BlogGeneral5 Bad Habits That Prevent Your Child from Learning

5 Bad Habits That Prevent Your Child from Learning

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    Each parent desires to provide their children with the highest education and opportunities. They hope that their children will excel academically, allowing them to grow into better professionals. Nevertheless, not every student will be able to attain great academic achievement, which may be a source of stress for parents. Despite turning to the same set of learning resources as the toppers, it all comes down to successful study habits in the end. Infinity Learn has put together a list of 5 crucial practices which may be impeding your child’s academic progress.

    Insufficient Planning

    Students who don’t even properly organize their studies are more likely to fail to meet their academic objectives. As a parent, you can assist your child in creating a study plan that outlines the goals for each learning session.

    Assist them in setting goals for each study session. Their learning sessions will be more productive if they plan ahead. It will also develop a sense of responsibility in them to meet their goals even before the study session is through.

    Children don’t take notes on important topics

    The sheer size of their course load may overwhelm students. It may be tough for students to remember and retain all of their knowledge when reviewing in the days leading up to the exam. In the early stages of learning, students often overlook the concept of taking notes, which leads to a tense learning environment.

    Parents should teach their children the value of taking brief notes. They may show them various note-taking approaches and assist them in selecting the ideal one. Encourage the students to take detailed notes on each chapter they study and file them in their own subject folders. These notes come in helpful when it’s time to revise for the exam.

    Unwillingness to Dispel Doubts

    Many students are hesitant to seek answers to their questions while they are still in school. This could be due to a lack of faith in their abilities. Furthermore, the large number of pupils in a classroom makes it nearly impossible for professors to respond to each student’s questions.

    Parents, on the other hand, should emphasize to their children the necessity of getting their questions answered. They should also teach their children the confidence to speak up and ask questions. When youngsters develop the practice of immediately resolving their doubts, they are more likely to remain unstuck during the revision process.

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    Despite hours of research, there are no results

    It’s possible that your child spends the majority of his or her waking hours at the study table. Despite this, they might not be able to achieve the results you desire. This could be due to a lack of knowledge about your child’s learning preferences.

    Determine when your child’s production is at its highest. Some children, for example, may be able to remember more information if they study first thing in the morning. Similarly, some students may benefit from a night time learning and retention session. This allows them to make the most of the time they have.

    Failure to Learn from Mistakes

    Successful pupils are those that learn from their mistakes and make sure they don’t make the same mistake twice. Failure is, of course, a stepping stone to success. A pupil who does not learn from his or her mistakes is only delaying his or her success.

    It is preferable to encourage your child not to give up if they perform poorly on any of their tests. Analyze and teach your youngster that if failure is handled correctly, it may lead to success. Explain their flaws to them and devise a strategy for improving them before the next exam.

    In addition, whenever it comes to education, parents should firmly support their children. When a student’s academic performance suffers, parents’ encouragement is especially essential. Indeed, it is this self-assurance and encouragement that will allow it to perform better in the upcoming exam.

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