EnglishNature Poems for Kids in English

Nature Poems for Kids in English

You can enjoy poetry anywhere – just use your imagination to appreciate a poem. However, if you can read nature poems for kids while being outside, it adds a wonderful touch. This helps children link the words of the poem with the world around them and see nature differently.

If you don’t have a garden or can’t go outside, sitting by a window works too. You can also pick a poem that matches the season or weather. Reading a poem about rain on a rainy day is perfect!

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    Funny Poems for Kids

    20 Nature Poems for Kids

    1. The Sun
    The sun shines bright in the sky,
    Lighting up the world, oh so high.
    Its warmth we feel on our face,
    A golden gift, a warm embrace.

    2. The Moon
    The moon glows in the night,
    With its gentle silver light.
    It guides the way for all to see,
    A glowing orb for you and me.

    3. The Stars
    Twinkling stars in the sky,
    Little diamonds way up high.
    They sparkle and they shine so bright,
    Lighting up the dark of night.

    4. The Tree
    Tall and strong, with branches wide,
    The tree stands with so much pride.
    Leaves that whisper in the breeze,
    Home to birds and busy bees.

    Shorts Poems for Kids

    5. The River
    The river flows with gentle grace,
    Winding through the open space.
    Its waters cool and crystal clear,
    A peaceful sound we love to hear.

    6. The Rain
    Raindrops falling from the sky,
    Pitter-patter, my oh my.
    They water plants and fill the streams,
    Creating puddles for our dreams.

    7. The Wind
    The wind blows softly through the air,
    Playing with the leaves, so fair.
    It whispers secrets, low and high,
    As it rushes swiftly by.

    8. The Flower
    A flower blooms in colors bright,
    Bringing joy and pure delight.
    Petals soft and fragrance sweet,
    A nature’s gift that’s hard to beat.

    9. The Butterfly
    A butterfly flits here and there,
    With colorful wings so rare.
    It dances through the summer day,
    In a graceful, lovely display.

    Animal Poems for Kids

    10. The Bird
    A bird sings sweetly in the morn,
    Greeting the day as it is born.
    Its song is cheerful, pure, and free,
    A melody for you and me.

    11. The Mountains
    Mountains tall and covered in snow,
    Stand so firm, as the winds blow.
    They touch the sky, oh so high,
    Reaching up where eagles fly.

    12. The Ocean
    The ocean waves crash on the shore,
    A rhythmic sound forevermore.
    Its waters deep and full of life,
    A wondrous, moving, endless strife.

    13. The Meadow
    In the meadow, flowers bloom,
    Filling the air with sweet perfume.
    Grass so green and skies so blue,
    A perfect place for me and you.

    14. The Forest
    In the forest, tall trees grow,
    A world of wonders down below.
    With creatures big and small in sight,
    It’s a place of pure delight.

    15. The Desert
    The desert sands are golden bright,
    Stretching far with all their might.
    Though it seems so dry and bare,
    There’s hidden life everywhere.

    16. The Snowflake
    A snowflake falls, so soft and light,
    Each one unique, a pure delight.
    They blanket earth in white so grand,
    A winter wonder in my hand.

    17. The Rainbow
    After rain, the rainbow appears,
    Bringing smiles and happy cheers.
    Colors bright across the sky,
    A beautiful sight to every eye.

    18. The Clouds
    Clouds float gently in the sky,
    Changing shapes as they pass by.
    Puffy, white, and sometimes gray,
    They paint pictures every day.

    19. The Garden
    In the garden, veggies grow,
    Cared for with love, row by row.
    Tomatoes, carrots, peas, and more,
    Nature’s bounty at our door.

    20. The Seasons
    Spring brings flowers, summer heat,
    Autumn leaves, and snow so sweet.
    Each season has its own delight,
    A never-ending, wondrous sight.

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