Free Online QuizzesQuiz 1 – Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules

Quiz 1 – Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules

Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules Quiz 1

Welcome to the first quiz on Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules. This quiz 1 on Atoms and Molecules is designed to help you strengthen your understanding of key concepts like the structure of atoms, the formation of molecules, and how chemical compounds are created. Class 9 Chemistry chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules Quiz is essential in reinforcing your learning, as they help you identify areas of strength and where more focus is needed.

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    Class 9 Chemistry Quiz on Atoms will test your knowledge of atomic structure, molecules, and compounds, making sure you have a firm grasp of the material covered in this chapter. Through multiple-choice quiz on atoms and molecules, you can prepare better for exams and build a solid foundation in understanding chemical elements and their interactions.

    Use this Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules quiz 1 to check your progress and continue improving your skills. It’s a great way to enhance your preparation and feel confident about mastering Atoms and Molecules in Chapter 3.

    Class 9 Atoms and Molecules Quiz 1 Rules

    • Time Limit: You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz, so be sure to manage your time carefully.
    • Multiple Choices: Each question offers several options. Choose the one that seems most correct based on your understanding.
    • Single Correct Answer: Every question has only one correct answer. Select the best option based on your knowledge of the chapter.
    • No Negative Marking: There is no penalty for wrong answers. Feel free to take a guess if you’re unsure!

    Class 9 Atoms and Molecules Quiz 1 Structure

    • Total Questions: 10
    • Topics Covered: This quiz focuses on the essential concepts from Chapter 2, “Is Matter Around Us Pure.” It covers topics such as the classification of matter, distinguishing between pure substances and mixtures, and different methods of separating mixtures.

    Good luck! Use your knowledge to answer confidently and solidify your understanding of the chapter.

    Class 9 Chemistry Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules Quiz Questions

    class 9 cbse foundation course

    The Class 9 CBSE Foundation Course is designed to be the most competitive educational program in India, providing an exceptional online learning experience. Our focused batch encompasses all crucial subjects, ensuring comprehensive preparation for students.

    Question 1: The smallest unit of an element is

    a) Atom
    b) Molecule
    c) Electron
    d) All


    The correct answer is a) Atom.

    An atom is the smallest unit of an element. A sample of an element contains only one kind of atom, and atoms remain unaffected by physical changes in the element.

    Question 2: The number of atoms present in one molecule of an element is called as

    a) Mole
    b) Valency
    c) Atomicity
    d) Isotope


    The correct answer is c) Atomicity.

    Atomicity refers to the number of atoms present in a single molecule of an element.

    Question 3: The smallest particle of matter is called a/an _______.

    a) Atom
    b) Molecule
    c) Element
    d) Compound


    The correct answer is a) Atom.

    The atom is the smallest building block of matter. Molecules consist of two or more atoms chemically combined, elements contain only one type of atom, and compounds are different elements combined in specific ratios.

    Question 4: ‘Amu’ is the unit for _______.

    a) Volume
    b) Mass
    c) Energy
    d) Speed


    The correct answer is b) Mass.

    ‘Amu’ stands for Atomic Mass Unit, which is used to express atomic and molecular mass.

    Question 5: What is the atomicity of argon?

    a) Monoatomic
    b) Diatomic
    c) Triatomic
    d) Polyatomic


    The correct answer is a) Monoatomic.

    Argon is a noble gas and is monoatomic, meaning it exists as single atoms.

    Question 6: Which molecule exists with only one atom of that element?

    a) Metals
    b) Non-metals
    c) Metalloids
    d) Noble gases


    The correct answer is d) Noble gases.

    Noble gases form monoatomic molecules, which means they consist of only one atom, as seen in elements like argon.

    Question 7: Which of the following is not a diatomic molecule?

    a) Oxygen
    b) Nitrogen
    c) Phosphorus
    d) Iodine


    The correct answer is c) Phosphorus.

    Phosphorus exists as a tetra-atomic molecule (P₄), while oxygen (O₂), nitrogen (N₂), and iodine (I₂) exist as diatomic molecules.

    Question 8: A charge carried by anions is

    a) Negative
    b) Positive
    c) Positive or negative
    d) None of these


    The correct answer is a) Negative.

    Anions are negatively charged ions, having more electrons than protons.

    Question 9: A positively charged ion is called

    a) Cation
    b) Anion
    c) Atom
    d) Neutron


    The correct answer is a) Cation.

    Cations are positively charged ions that form when metals lose electrons.

    Question 10: The atoms of which of the following pair of elements are most likely to exist in a free state?

    a) Hydrogen and Helium
    b) Argon and Carbon
    c) Neon and Nitrogen
    d) Helium and Neon


    The correct answer is d) Helium and Neon.

    Helium (He) and Neon (Ne) are noble gases, which means they are most likely to exist in a free state due to their inertness.

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