EnglishWords that start with sm

Words that start with sm

Words that start with sm: Words are the building blocks of communication, and exploring them can be a fascinating journey. Today, we’ll dive into a unique set of words that start with “sm”. From the everyday to the extraordinary, these words add color and depth to our language. Let’s explore them in detail.

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    Words that start with sm

    Words that start with sm

    1. Smell
    Definition: The sensation of detecting odors through the nose.

    Usage: The word “smell” is versatile, used both as a noun and a verb. It refers to the sense of odor or the act of perceiving it. For example, “The smell of freshly baked bread filled the house” or “She could smell the flowers from a distance.”

    2. Smite
    Definition: To strike with a heavy blow or to inflict damage.

    Usage: “Smite” is often used in a dramatic or historical context. In literature, you might read, “The knight vowed to smite his enemies.” It has roots in Old English and can evoke a sense of power or divine retribution.

    3. Smirk
    Definition: A smile that is insincere or self-satisfied.

    Usage: “Smirk” refers to a particular type of smile that suggests smugness or a hidden agenda. For instance, “He couldn’t hide his smirk after winning the argument.”

    4. Smuggle
    Definition: To move goods secretly and illegally.

    Usage: “Smuggle” is used when referring to the illegal transport of items, often across borders. An example sentence could be, “They were caught trying to smuggle goods into the country.”

    5. Smudge
    Definition: A smear or a mark made by smearing.

    Usage: “Smudge” can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a dirty mark or streak. As a verb, it means to make such a mark. For example, “There was a smudge on the paper where I accidentally touched it.”

    6. Smother
    Definition: To suffocate or to cover thickly.

    Usage: “Smother” can mean to deprive someone of air or to cover something completely. For instance, “She smothered the cake with a generous layer of frosting.” or “The smoke began to smother the room.”

    Below is a table with 15 unique words starting with “sm”, their definitions, and example sentences. Following that, I have created a set of multiple-choice questions for practice.

    Also Check: Words that Start with A

    Words that start with sm (4 Letter words to 13 Letter words)

    Length Words
    4 Letter Words that start with sm Smog, Smit, Smir, Smut, Smel, Smil, Smol, Smol, Smic, Smay
    5 Letter Words that start with sm Smirk, Smell, Smote, Smush, Smite, Smarm, Smack, Smoth, Smify, Smose
    6 Letter Words that start with sm Smudge, Smugly, Smelly, Smelts, Smiled, Smiles, Smilax, Smirks, Smould, Smoked
    7 Letter Words that start with sm Smolder, Smearing, Smirker, Smugger, Smushed, Smacked, Smudges, Smittens, Smelted, Smirking
    8 Letter Words that start with sm Smuggling, Smattering, Smoldered, Smellier, Smoulders, Smuggling, Smudging, Smoothed, Smellings, Smokesack
    9 Letter Words that start with sm Smartened, Smoldering, Smokescreen, Smothered, Smirkings, Smattering, Smudgiest, Smuggling, Smilaxing, Smarminess
    10 Letter Words that start with sm Smokescreen, Smolderings, Smotherings, Smorgasbord, Smartnesses, Smugglingly, Smudgeproof, Smallholder
    11 Letter Words that start with sm Smolderingly, Smotheringly, Smokescreened, Smoothening, Smudgeproofed, Smilinglyness, Smarmingly, Smatteringness, Smirkinglyness, Smuggleproof
    12 Letter Words that start with sm Smorgasborders, Smoulderingness, Smudgeproofed, smallclothes, Smatteringness, Smokescreened, Smotheringness, Smuttinesses, Smoothnesses
    13 Letter Words that start with sm Smorgasbordings, Smokescreenedness, Smallholdings

    Also Check: Words that start with Y

    Positive words that start with sm

    Here are some positive words that start with “sm,”.

    • Smile: A simple yet powerful expression of happiness and friendliness that brightens any interaction.
    • Smiling: The act of showing joy or contentment through a facial expression, fostering a warm atmosphere.
    • Smirk: A confident and often endearing smile that suggests self-assurance and satisfaction.
    • Smiley: An informal term used to describe someone who is consistently cheerful and pleasant.
    • Smilingly: Doing something with a smile, which often enhances the positive impact of the action.
    • Smugness: A state of self-satisfaction that can indicate a healthy level of confidence and achievement.
    • Smattering: Although typically meaning a small amount, in a positive light, it can suggest a delightful touch or hint of something.
    • Smugly: Displaying self-assuredness or contentment in a manner that can be perceived positively, especially when confidence is well-earned.

    MCQ Based Questions on Words that start with sm

    Question 1: Which of the following words means “to damage or stain something” and starts with “sm”?

    a) Smuggle
    b) Smudge
    c) Smirk
    d) Smuggle

    Answer: b) Smudge

    Question 2: Which word describes a faint, thin mist or fog and begins with “sm”?

    a) Smirk
    b) Smog
    c) Smell
    d) Smite

    Answer: b) Smog

    Question 3: What term refers to a feeling of being smug or overly self-satisfied, starting with “sm”?

    a) Smolder
    b) Smugly
    c) Smellier
    d) Smugness

    Answer: d) Smugness

    Question 4: Which word starting with “sm” means “a person who has been smitten or struck”?

    a) Smirker
    b) Smite
    c) Smudged
    d) Smote

    Answer: b) Smite

    Question 5: Select the term that means “to spread or diffuse slowly,” starting with “sm”:

    a) Smiling
    b) Smelt
    c) Smearing
    d) Smuggle

    Answer: c) Smearing

    Question 6: Which of these words means “an act of trying to deceive or mislead” and starts with “sm”?

    a) Smother
    b) Smear
    c) Smudge
    d) Smirk

    Answer: b) Smear

    Question 7: Which word refers to “a small, often deceptive act of flattery,” beginning with “sm”?

    a) Smear
    b) Smarm
    c) Smuggle
    d) Smoked

    Answer: b) Smarm

    Question 8: What is the term for “a slight or suppressed smile” starting with “sm”?

    a) Smirk
    b) Smudge
    c) Smuggle
    d) Smote

    Answer: a) Smirk

    Question 9: Which word describes the action of “hiding something illicit” and begins with “sm”?

    a) Smear
    b) Smuggle
    c) Smell
    d) Smelt

    Answer: b) Smuggle

    Question 10: Which of the following words means “a sudden, intense heat or burning” and starts with “sm”?

    a) Smolder
    b) Smugly
    c) Smelt
    d) Smirking

    Answer: a) Smolder

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