EnglishWords That Start with H

Words That Start with H

The letter ‘H’ is a consonant that can appear at the start, middle, or end of words. Sometimes, ‘H’ is silent when it starts a word. Here are some examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, common words, and words where the ‘H’ is silent.

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    Words That Start with G

    Words That Start with H

    Words that start with E

    30 Verbs That Start with H

    • Hasten – To make something happen sooner.
    • Hate – To feel intense dislike or anger towards something.
    • Hatch – To emerge from an egg or to devise a plan.
    • Huddle – To gather closely together.
    • Heave – To lift or throw something heavy with effort.
    • Heal – To make healthy or restore to health.
    • Hunt – To search for and try to capture or kill animals.
    • Help – To assist or make things easier for someone.
    • Hover – To remain in one place in the air.
    • Hug – To hold someone tightly in your arms as a sign of affection.
    • Hesitate – To pause before doing something, often due to uncertainty.
    • Hail – To greet or acclaim enthusiastically.
    • Harp – To speak or write persistently about a particular subject.
    • Harness – To control and make use of something, usually for a purpose.
    • Hitch – To attach or fasten something.
    • Harm – To cause physical or mental damage to someone.
    • Hurry – To move or act with speed.
    • Hunt – To pursue and capture animals for food or sport.
    • Hum – To make a low, continuous sound or melody.
    • Halt – To stop moving or doing something.
    • Humble – To lower in dignity or importance.
    • Host – To entertain guests or provide a venue for an event.
    • Huddle – To gather closely together, usually to keep warm or for consultation.
    • Heal – To restore to health or return to normal.
    • Head – To lead or direct towards a place.
    • Hammer – To hit something repeatedly with a hammer or to press or force something into place.
    • Harvest – To collect crops or gather produce from the fields.
    • Hitch – To fasten or attach, often to a vehicle.
    • Haunt – To appear frequently in a place or to persistently trouble someone.
    • Hatch – To develop or come up with a plan or idea

    Also Check: Words that start with B

    30 Nouns That Start with H

    • Habit – A regular practice or routine.
    • Hair – The strands growing from the skin on the head.
    • Hall – A large room or building for meetings or events.
    • Ham – A type of cured meat from the leg of a pig.
    • Hand – The part of the body at the end of the arm used for grasping.
    • Hat – A head covering often worn for fashion or protection.
    • House – A building where people live.
    • Hammer – A tool used for driving nails into or pulling them out of wood.
    • Heart – The organ that pumps blood through the body.
    • Hill – A raised area of land, smaller than a mountain.
    • Hospital – A place where sick or injured people receive medical care.
    • Hero – A person admired for their courage or noble qualities.
    • Holiday – A day of celebration or relaxation away from work or school.
    • Horn – A hard, pointed part found on animals like cows or used to make sound in vehicles.
    • Hut – A small, simple shelter or house.
    • Helicopter – A type of aircraft that flies by using rotating blades.
    • Hose – A flexible tube used to convey water or other liquids.
    • Heroine – The female protagonist in a story or someone admired for their bravery.
    • Hedge – A fence made of closely planted shrubs or low trees.
    • Harmony – A pleasing combination of elements, such as musical notes or colors.
    • Husband – A man who is married to a woman.
    • Hospitality – The friendly and generous reception of guests.
    • Handkerchief – A piece of cloth used for wiping the face or hands.
    • Height – The measurement from base to top.
    • Honey – A sweet substance produced by bees.
    • Hydrant – A fixture used by firefighters to access water.
    • Horizon – The line where the earth meets the sky.
    • Hobby – An activity done for pleasure in one’s free time.
    • Habitats – The natural environments where plants and animals live.
    • Hypothesis – An educated guess or explanation that can be tested.

    30 Adjectives That Start with H

    • Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
    • Humble – Having a low estimate of one’s importance.
    • Healthy – In good health; not sick or injured.
    • Honest – Truthful and sincere; free from deceit.
    • Hardworking – Putting in a lot of effort and diligence.
    • Hopeful – Feeling or inspiring optimism about the future.
    • Handsome – Attractive in appearance, typically used for men.
    • Hasty – Done with excessive speed or urgency.
    • Horrible – Causing horror or disgust; very unpleasant.
    • Helpful – Providing assistance or support.
    • Harsh – Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.
    • Historical – Relating to history or past events.
    • Harmonious – Forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
    • Heroic – Having qualities of a hero; brave and noble.
    • Hungry – Feeling or displaying a strong desire for food.
    • Hilarious – Extremely funny; causing great laughter.
    • Hearty – Showing warmth and friendliness; substantial.
    • Heedful – Paying careful attention to something.
    • Hazy – Covered by or full of haze; unclear.
    • Humid – Having a high level of moisture in the air.
    • Hospitable – Friendly and welcoming to strangers or guests.
    • Hot – Having a high temperature; also used to describe spicy food.
    • Hesitant – Uncertain or slow in acting or speaking.
    • Hushed – Quieted or subdued; soft.
    • Hollow – Having a space or cavity inside; empty.
    • Habitual – Done regularly or repeatedly; customary.
    • Heroic – Displaying courage or bravery.
    • Harmonious – Balanced and pleasing in arrangement.
    • Hidden – Not visible or apparent; concealed.
    • Hazardous – Risky or dangerous; involving potential harm.

