NEET ExamNEET MCQMolecular Basis of Inheritance MCQ for NEET

Molecular Basis of Inheritance MCQ for NEET

Molecular Basis of Inheritance MCQ Questions

Preparing for NEET? The molecular basis of inheritance is an important topic that often features in the exam. Practicing MCQs on this topic can help strengthen your understanding. Here, you can find a collection of molecular basis of inheritance MCQs for NEET, along with answers. These molecular basis of inheritance MCQ pdf for NEET are designed to test your knowledge and give you a clear idea of the type of questions asked in the exam. For more convenience, you can also download a molecular basis of inheritance MCQ with answers PDF for further practice.

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    Overview of Molecular Basis of Inheritance

    The Molecular Basis of Inheritance refers to the mechanisms by which genetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next, primarily involving DNA, RNA, and the genetic code.

    Key Components

    • DNA Structure: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double helix composed of two strands of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar, and one of four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G). The strands are antiparallel and held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary bases (A pairs with T, and G pairs with C) .
    • RNA Function: RNA (ribonucleic acid) plays a crucial role in translating the genetic information stored in DNA into proteins. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized from DNA during transcription and carries the genetic code to ribosomes for protein synthesis .

    Central Dogma of Molecular BiologyThe Central Dogma, proposed by Francis Crick, outlines the flow of genetic information as follows:

    1. DNA Replication: The process by which DNA makes a copy of itself.
    2. Transcription: The synthesis of mRNA from a DNA template.
    3. Translation: The decoding of mRNA into a polypeptide chain, forming proteins .

    Genetic Information Transmission

    • Genes: Genes are segments of DNA that serve as templates for RNA and subsequently for proteins. They are the fundamental units of heredity and are located on chromosomes .
    • Chromosomes: In eukaryotes, DNA is packaged into structures called chromosomes, which also contain proteins that help regulate gene expression .

    Molecular Basis of Inheritance MCQ with Answers

    Here are the most important molecular basis of inheritance MCQ for NEET with answers to prepare for the upcoming NEET exam.

    1. The nucleic acid synthesis takes place in:

    • a) 3’-5’ direction
    • b) 5’-3’ direction
    • c) Both ways
    • d) Any direction

    Answer: b) 5’-3’ direction
    Nucleic acid synthesis occurs in the 5′-3′ direction, as new nucleotides are added to the 3′ end of the growing strand.

    2. What is the nature of the strands of the DNA duplex?

    • a) Anti-parallel and complementary
    • b) Identical and complementary
    • c) Anti-parallel and non-complementary
    • d) Dissimilar and non-complementary

    Answer: a) Anti-parallel and complementary
    DNA strands run in opposite directions (anti-parallel) and pair with complementary bases.

    3. Hershey and Chase’s experiment was based on the principle:

    • a) Transformation
    • b) Translation
    • c) Transduction
    • d) Transcription

    Answer: c) Transduction
    Hershey and Chase used transduction to show that DNA is the genetic material in bacteriophages.

    4. AUG stands for:

    • a) Alanine
    • b) Methionine
    • c) N-formyl methionine
    • d) Glycine

    Answer: b) Methionine
    AUG is the start codon and codes for methionine in eukaryotes.

    5. The reason behind the anti-parallel strand of DNA is:

    • a) Hydrogen bond
    • b) Ionic bond
    • c) Phosphodiester bond
    • d) Disulphide bond

    Answer: c) Phosphodiester bond
    Phosphodiester bonds link nucleotides and determine the direction of the DNA strands.

    6. In a transcription unit, the promoter is located towards:

    • a) 5’end of the structural gene
    • b) 3’end of the structural gene
    • c) 5’end of the template strand
    • d) 3’end of the coding strand

    Answer: a) 5’end of the structural gene
    The promoter is found upstream, near the 5′ end of the structural gene, and initiates transcription.

    7. The primer in DNA replication is:

    • a) Small ribonucleotide polymer
    • b) Helix destabilizing protein
    • c) Small deoxyribonucleotide polymer
    • d) Enzyme joining nucleotides of new strands

    Answer: a) Small ribonucleotide polymer
    Primers are short RNA sequences that start DNA synthesis during replication.

    8. Genetic information is transferred from nucleus to cytoplasm through:

    • a) RNA
    • b) Anticodon
    • c) DNA
    • d) Lysosomes

    Answer: a) RNA
    mRNA carries genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm for protein synthesis.

    9. The enzyme involved in transcription:

    • a) DNA Polymerase I
    • b) DNA Polymerase III
    • c) RNA Polymerase
    • d) DNA Polymerase II

    Answer: c) RNA Polymerase
    RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA from a DNA template during transcription.

