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Excretion Meaning
Excretion – Meaning and Types: The process of excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. Urine and feces are the primary means of excretion, but the body also excretes carbon dioxide and water vapor through the skin and lungs.
Types Of Excretory Waste
There are four types of excretory waste: urine, feces, sweat, and vomit.
- Urine is the waste product that is produced when the kidneys filter the blood and remove the excess fluid and dissolved substances. Urine is a clear, yellowish fluid that contains water, salts, urea, and other dissolved substances.
- Feces are the solid waste that is produced when the digestive system breaks down food. Feces are brown and consist of water, indigestible food material, bacteria, and dead cells.
- Sweat is the waste product that is produced when the sweat glands secrete sweat. Sweat is a watery fluid that contains salt, urea, and other dissolved substances.
- Vomit is the waste product that is produced when the stomach muscles contract and push the contents of the stomach up through the esophagus and into the mouth. Vomit is a watery fluid that contains stomach acids, food, and bacteria.
Excretion In Humans
The process of excretion in humans is the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. This is accomplished through the organs of the excretory system, including the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. The kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products, which are then excreted in the urine. The bladder stores urine until it is emptied through the urethra. The intestines absorb nutrients from food and also remove waste products, which are eliminated in the feces.
Functions of Kidney
There are many functions of the kidney, but some of the most important are filtering the blood, regulating blood pressure, and maintaining fluid balance in the body. The kidneys filter the blood by removing waste products and excess fluid. This helps to regulate blood pressure by removing fluid from the blood and preventing it from building up in the vessels. The kidneys also help to maintain fluid balance by releasing water and electrolytes into the urine. This helps to prevent dehydration and regulate the body’s fluid levels.
Excretion in Animals
The process of excretion in animals is the elimination of wastes and toxins from the body. This is done through the urinary system and the digestive system. The urinary system collects the wastes and toxins from the blood and removes them from the body. The digestive system breaks down the wastes and toxins and removes them from the body.
Excretion in Plants
- Plants excrete wastes in two ways: through their roots and through their leaves.
- The roots excrete wastes in the form of dissolved ions. These ions are picked up by the water that the plant absorbs from the soil and are carried to the leaves. There, the ions are used to produce food through photosynthesis.
- The leaves excrete wastes in the form of water vapor. This water vapor contains the carbon dioxide that the plant has used to produce food. The water vapor also contains the nitrogen that the plant has used to produce proteins.