WorksheetGetting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet with Answer and PDF

Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet with Answer and PDF

Welcome to the Getting to Know Plants Class 6 worksheet! In this fun and easy worksheet, you will learn all about plants and why they are important. You will explore different parts of plants, how they grow, and their life cycles.

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    This Getting to Know Plants Class 6 worksheet includes questions to help you understand better, and you can find Getting to Know Plants Class 6 worksheets with answers to check your work. You can also access Class 6 getting to know plants worksheets and a worksheet on getting to know plants Class 6 in PDF format. Let’s dive into the exciting world of plants together!

    Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet

    Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet helps students learn about plants. It covers parts like roots, stems, and leaves. This worksheet is part of the Class 6 science syllabus and aligns with NCERT Solutions for Class 6. Fun activities make learning about plants easy and enjoyable!

    Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet PDF

    Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet PDF helps students learn about plants in a fun way. It has activities like labeling plant parts, matching plants to their homes, and answering questions. This worksheet makes it easy and enjoyable to explore the world of plants!

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      Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet PDF

      Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet with Answers

      Question: What are the main parts of a plant?

      Ans: The main parts of a plant are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.

      Explanation: These parts perform various functions such as anchoring the plant, supporting structures, photosynthesis, reproduction, and dispersal of seeds.

      Question: What is the function of roots in a plant?

      Ans: Roots anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients.

      Explanation: Roots help in providing stability to the plant and are essential for taking up minerals and water needed for growth.

      Question: Name two types of root systems.

      Ans: Taproot system and fibrous root system.

      Explanation: The taproot system has one main root that grows deep into the soil (e.g., carrot), while the fibrous root system has many small roots spreading out (e.g., grass).

      Question: What is the role of the stem in a plant?

      Ans: The stem supports the plant, transports water and nutrients, and holds leaves and flowers.

      Explanation: Stems are crucial for the structural integrity of plants and act as conduits for water and nutrients between roots and leaves.

      Question: How do leaves help in the process of photosynthesis?

      Ans: Leaves contain chlorophyll, which traps sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

      Explanation: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their food, and leaves are the main site where this process occurs.

      Question: What is transpiration?

      Ans: Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water vapor through their leaves.

      Explanation: It helps in cooling the plant, maintaining the flow of nutrients, and ensuring water uptake from the roots.

      Question: Define venation. Name two types of venation.

      Ans: Venation refers to the arrangement of veins in a leaf. The two types are parallel venation and reticulate venation.

      Explanation: Parallel venation has veins running parallel to each other (e.g., grass), while reticulate venation has a net-like pattern of veins (e.g., maple leaf).

      Question: What are the two main types of stems?

      Ans: Herbaceous stems and woody stems.

      Explanation: Herbaceous stems are soft and green (e.g., tomato plant), whereas woody stems are hard and thick (e.g., oak tree).

      Question: What is the function of flowers in plants?

      Ans: Flowers are the reproductive part of plants that produce seeds.

      Explanation: Flowers facilitate pollination and fertilization, leading to the formation of seeds and fruits.

      Question: What is the difference between a complete and an incomplete flower? –

      Ans: A complete flower has all four main parts (sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils), while an incomplete flower lacks one or more of these parts.

      Explanation: Complete flowers can perform all reproductive functions, while incomplete flowers may need assistance for reproduction.

      Question: What are the male and female reproductive parts of a flower?

      Ans: The male reproductive part is the stamen, and the female reproductive part is the pistil.

      Explanation: The stamen produces pollen, and the pistil contains the ovary, where fertilization occurs.

      Question: What is pollination?

      Ans: Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower.

      Explanation: It can be carried out by wind, water, animals, or insects, and it is essential for fertilization.

      Question: What is the role of fruit in a plant?

      Ans: The fruit protects the seeds and helps in their dispersal.

      Explanation: Fruits attract animals that eat them and disperse the seeds, aiding in the spread of the plant species.

      Question: Describe the process of seed germination.

      Ans: Seed germination is the process by which a seed develops into a new plant.