    30 Words That Start with a Silent H

    • Hour – The unit of time.
    • Honest – Truthful and sincere.
    • Honor – Respect or high regard.
    • Husband – A married man.
    • Herb – A plant used for flavoring or medicine.
    • Heir – A person who inherits property.
    • Home – The place where one lives.
    • Humor – The quality of being funny.
    • Hymn – A song of praise or worship.
    • Hatch – To emerge from an egg.
    • Hypothesis – An educated guess or theory.
    • Humble – Modest and unpretentious.
    • Horde – A large group or crowd.
    • Hymnal – A book of hymns.
    • Haven – A safe place or refuge.
    • Hunger – The feeling of needing food.
    • Hallowed – Made holy or sacred.
    • Hurdle – An obstacle to overcome.
    • Hesitate – To pause before taking action.
    • Horizon – The line where the earth and sky meet.
    • Habit – A regular practice or routine.
    • Hollow – Having an empty space inside.
    • Helicopter – A type of aircraft with rotating blades.
    • Hurdle – A frame used in racing or an obstacle.
    • Haphazard – Lacking organization or planning.
    • Hollow – Empty space inside.
    • Hymn – A song of praise.
    • Hiss – A sound made by steam or snakes.
    • Hitch – To fasten or attach.
    • Haste – Speed or urgency in doing something.

    50 Words That Start with H for Everyday Use

    Word Meaning
    Habit A regular practice or routine
    Happy Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
    Helpful Providing assistance or support
    Honor High respect or esteem
    Hope A feeling of expectation or desire for a certain thing
    House A building for human habitation
    Humble Having or showing a modest opinion of one’s importance
    Hasty Done quickly with little thought
    Hero A person admired for their courage or noble qualities
    Heart The organ that pumps blood or the center of emotions
    Height The measurement from base to top
    History The study of past events
    Huge Extremely large
    Hurry To move or act with speed
    Honorary Given as an honor without the usual requirements
    Humidity The amount of moisture in the air
    Host A person who receives or entertains guests
    Honest Truthful and sincere
    Hike A long walk or trek, usually in nature
    Hospital A place for medical care
    Happen To occur or take place
    Heat The quality of being hot
    Habitual Done regularly or usually
    Hologram A three-dimensional image created with light
    Hedge A fence or boundary formed by shrubs or low trees
    Hurdle An obstacle or difficulty to overcome
    Heroic Displaying bravery or courage
    Helicopter A type of aircraft with rotating blades for lift
    Hygiene Practices related to cleanliness and health
    Hardware The physical components of a computer
    Hill A raised area of land
    Harvest To gather crops or resources
    High Of great vertical extent or position
    Hiss A sharp sibilant sound
    Hoist To lift or raise something
    Huddle To gather closely in a group
    Headphones Devices worn on or over the ears to listen to audio
    Holiday A day of celebration or rest
    Homely Simple and comfortable; not fancy
    Hurdle A barrier or obstacle to overcome
    Hilarious Extremely funny
    Heroine The female hero of a story or play
    Heatwave A prolonged period of excessively hot weather
    Handsome Attractive or good-looking (usually for men)
    Hearty Enthusiastic and full of energy
    Hurdle An obstacle in a race or challenge
    Hefty Large and heavy
    Habitual Done regularly or repeatedly

    Words That Start with G FAQs

    What words start with a letter H?

    Words that start with H include house, hat, and happy.

    What is a nice word starting with H?

    A nice word starting with H is 'hope.'

    What are 5 words that start with H?

    Five words that start with H are hat, house, horse, honey, and happy.

    What is a 7-letter word with H?

    A 7-letter word with H is 'harmony.'

    What starts with the letter H for kids?

    For kids, words that start with H include 'hero,' 'honey,' and 'hula.'

    What are 10 easy words from H?

    Ten easy words from H are hat, hot, hop, hill, home, hand, happy, hug, and help.

    What words end in H for kids?

    Words ending in H for kids include 'fish,' 'bath,' and 'brush.'

    Is the letter H used in French?

    Yes, the letter H is used in French, such as in the word 'hôtel.'

    What words start with H?

    Words that start with H include hat, house, and heart.

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