HomeScienceNervous System of Cockroach

Nervous System of Cockroach


As in humans, how the nervous system is useful for locomotion, reflexes in that way the nervous system is the system that helps cockroaches with any movement and reflexes, etc.

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    Let’s learn about the nervous system of cockroaches in today’s article. The cockroach nervous system consists of CNS, PNS and sympathetic nervous system where CNS stands for the central nervous system and PNS stands for the peripheral nervous system. The cockroach nervous system is a series of fused segment ganglia that is connected to the ventral side with longitudinal connectors.

    However nervous system of cockroaches spreads throughout the body. Three ganglia in the thorax and six ganglia in the abdominal segments. In the head, a bit of the nervous system is present where the remaining part is located on the ventral side or belly side of the body. If you observe cockroaches they are still alive even when the head is cut. At that time maybe they can live for seven days. It’s because the majority of the nervous system present in the body is only a little in the head, which is the reason it’s alive.


    In cockroaches supra oesophageal ganglion supplies nerves to antennae and also compound eyes which are located in the head region.

    The nervous system of cockroach divided into three parts:

    • Central nervous system
    • Peripheral nervous system
    • Visceral or sympathetic nervous system.

    Central nervous system:

    It is segmented in nature and decentralization of control processes are the main characteristics of the central nervous system in cockroaches.

    The ventral nerve cord formed by a pair of inter ganglionic connectors that connect the brain, thoracic and also abdominal ganglia together.

    The central nervous system consists of the supra oesophageal which is also known as cerebral ganglia and circum oesophageal connect in the head and a double ganglionated ventral nerve cord in the thorax and abdomen.

    1. Brain or supra oesophageal ganglion: it is the anterior-most ganglion above the esophagus and between supporting apodems of the tentorium. It has the following components:

    Protocerbrum – it is fused ganglia of the acron and pre antennal segments.

    Deutocerebrum – it is the second and central part of the brain.

    Tritocerebrum – posterior part of the brain formed by the third ganglia or intercalary segment of the head.

    • Sub- oesophageal ganglion: it is in oval shape and lines are present below the esophagus in the head region. It also gives off paired nerves supplying their respective appendages.
    • Ventral nerve cord: it consists of the ganglia which are located on the floor of the thorax and abdomen.

    Thoracic ganglia – first three ganglia are situated in the thoracic segment, one in each.

    Abdominal ganglia – abdominal ganglia are six located in the abdomen.

    Connective – connective are two longitudinal cords joining one pair of ganglia with these preceding and succeeding it.

    Commissure – these are transverse fibers that unite the pair of ganglia of the system.

    Peripheral nervous system:

    The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves starting from the ganglia of the central nervous system and supplying organs in the periphery. However nerves which originated from the nerve ring and ventral nerve cord to innervate dissimilar parts of the cockroach body compose the peripheral nervous system. A pair of optic and antennary nerves that arises from the brain supplies nerves to the antennae and eyes. Three pairs of nerves originated from the supra oesophageal ganglion or brain:

    • Optic nerves
    • Antennary nerves
    • Labor Frontal nerves.
    • Sub oesophageal ganglion supplies paired nerves to mandibles, maxillae, and labium.


    Visceral or sympathetic nervous system :

    The autonomic nervous system or stomatogastric nervous system or sympathetic nervous system or visceral nervous system consists of the same ganglia and their connectives. Therefore sympathetic nervous system or visceral nervous system consists of a small frontal ganglion in front of the brain dorsal to the pharynx. Esophageal ganglion located on the dorsal side of the esophagus and a huge visceral ganglion on the dorsal surface crop are present. However this system includes the frontal, occipital, visceral or alluvial, or proventricular ganglia. The nerves from this ganglia connected to the supra oesophageal ganglion.

    Importance of this chapter in Neet:

    This area is important in the cockroach chapter. In zoology, we can’t finish the syllabus or prepare for exams without going through this cockroach. In cockroaches, the nervous system is mainly important which is also the reason for their survival. So, it’s an important area which you can’t escape. You can get five to ten bits from this chapter. Therefore it’s easy to understand and needs little memorization. If you want to score more than this the area which you have to target to reach your aim. So don’t neglect the topic which you shouldn’t.

    Also read: Bryophytes

    Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):

    Question: Write about the central nervous system of cockroaches?


    Central nervous system:

    It is segmented in nature and decentralization of control processes are the main characteristics of the central nervous system in cockroaches.

    The ventral nerve cord formed by a pair of inter ganglionic connectors that usually connect the brain, thoracic and abdominal ganglia together.

    However central nervous system consists of supra oesophageal which is also known as cerebral ganglia and circum oesophageal connect in the head and a double ganglionated ventral nerve cord in the thorax and abdomen.

    1. Brain or supra oesophageal ganglion: it is the anterior-most ganglion above the esophagus and between supporting apodemes of the tentorium. It has the following components:

    Protocerebrum – it fused ganglia of the acorn and also the pre antennal segments.

    Deutocerebrum – it the second and also the central part of the brain.

    Tritocerebrum – posterior part of the brain formed by the third ganglia or intercalary segment of the head.

    • Sub- oesophageal ganglion: it is in oval shape and lines are present below the esophagus in the head region. It also gives off paired nerves supplying their respective appendages.
    • Ventral nerve cord: it consists of the ganglia which are located on the floor of the thorax and also abdomen.

    Thoracic ganglia – first three ganglia are situated in the thoracic segment, one in each.

    Abdominal ganglia – abdominal ganglia are six located in the abdomen.

    Connective – connective are two longitudinal cords joining one pair of ganglia with these preceding and also it succeeding it.

    Commissure – these are transverse fibers that unite the pair of ganglia of the system.

    Question: Write about the PNS of cockroaches?


    Peripheral nervous system:

    The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves starting from the ganglia of the central nervous system and supplying organs in the periphery. However nerves which originated from the nerve ring and ventral nerve cord to innervate dissimilar parts of the cockroach body compose the peripheral nervous system. A pair of optic and antennary nerves that arises from the brain supplies nerves to the antennae and eyes. Three pairs of nerves originated from the supra oesophageal ganglion or brain:

    • Optic nerves
    • Antennary nerves
    • Labor Frontal nerves.
    • Sub oesophageal ganglion supplies paired nerves to mandibles, maxillae, and also the labium.

    Question: Write about the sympathetic nervous system of cockroaches?


    Visceral or sympathetic nervous system:

    The autonomic nervous system or stomatogastric nervous system or sympathetic nervous system or visceral nervous system consists of the same ganglia and also their connectives. The sympathetic nervous system or visceral nervous system consists of a small frontal ganglion in front of the brain dorsal to the pharynx. Esophageal ganglion located on the dorsal side of the esophagus and a huge visceral ganglion on the dorsal surface crop are present. Therefore this system includes the frontal, occipital, visceral or alluvial, or proventricular ganglia. The nerves from this ganglia connected to the supra oesophageal ganglion.


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