sums of Money
    Distances, periods, sums of money, etc., when considered as a unit, take a singular verb.

    Example: Ten miles is a long walk.

    9. Titles of Books, Movies, and Other Works
    Titles of books, movies, and other works, even if plural in form, take a singular verb.

    Example: ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ is a famous book series.

    10. Subjects with Intervening Phrases
    When phrases like ‘along with’, ‘as well as’, ‘besides’, or ‘not’ intervene between the subject and the verb, the verb agrees with the main subject.

    Example: The teacher, along with her students, was excited.

    Subject Verb Concord Class 10 Exercises

    To practice subject-verb concord, here are some exercises:

    Exercise 1: Choose the Correct Verb

    • The bouquet of roses (is/are) beautiful.
    • Each of the students (was/were) given a prize.
    • Neither the manager nor the employees (is/are) available.
    • The committee (has/have) made a decision.
    • One of the boys (is/are) missing.

    Exercise 2: Correct the Sentences

    • The dogs barks at strangers.
    • Either the teacher or the students is responsible.
    • The family are going on vacation.
    • Many of the apple is rotten.
    • The news are surprising.

    Exercise 3: Fill in the Blanks

    • The team of players _____ (win/wins) the match.
    • A number of students _____ (is/are) participating.
    • The teacher, along with her assistants, _____ (was/were) present.
    • Either the book or the pen _____ (is/are) on the table.
    • None of the children _____ (is/are) missing.

    Exercise 4: Identify the part of the sentence that contains an error related to subject-verb concord.

    1. One of the students (1)/ in the debate competition (2)/ were awarded first place. (3)/ No error (4)
    2. The captain of the team (1)/ along with his players (2)/ are ready for the match. (3)/ No error (4)
    3. Each of the participants (1)/ have to submit (2)/ their projects by tomorrow. (3)/ No error (4)
    4. Neither the teacher (1)/ nor the students (2)/ is in the classroom. (3)/ No error (4)
    5. The committee (1)/ have decided (2)/ to implement new policies. (3)/ No error (4)
    6. One of the most exciting (1)/ events in the city (2)/ are the annual carnival. (3)/ No error (4)
    7. The principal, along with the staff, (1)/ are attending (2)/ the conference. (3)/ No error (4)
    8. A number of students (1)/ is planning (2)/ a field trip next month. (3)/ No error (4)
    9. The family (1)/ are going (2)/ on a vacation to the mountains. (3)/ No error (4)
    10. The news (1)/ were broadcasted (2)/ on all major channels. (3)/ No error (4)

    Exercise 5: Multiple Choice Questions

    1. The members of the choir _____ (sing/sings) beautifully.

    a) sing
    b) sings

    2. Every student in the class _____ (has/have) a textbook.

    a) has
    b) have

    3. Either the teacher or the students _____ (is/are) responsible for the decorations.

    a) is
    b) are

    4. The jury _____ (has/have) reached a verdict.

    a) has
    b) have

    5. A few of the apples _____ (is/are) rotten.

    a) is
    b) are

    Subject Verb Concord MCQs

    1. “Neither the teacher nor the students ___ aware of the new schedule.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) has
    Answer: b) are

    2. “The list of items ___ on the table.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) has been
    Answer: a) is

    3. “None of the information ___ accurate.”

    a) seem
    b) seems
    c) seemed
    d) has seemed
    Answer: b) seems

    4. “Either the cat or the dogs ___ outside.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) was
    d) were
    Answer: b) are

    5. “The team of scientists ___ conducting groundbreaking research.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) have been
    Answer: a) is

    6. “The company and its subsidiaries ___ to follow the new regulations.”

    a) has
    b) have
    c) is
    d) was
    Answer: b) have

    7. “There ___ many animals wandering in the Zoo.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) was
    d) were
    Answer: b) are

    8. “A number of employees ___ working from home.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) was
    d) were
    Answer: b) are

    9.”Each of the cars ___ in excellent condition.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) was
    d) were
    Answer: a) is

    10. “The group of friends ___ planning a surprise party.”

    a) is
    b) are
    c) was
    d) were
    Answer: a) is

    Subject Verb Concord Class 10 FAQs

    What is Subject-Verb Concord?

    Subject-Verb Agreement, also known as subject-verb concord, is a fundamental grammatical rule that dictates how the subject and verb in a sentence must align in terms of number. Specifically, this means that both the subject and the verb must be either singular or plural to ensure correct grammatical structure. For example, a singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject needs a plural verb. This agreement is crucial for creating clear and grammatically accurate sentences.

    How do I know which verb to use with a singular subject?

    With singular subject, use Singular verb. For example, She writes every day.

    What is rule 7 of concord?

    Rule 7 states that subjects preceded by 'each' or 'every' are considered singular and take singular verbs. For example, Each student has a book.

    How does Subject-Verb Concord work with collective nouns?

    Collective nouns (like team or group) can be singular or plural depending on context. For example, The team is winning vs. The team are arguing.

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