      Explanation: It involves the seed absorbing water, the embryo growing, and the seedling emerging from the soil.

      Question: What is the significance of chlorophyll in plants?

      Ans: Chlorophyll is a pigment that helps in absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis.

      Explanation: It is vital for converting light energy into chemical energy, which the plant uses as food.

      Question: Differentiate between monocot and dicot plants.

      Ans: Monocot plants have one cotyledon, parallel venation, and fibrous roots, while dicot plants have two cotyledons, reticulate venation, and a taproot system.

      Explanation: These differences are evident in their seed structure, leaf venation, and root systems.

      Question: What is the function of sepals in a flower?

      Ans: Sepals protect the flower bud before it opens.

      Explanation: They enclose and shield the developing flower, preventing damage and desiccation.

      Question: Why are leaves called the “food factories” of plants?

      Ans: Leaves perform photosynthesis, producing food for the plant.

      Explanation: They convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen, essential for plant growth.

      Question: What is the function of the xylem in a plant?

      Ans: The xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant.

      Explanation: It consists of tubular structures that facilitate the upward movement of water and dissolved nutrients.

      Question: How do climbers and creepers differ?

      Ans: Climbers use tendrils or other structures to support themselves and grow upwards, while creepers spread horizontally along the ground.

      Explanation: Climbers like grapevines need support to grow vertically, whereas creepers like pumpkin plants grow along the soil surface.

      CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants Worksheet

      The “Getting to Know Plants” worksheet for Class 6 Science is designed according to the latest CBSE syllabus. Students can easily download it in PDF format to practice questions and answers daily. These worksheets help students understand important topics and improve their scores in exams. Infinity Learn is a great place to find free printable worksheets for Class 6 Science.

      Science Worksheet for Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants

      Teachers at Infinity Learn created this worksheet based on the NCERT Class 6 Science book. By practicing this worksheet regularly, students can strengthen their understanding of the chapter and perform better in their exams. Daily practice with these worksheets will help students master key concepts and scoring topics. You can download all revision worksheets for Class 6 Science for free from in PDF format. After completing the practice questions, refer to the NCERT solutions for additional help.

      Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants Worksheet

      All practice sheets for Class 6 Science are made according to the current syllabus and NCERT textbooks. Students can find answers provided by our teachers for all questions, allowing them to check their work. The worksheet includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering all topics in the chapter. Infinity Learn offers a complete set of study materials for Class 6 Science.

      Importance of Regular Practice

      Regular practice with printable worksheets helps students gain a better understanding of Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants. Students can download, save, or print all worksheets, assignments, and practice sheets in PDF format from Infinity Learn. They can read or print them on any device. After completing the worksheets, students should also try the Class 6 Science MCQ test for the same chapter.

      Preparing for Tests

      The problems in this worksheet are based on the best textbooks for Class 6 Science. If tests are approaching, students should review all concepts related to Chapter 7 and print the practice sheet to attempt all questions. Infinity Learn also provides many other worksheets to help students improve their Science skills.

      Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet FAQs

      What is the Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet?

      The Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet is a study resource designed for Class 6 students to help them understand different aspects of plants, including their parts, types, and functions. It includes various activities and questions to reinforce learning.

      How can I download the worksheet?

      You can easily download the worksheet in PDF format from Infinity Learn educational websites like Infinity Learn. Simply visit the site, search for the Getting to Know Plants Class 6 Worksheet, and click the download link.

      What types of questions are included in the worksheet?

      The worksheet includes a variety of questions, such as labeling diagrams of plants, matching plants to their environments, multiple-choice questions, and short answer questions to test students' understanding of the chapter.

      How can this worksheet help improve my exam scores?

      Regular practice with the worksheet helps strengthen your understanding of key concepts related to plants. By answering the questions and reviewing the material, you can boost your confidence and improve your performance in exams.

      Is there any additional study material available?

      Yes, in addition to the worksheet, you can find other study materials such as NCERT solutions, revision notes, and additional practice worksheets on platforms like Infinity Learn to further enhance your learning experience.

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