    10. Non-sense codons participate in:

    • a) Releasing t-RNA from polynucleotide chain
    • b) Formation of unspecified amino acids
    • c) Terminating message of gene-controlled protein synthesis
    • d) Conversion of sense DNA into non-sense DNA

    Answer: c) Terminating message of gene-controlled protein synthesis
    Nonsense codons act as stop signals during translation, terminating protein synthesis.

    11. The proofreading enzyme in DNA replication is:

    • a) Primase
    • b) DNA Polymerase I
    • c) Ligase
    • d) DNA Polymerase II

    Answer: b) DNA Polymerase I
    DNA Polymerase I removes RNA primers and corrects errors in the newly synthesized DNA.

    12. Select a ribozyme:

    • a) Peptidyl transferase
    • b) Helicase
    • c) Ribonuclease-P
    • d) Both (a) and (c)

    Answer: d) Both (a) and (c)
    Ribozymes are RNA molecules with enzymatic activity, such as peptidyl transferase and ribonuclease-P.

    13. Which step does not occur in translation?

    • a) Replication
    • b) Termination
    • c) Elongation
    • d) Initiation

    Answer: a) Replication
    Replication is the process of copying DNA, not a part of translation, which involves protein synthesis.

    14. Select the incorrectly matched pairs:

    • a) Purines – Nitrogenous bases cytosine, thymine, and uracil
    • b) Recombinant DNA – DNA formed by joining the DNA segments from two different sources
    • c) rRNA – RNA found in ribosomes
    • d) ATP – The energy-carrying compound in the cell

    Answer: a) Purines – Nitrogenous bases cytosine, thymine, and uracil
    Purines include adenine and guanine, while cytosine, thymine, and uracil are pyrimidines.

    15. The energy source for the elongation process is:

    • a) Creatine-PO4
    • b) GTP
    • c) ATP
    • d) All of the above

    Answer: b) GTP
    GTP provides energy for elongation during translation.

    16. The anticodon of initiation codon for protein synthesis is:

    • a) UUU
    • b) AUG
    • c) UAC
    • d) CAU

    Answer: c) UAC
    The anticodon UAC pairs with the AUG start codon during protein synthesis.

    17. In lac-operon, which protein is not regulated by the repressor?

    • a) Galactosidase
    • b) Lactose Permease
    • c) Tryptophan
    • d) Transacetylase

    Answer: c) Tryptophan
    Tryptophan is not regulated by the lac operon, as it is part of a different operon system.

    18. Which enzyme is not produced during lactose catabolism by E. coli?

    • a) 𝜷-galactosidase
    • b) Lactose Permease
    • c) Thiogalactoside transacetylase
    • d) Lactose dehydrogenase

    Answer: d) Lactose dehydrogenase
    Lactose dehydrogenase is not involved in lactose catabolism in E. coli.

    19. The eukaryotic replication of DNA is:

    • a) Bidirectional with many origins
    • b) Unidirectional with many origins
    • c) Bidirectional with a single origin
    • d) Unidirectional with a single origin

    Answer: a) Bidirectional with many origins
    Eukaryotic DNA replication is bidirectional and starts at multiple origins of replication.

    20. The amino acid coded by 3 codons is:

    • a) Proline
    • b) Isoleucine
    • c) Tryptophan
    • d) Serine

    Answer: b) Isoleucine
    Isoleucine is coded by three codons, while some amino acids are coded by more or fewer codons.

    21. Among the following, which one is the start codon?

    • a) AUG
    • b) UAA
    • c) UAG
    • d) UGA

    Answer: Option (1) is correct.
    Explanation: AUG is the start codon that signals the beginning of protein synthesis.

    22 When holoenzyme RNA polymerase attaches to a DNA sequence during transcription, the DNA takes on a saddle-like shape. What is this pattern known as?

    • a) AAAT
    • b)TATA
    • c)GGTT
    • d)CAAT

    Answer: Option (2) is correct.
    Explanation: The TATA box is a crucial DNA sequence for initiating transcription.

    23. What is the name of the procedure when polypeptides are converted into amino acids?

    • a) Reverse transcription
    • b) Reverse translation
    • c) Transcription
    • d) Translation

    Answer: Option (4) is correct.
    Explanation: Translation is the process where mRNA is decoded to form a polypeptide chain, resulting in proteins.

    24. What is the name of the procedure whereby amino acids are activated in the presence of ATP and linked to their corresponding tRNAs?

    • a) Charging-up of tRNA
    • b) Charging-up of ATP
    • c) TRNA amino acetylation
    • d) ATP amino acetylation

    Answer: Option (1) is correct.
    Explanation: Charging-up of tRNA refers to the attachment of amino acids to their corresponding tRNA molecules.

    25. The synthesis of proteins is carried out by which of the following cellular organelles?

    • a) Lysosomes
    • b) Mitochondria
    • c) Nucleus
    • d) Ribosomes

    Answer: Option (4) is correct.
    Explanation: Ribosomes are the cellular structures responsible for synthesizing proteins.

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