GK QuestionsGK Questions on Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in India

GK Questions on Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in India

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in India is observed on August 14th every year. This day honors the memory of those who suffered and lost their lives during the Partition of India in 1947. The Partition led to the creation of two separate nations, India and Pakistan, and caused immense pain and displacement for millions of people. Families were torn apart, and many faced violence and hardship. By remembering these horrors, the day aims to acknowledge the sacrifices made and promote peace and unity. It serves as a reminder of the importance of harmony and the need to prevent such tragedies in the future.

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    GK Questions with Answers on Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in India

    Q. When is Partition Horrors Remembrance Day observed in India?
    A) August 12
    B) August 14
    C) August 15
    D) August 16
    Answer: B) August 14

    Q. What year did India and Pakistan gain independence?
    A) 1945
    B) 1946
    C) 1947
    D) 1948
    Answer: C) 1947

    Q. Who announced the Partition Plan in 1947?
    A) Lord Curzon
    B) Lord Mountbatten
    C) Mahatma Gandhi
    D) Jawaharlal Nehru
    Answer: B) Lord Mountbatten

    Q. What does Partition Horrors Remembrance Day honor?
    A) Independence of India
    B) Victims and sufferings during the Partition
    C) Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
    D) Republic Day
    Answer: B) Victims and sufferings during the Partition

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    Q. Which two countries were created from the Partition of India?
    A) India and Sri Lanka
    B) India and Nepal
    C) India and Bangladesh
    D) India and Pakistan
    Answer: D) India and Pakistan

    Q. Which leader was known for opposing the Partition of India?
    A) Sardar Patel
    B) Jawaharlal Nehru
    C) Mahatma Gandhi
    D) Subhas Chandra Bose
    Answer: C) Mahatma Gandhi

    Q. How many people were estimated to have been displaced during the Partition?
    A) 1 million
    B) 5 million
    C) 10 million
    D) 15 million
    Answer: D) 15 million

    Q. Which city was divided between India and Pakistan during Partition?
    A) Mumbai
    B) Lahore
    C) Kolkata
    D) Delhi
    Answer: B) Lahore

    Q. What major event followed the announcement of the Partition Plan?
    A) Civil War
    B) Migration and violence
    C) Economic boom
    D) World War II
    Answer: B) Migration and violence

    Q. Which community suffered heavily during the Partition?
    A) Hindus
    B) Muslims
    C) Sikhs
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above

    Q. What was the Radcliffe Line?
    A) A railway line
    B) The boundary demarcation line between India and Pakistan
    C) A trade route
    D) A mountain range
    Answer: B) The boundary demarcation line between India and Pakistan

    Q. Who was the chairman of the Boundary Commission for Partition?
    A) Cyril Radcliffe
    B) Jawaharlal Nehru
    C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    D) Lord Mountbatten
    Answer: A) Cyril Radcliffe

    Q. What was the main reason behind the Partition of India?
    A) Economic reasons
    B) Religious differences
    C) Cultural differences
    D) Geographical reasons
    Answer: B) Religious differences

    Q. How many people are estimated to have died during the Partition?
    A) 100,000
    B) 500,000
    C) 1 million
    D) 2 million
    Answer: C) 1 million

    Q. Which province was split between India and Pakistan?
    A) Bengal
    B) Punjab
    C) Gujarat
    D) Both A and B
    Answer: D) Both A and B

    Q. What was the main objective of Partition Horrors Remembrance Day?
    A) To celebrate independence
    B) To honor the sacrifices and sufferings during Partition
    C) To launch new government schemes
    D) To remember historical figures
    Answer: B) To honor the sacrifices and sufferings during Partition

    Q. Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?
    A) Jawaharlal Nehru
    B) Liaquat Ali Khan
    C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    D) Ayub Khan
    Answer: C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    Q. Which Indian leader became the first Prime Minister of India after Partition?
    A) Mahatma Gandhi
    B) Sardar Patel
    C) Jawaharlal Nehru
    D) Subhas Chandra Bose
    Answer: C) Jawaharlal Nehru

    Q. What major river was divided between India and Pakistan during Partition?
    A) Ganges
    B) Yamuna
    C) Indus
    D) Brahmaputra
    Answer: C) Indus

    Q. Which year was the Radcliffe Line published?
    A) 1945
    B) 1946
    C) 1947
    D) 1948
    Answer: C) 1947

    Q. What role did the Indian National Congress play in Partition?
    A) They opposed it
    B) They supported it
    C) They were neutral
    D) They had no role
    Answer: B) They supported it

    Q. What was the main reason for the mass migration during Partition?
    A) Economic opportunities
    B) Religious safety
    C) Political reasons
    D) Natural disasters
    Answer: B) Religious safety

    Q. Who is remembered as the ‘Father of Pakistan’?
    A) Mahatma Gandhi
    B) Jawaharlal Nehru
    C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    D) Liaquat Ali Khan
    Answer: C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    Q. What was the purpose of the Boundary Commission?
    A) To manage trade
    B) To create the borders between India and Pakistan
    C) To build roads
    D) To promote peace
    Answer: B) To create the borders between India and Pakistan

    Q. Which city became the capital of Pakistan after Partition?
    A) Lahore
    B) Karachi
    C) Islamabad
    D) Peshawar
    Answer: B) Karachi

