BlogBBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions Module 1

BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions Module 1

BBC Compacta Class 6

BBC Compacta for Class 6 is a widely-used educational resource in schools, aimed at improving English language skills. This series covers various aspects of English literature and language, such as grammar, reading comprehension, writing, and literature, providing students with a strong foundation. The curriculum is designed to meet the standards set by different school boards, making it adaptable for students.

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    The book includes carefully chosen texts to enhance reading skills and encourage critical thinking and creativity. Each chapter is accompanied by exercises that test comprehension, enrich vocabulary, and reinforce grammar. Additionally, BBC Compacta Class 6 provides practice papers and sample questions to help students prepare for exams, ensuring they understand key concepts and can apply them. This series is highly valued for its ability to meet the educational needs of young learners, making it popular among both educators and students.

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Module 1 to 6

    BBC compacta class 6 solutions module 1 covers essential grammar topics, such as parts of speech, tenses, and sentence structure. These concepts are fundamental for building a strong foundation in English, and the solutions provide clear explanations and examples to help students understand them better.

    BBC compacta class 6 module 2, students work on expanding their vocabulary through exercises that focus on word meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and proper usage in context. The solutions offer detailed explanations of words and phrases, enhancing students’ ability to communicate effectively and accurately.

    BBC compacta class 6 module 3 introduces students to a variety of texts, including fictional stories and informative articles, to improve reading comprehension. The solutions help students decode themes, answer text-related questions, and develop critical thinking skills essential for understanding written material.

    BBC compacta class 6 module 4 encourages students to hone their writing skills through tasks like essay writing, letter writing, and crafting short stories. The solutions guide students in organizing their thoughts, using appropriate language, and following the conventions of different writing styles.

    BBC compacta class 6 module 5 focuses on literature appreciation, helping students analyze and appreciate literary texts included in the curriculum. The solutions provide insights into character development, plot analysis, and thematic exploration, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of literature.

    BBC compacta class 6 module 6 comprises practice tests covering all previous modules. The solutions to these tests offer comprehensive feedback on students’ performances, helping them identify strengths and areas for improvement.

    Overall, the BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions are a valuable resource for students aiming to excel in their English studies. The step-by-step guidance and thorough explanations provided ensure that students not only understand the material but also are well-prepared to apply their knowledge in exams and real-world situations.

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions provide detailed answers and insights into the exercises from Modules 1 to 6, ensuring that students can thoroughly understand the material and enhance their English language skills. These solutions are crafted to help students reinforce their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension, while also aiding in their preparation for various assessments.

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Module 1

    Read the following poem carefully.


    1. Some little red squirrels
      Live up in a tree,
      Out in the woodland gay,
      They frisk and frolic,
      And scamper about,
      On each bright autumn day.
    2. But they are not idle;
      They’re working away,
      Busy as they can be,
      Filling a storehouse,
      For long winter days,
      Thrifty and wise, you see.

    Q1: Tick (✓) the correct option(s) for each of the following statements. (a) The poem is about the squirrel’s habit of:

    1. frequent eating
    2. storing food
    3. hunting for food
    4. surviving in jungles

    (b) A word that BEST describes the atmosphere of the forest in the poem is:

    1. gloomy
    2. dark
    3. thick
    4. happy

    (c) Which of the following BEST describes the behaviour of the squirrels in the poem? [Tick (✓) two correct options]

    1. fun loving
    2. quiet
    3. lazy
    4. greedy
    5. playful
    6. careless

    (d) The poet’s attitude towards the squirrels and their behaviour is one of:

    (1) admiration

    (2) indifference

    (3) curiosity

    (4) criticism

    1. Options (1) and (2)
    2. Options (1) and (3)
    3. Options (2) and (3)
    4. Options (3) and (4)

    Q2: Find and copy two words or phrases from the poem that describe the way the squirrels move.

    Q3: The squirrels carry out the activity of filling a storehouse in the ____________________ season. (Identify and copy the word from the poem to fill in the blank.)

    Q4: List two ways in which squirrels are thrifty and wise.

    Q5: Two life lessons that human beings can learn from the squirrels in the poem are:

    Q6: Would you like to save for the future just like the squirrels in the poem do? Give at least two reasons in support of your view.

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions Module 1


    Answer: (ii) storing food

    (b) A word that BEST describes the atmosphere of the forest in the poem is:

    Answer: (iv) happy

    (c) Which of the following BEST describes the behaviour of the squirrels in the poem? [Tick (✓) two correct options]

    Answer: (i) fun loving, (v) playful

    (d) The poet’s attitude towards the squirrels and their behaviour is one of:

    Answer: (ii) Options (1) and (3) – admiration and curiosity



    1. “frisk and frolic”
    2. “scamper about”


    Answer: “bright autumn”

    Q4: List two ways in which squirrels are thrifty and wise.


    1. They fill a storehouse for long winter days, which indicates their ability to plan and prepare for the future, showing wisdom in their survival strategy.
    2. They are described as “busy as they can be,” suggesting that they are industrious and hardworking, making the most of their time and resources to ensure their well-being in the upcoming winter, which reflects their thriftiness.

    Q5: Two life lessons that human beings can learn from the squirrels in the poem are:


    1. Planning for the Future: Squirrels are depicted as wise and thrifty because they work diligently to fill a storehouse for long winter days. This teaches us the importance of planning and saving for the future. Just as squirrels prepare for the harsh winter ahead, humans can learn the value of setting aside resources and being prepared for unforeseen challenges.
    2. Industriousness and Diligence: The poem highlights that squirrels are not idle; they are busy and hardworking. This serves as a lesson in the importance of being industrious and diligent in our pursuits. Squirrels exemplify the idea that consistent effort and productivity are essential for survival and success, even in the face of daily distractions and enjoyments.



    1. Financial Security: Saving for the future provides a sense of financial security. Just as squirrels store food to ensure they have enough to eat during the winter months when food is scarce, humans can save money to safeguard themselves against unexpected expenses, emergencies, or periods of financial hardship. Having a financial cushion can reduce stress and provide peace of mind.
    2. Long-Term Goals: Saving allows individuals to work towards long-term goals and aspirations. Whether it’s buying a home, pursuing higher education, starting a business, or retiring comfortably, saving money over time helps people achieve these goals. By adopting a savings mindset, individuals can make progress towards their dreams and maintain a comfortable standard of living in the future.

    FAQs on BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions Module 1

    What is BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions?

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed answers to the exercises found in the BBC Compacta textbook for Class 6, aiding students in their English language studies.

    How can BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions help students with their English studies?

    BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions help students by offering clear explanations and detailed answers to improve their understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.

    Are the solutions in BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions easy to understand?

    Yes, the solutions in BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions are designed to be straightforward and easy to understand, making complex concepts more accessible to young learners.

    Can BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions be used for self-study?

    Absolutely, BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions is an excellent resource for self-study, as it allows students to independently work through problems and verify their answers, enhancing their learning experience.

    Are there any additional resources or materials provided along with the solutions in BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions?

    While BBC Compacta Class 6 Solutions primarily focuses on providing answers, it may include tips and additional practice questions to further assist students in mastering the English language.

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