BlogGeneralGood vs. Bad Online Learning Habits

Good vs. Bad Online Learning Habits

“People don’t make their own futures; they make their own habits, and their habits make their own futures” —-F.M Alexander

Whatever form of education (school-aged, higher learning, or institutional), it has all capitalized on this window of opportunity to a great extent.

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    Flexibility, independence, better time management, and increased self-motivation are all advantages of online learning. On the other hand, the disadvantages include more work for students and the need for a lot of time.

    Good Habits

    • Do you want to be successful in your online classes? Now that online classes and degrees have established themselves in the educational landscape, it’s easy to examine trends among online students and determine what works—and what doesn’t. What do the most successful online students have in common? Let’s take a closer look at how to study well for online learning.

    1. Make a study schedule.

    • Successful online students plan their studies, make small, attainable goals, and adhere to them. They schedule weekly study time and log on at least three times each week for a total of at least 10 hours per week.
    • The successful online student will print off the syllabus (to have a physical copy), schedule deadlines, and figure out when to “meet” with professors/teachers at the start of each class. Attempt mock tests on a regular basis to identify weak areas that need to be addressed.

    2. Stay Away From Distractions.

    • Distractions are avoided by online learners. To avoid distractions, they let friends and family know when they’re working.
    • Disciplined students go one step further and limit their social media usage while studying online, instead of using it to expand their knowledge
    • Workplace distractions exist as well. Successful online learners maintain a consistent, distraction-free workstation while respecting the space of others. They have a definite goal in mind for which they started all of this.

    3. Comply with technical specifications.

    • Online education may be extremely beneficial—or extremely frustrating. It’s technical and there’s a learning curve.
    • This means that successful online students must have a basic degree of technical knowledge, including a working internet connection, a computer, and a grasp of how online courses work. It’s also beneficial to know how to utilize typical word processing and spreadsheet software.

    4. Make School/College Work a Priority

    • This is related to #1: successful online students prioritize and plan their work. Is there a successful trick? Make a daily to-do list in priority order for your online study days. Prioritize the chores that must be completed first and work your way through them. Students that use this method achieve not only their daily goals but also their course goals.

    Bad Habits:

    • For students who are used to learning in a physical classroom, online classes present a different learning experience. Some students adjust well to online learning, while others have a difficult time. Although attending classes online may appear to be a breeze, staying focused and on schedule is not always easy. Many pupils will perform poorly since they have negative habits that will make learning more difficult for them. What exactly are these unhealthy habits, and how can they be avoided? Here are five poor behaviours that every online student should avoid if they want to succeed in their classes.

    1. Deferring homework and assignments

    • Just like in-person classes, online classes will entail assignments and essays. And, just like in-person learning, the effort is required to achieve good grades.
    • Busy online students who work part- or full-time may put off finishing assignments, and as a result, work piles up quickly.
    • After a while, finishing all of the work appears to be too much of a challenge, so they don’t and instead settle for poor grades.

    2. Taking Online Classes While Watching TV Or Listening To Music

    • You must be able to work in a noise-free area. You may be tempted to watch television while taking classes in your living room. You should also avoid listening to music when taking online lessons. When there are too many distractions, productivity suffers and performance suffers. When taking online classes, try to avoid multitasking.

    3. Failure to take notes in class

    • You’ll be taking classes in real-time with students and an instructor if you’ve registered in a synchronous learning class. During the classes, you’ll need to pay attention and take notes. Although you can record the lecture and watch it later, watching long hours of video might be time-consuming. When it comes to studying for your examinations, taking notes will come in handy; they will make it easier for you to study.

    4. When you’re busy, don’t hire online class help.

    • Most online students have hectic schedules, and finishing classwork isn’t always easy. Hiring an online class taker is an excellent alternative if you’re short on time. Your class assignments, essays, homework, and tests will be handled by an experienced tutor. You’ll have more peace of mind and be able to perform chores more quickly.
    • Get the most Important Questions of Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology

    Finish up

    • Online learning is becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives. When combined with other strategies, it accelerates the learning process.

    Also read: Tips to improve working memory in online classes


    1. What percentage of students are enrolled in online classes?

    Ans: The number of students taking online programmes is increasing. There is no exact figure because more people are enrolling as a result of the pandemic. For example, in a 2017 research, 19 percent of 5 million college students used some type of online learning.

    2. What is the status of online education?

    Ans: Pre-Covid-19, online learning was gaining traction but was not extensively implemented. However, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has become one of the most popular trends in the world.

    3. Is it possible to get a good education using the internet?

    Ans: Online learning has proven to be beneficial, with research showing that learners may remember 25-60% of material compared to 8-10% in face-to-face encounters.

    4. What is the size of the e-learning market?

    Ans: By 2025, the online learning market is estimated to reach $325 billion.

    5. What is the significance of e-learning in education?

    Ans: When face-to-face learning is no longer feasible, e-learning has proven to be the finest education continuity approach. It provides stakeholders with all of the educational tools and services they require.

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