    Q. Which leader is known for the quote, “Partition is a great tragedy”?
    A) Mahatma Gandhi
    B) Jawaharlal Nehru
    C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    D) Sardar Patel
    Answer: A) Mahatma Gandhi

    Q. What was the impact of Partition on women?
    A) Many faced violence and abductions
    B) They gained new rights
    C) They moved to rural areas
    D) No significant impact
    Answer: A) Many faced violence and abductions

    Q. Which state in India was most affected by the Partition?
    A) Gujarat
    B) Punjab
    C) Kerala
    D) Tamil Nadu
    Answer: B) Punjab

    Q. Who wrote the book “Train to Pakistan” about the Partition?
    A) R.K. Narayan
    B) Khushwant Singh
    C) Salman Rushdie
    D) Arundhati Roy
    Answer: B) Khushwant Singh

    Q. What was the role of the British in the Partition of India?
    A) They were mediators
    B) They enforced it
    C) They opposed it
    D) They were neutral
    Answer: B) They enforced it

    Q. How did Partition affect the economy of India and Pakistan?
    A) Boosted economy
    B) Led to economic downturn
    C) No impact
    D) Improved trade
    Answer: B) Led to economic downturn

    Q. What does the term ‘Partition refugees’ refer to?
    A) People moving for jobs
    B) People displaced due to Partition
    C) Tourists
    D) Traders
    Answer: B) People displaced due to Partition

    Q. What type of government was established in Pakistan after Partition?
    A) Democratic Republic
    B) Monarchy
    C) Military Rule
    D) Theocratic State
    Answer: D) Theocratic State

    Q. Which year was the first Partition Horrors Remembrance Day observed?
    A) 2020
    B) 2021
    C) 2022
    D) 2023
    Answer: B) 2021

    Q. What was the key focus of Partition Horrors Remembrance Day?
    A) Economic development
    B) Industrial growth
    C) Remembering the human cost of Partition
    D) Technological advancements
    Answer: C) Remembering the human cost of Partition

    Q. What was one of the long-term effects of the Partition on India and Pakistan?
    A) Improved relations
    B) Continued conflicts
    C) Economic boom
    D) Population decline
    Answer: B) Continued conflicts

    Q. Which literary work depicts the trauma of Partition?
    A) “A Passage to India”
    B) “Midnight’s Children”
    C) “The Guide”
    D) “Train to Pakistan”
    Answer: D) “Train to Pakistan”

    Q. What was the main reason for violence during Partition?
    A) Political rivalry
    B) Religious differences
    C) Economic issues
    D) Cultural differences
    Answer: B) Religious differences

    Q. What was the name of the movement that led to the creation of Pakistan?
    A) Quit India Movement
    B) Khilafat Movement
    C) Pakistan Movement
    D) Swaraj Movement
    Answer: C) Pakistan Movement

    Q. What does ‘Horrors of Partition’ mainly refer to?
    A) Economic losses
    B) Human suffering and violence
    C) Political changes
    D) Cultural shifts
    Answer: B) Human suffering and violence

    Q. Who were the main leaders involved in the Partition negotiations?
    A) Gandhi and Bose
    B) Nehru and Jinnah
    C) Patel and Azad
    D) Mountbatten and Churchill
    Answer: B) Nehru and Jinnah

    Q. What was one major impact of the Partition on the Indian subcontinent?
    A) Creation of new states
    B) Population exchange
    C) Industrial growth
    D) Agricultural boom
    Answer: B) Population exchange

    Q. What was the role of the Indian army during Partition?
    A) Maintaining peace
    B) Fighting in World War II
    C) Demarcating boundaries
    D) No role
    Answer: A) Maintaining peace

    Q. How is Partition Horrors Remembrance Day marked in India?
    A) Celebrations
    B) Solemn remembrance and memorials
    C) Fireworks
    D) Parades
    Answer: B) Solemn remembrance and memorials

    Q. What is one way people honor those affected by the Partition on this day?
    A) By fasting
    B) By lighting candles
    C) By organizing feasts
    D) By visiting places of historical importance
    Answer: B) By lighting candles

    Q. Which historical document announced the Partition of India?
    A) Cabinet Mission Plan
    B) Mountbatten Plan
    C) Indian Independence Act
    D) Government of India Act
    Answer: B) Mountbatten Plan

    Q. Who was the Governor-General of India during Partition?
    A) Lord Wavell
    B) Lord Mountbatten
    C) Lord Linlithgow
    D) Lord Irwin
    Answer: B) Lord Mountbatten

    Q. What symbol is often used to represent Partition Horrors Remembrance Day?
    A) A dove
    B) A candle
    C) A broken chain
    D) A book
    Answer: B) A candle

    Q. Which Indian leader declared Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in 2021?
    A) Narendra Modi
    B) Manmohan Singh
    C) Rahul Gandhi
    D) Sonia Gandhi
    Answer: A) Narendra Modi

    Q. What is the primary aim of observing Partition Horrors Remembrance Day?
    A) To celebrate independence
    B) To acknowledge and remember the pain and suffering of Partition
    C) To promote economic policies
    D) To honor historical leaders
    Answer: B) To acknowledge and remember the pain and suffering of Partition

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