BiologyCrop Production – Crop Harvesting, Crop Storage and FAQ

Crop Production – Crop Harvesting, Crop Storage and FAQ

Introduction of Crop Production

Crop production is the process of growing plants for food, fuel, fiber, or other uses. Agriculture is the practice of farming, the cultivation of land and the raising of crops and livestock.

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    Crop Production - Crop Harvesting, Crop Storage and FAQ

    What is Crop Production?

    Crop production is a process of growing crops for food, fuel, or fiber. Crops can be grown on a small scale, such as in a garden or on a farm, or on a larger scale, such as in a field. Crops can also be grown in greenhouses or indoors.

    What is Crop Harvesting?

    Crop harvesting is the process of gathering crops from the field. The crops are usually gathered in an agricultural machine, such as a combine harvester, which cuts and threshes the grain and collects the crop.

    Test Your Knowledge: Complete the Sentences:

    The digestive system is a

    A. system that helps the body digest food.

    B. organ that helps the body digest food.

    C. organ that helps the body get rid of waste.

    The digestive system is a system that helps the body digest food.

    What is Crop Storage?

    Crop storage is the process of storing harvested crops for future use. This can be done in a variety of ways, including in silos, barns, or storage tanks. The crops can be stored whole or processed into other products, such as flour or oil.

    Yields and Their Types

    There are three main types of yields: income, capital gains, and reinvestment.

    Income yield is the amount of money a company pays out to shareholders in the form of dividends. This is usually expressed as a percentage of the share price.

    Capital gains yield is the amount of money a company earns from selling its shares at a higher price than they were bought. This is usually expressed as a percentage of the share price.

    Reinvestment yield is the amount of money a company earns from reinvesting its profits. This is usually expressed as a percentage of the share price.

    Contemporary Farming Methods

    Contemporary farming methods vary depending on the type of farm, but often include crop rotation, planting cover crops, using fertilizer, and using herbicides and pesticides. Some farmers also use genetically modified crops.

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