HomeTop 100 Chemistry Questions for CBSE Class 6 to 12

Top 100 Chemistry Questions for CBSE Class 6 to 12

Chemistry is a fascinating and extensive field that explores matter and its interactions. For CBSE students from Class 6 to 12, mastering chemistry is essential for achieving high marks in board exams and excelling in competitive exams like JEE and NEET. In this guide, we will focus on the top 100 chemistry questions for CBSE Classes 6 to 12. These questions cover various topics and chapters, providing a comprehensive resource to help students prepare effectively and excel in their studies.

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    List of Top 100 Chemistry Questions

    Here are top 100 Chemistry questions with answers:

    Top 100 Chemistry Questions
    In which of the following pair size of I element is higher than II element ? Common name of the following compound is?
    At 10°C, the osmotic pressure of urea solution was formed to be 500 mm. The solution is diluted ‘x’ times and the temperature raised to 25°C when the osmotic pressure was noticed to be 105.3mm, then ‘x’ is Number of ‘d’ electrons in thorium are
    In which of the following compounds, all the bond angles are same. The IUPAC name of the given structure (CH 3 ) 2 CH–CH(CH 3 ) 2 is
    What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 20°C to 35°C? R = 8 .314 Jmol − 1 K − 1 Statement I : Melting points of Alkaline earth metals are lower than those of corresponding Alkali metals Statement II : Metallic bonding is weaker in IIA group elements than IA group elements.
    In which all H-atoms are called as chemically equivalent? The oxidation state shown by stroncium is
    Most polar bond among the following is The product (Y) of the following sequence of the reactions would be
    A metal has a fcc lattice. The edge length of the unit cell is 404 pm. The density of the metal is 2.72 g cm − 3 The molar mass of the metal is N A Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 × 10 23 mol − 1 A graph showing variation of osmotic pressure (n) versus molar concentration (C) of an aqueous solution at temperature T is given below: The slope of the line doesn’t represent:
    The rate constant k, for the reaction N 2 O 5 ( g ) 2 NO 2 ( g ) + 1 2 O 2 ( g ) is 2 .3 × 10 − 2 s − 1 . Which equation given below describes the change of [ N 2 O 5 ] with time? [ N 2 O 5 ] 0 and [ N 2 O 5 ] t correspond to concentration of N 2 O 5 initially and at time, t? A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A< B <C < D< E . The element ‘C’ in the sequence is
    Matrix Match Type If E Fe + 2 / Fe 0 = x 1 V ; E Fe + 3 / Fe + 2 0 = x 2 V , E Fe + 3 / Fe 0 is
    Which of the following is incorrect Total number of alkadienes possible with the formula, C 4 H 6 is
    According to IUPAC, what is the systematic name of the compound shown below? Which of the indicated H in the given molecule is most acidic
    Which one of the following is not prepared from halide by chemical oxidation process Iron carbonyl, Fe CO 5 is
    2CuI →Cu + CuI 2. This reaction is Ratio of hybrid orbitals to pure ‘p’ orbitals in Ethene molecule is
    Which one of the following belongs to representative group of elements in the periodic table A gaseous mixture contains 8 grams of oxygen, 14 grams of Nitrogen, 9 grams of water vapour. Partial pressure of water vapour in the mixture is (Assume water vapour behaves like ideal gas)
    Among the following groups of oxides, the group containing oxides that cannot be reduced by carbon to give the respective metals is Although, nitrogen does not adsorb on a surface at room temperature, it adsorbs on the surface at 83 K. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    Which of the facts regarding kinetic energy (E k ) of 8g O 2 , 8g of N 2 and 8g CO 2 each at 273 K, is correct ? BiCl 3 + H 2 O A + B . I f B molecular weight is 36 . 5 , what is t h e n a m e o f c o m p o u n d A
    An amphoteric oxide which can act like best oxidizing agent among the following is After diwali, in the atmosphere of Delhi most common air pollution is smog . Which is correct for that smog?
    Conjugate base for Bronsted acids H 2 O and HF are IUPAC name of
    The second ionisation energy is always higher than the first ionisation energy because the For the following compounds, the correct statement(s) with respect to nucleophilic substitution reactions is(are )
    The number of chiral centers present in 3,4-dibromo-2-pentanol is A l C l 3 on hydrolysis gives ?
    Strongest nucleophile is Select the incorrect statement out of the following
    Hydrocarbon which is liquid at room temperature is IUPAC Name of the following compound is
    The EMF of the cell, Zn | Zn 2+ (0.1M) || Cu 2+ (0.01M) | Cu is Total number of faces in SF 5 ⊕ ion polyhedron is
    A certain salt (X) gives the following tests (i) Its aqueous solution is alkaline to litmus. (ii) On strongly heating it swells to give a glassy bead. (iii) When concentrated sulphuric acid is added to a hot concentrated solution of (X), crystals of H 3 BO 3 separate out. Identify the colour of these crystals. Which technique is used in the extraction of aluminium from bauxite?
    The total energy of electron in an atom is a combination of potential energy and kinetic energy. If total energy is –E for an electron in an atom, then its K.E. and P.E. respectively are Which of the aqueous solution turns blue litmus red?
    The bond angle in PH 3 is Ionic bonds will be formed more easily between elements with comparatively
    Number of sigma bonds in XeO 3 molecule is/are ‘X’. Number of pπ – pπ bonds in chlorate ion is/are ‘Y’. Difference between X and Y is In which of the following molecule have fourth highest enthalpy of formation ( ∆ H f ) of in 15 th group hydrides( EH 3 ) A=NH 3 , B= PH 3 , C=AsH 3 , D= SbH 3 E= BiH 3
    Which bond angle θ would result in the maximum dipole moment for the triatomic molecule YXY ? When pressure is low, the fraction of the surface covered during adsorption follows:
    CH 4 ( g ) + 2 O 2 ( g ) ⟶ CO 2 ( g ) + 2 H 2 O ( g ) According to the above chemical reaction, following information have been given. (i) One mole of CH 4 (g ) reacts with two moles of O 2 (g) to give one mole of CO 2 ( g ) and two moles of H 2 O (g) (ii) One molecule of CH 4 (g) reacts with 2 molecules of O 2 ( g ) to give one molecule of CO 2 ( g ) and 2 molecules of H 2 O ( g ) (iii) 22.4 L of CH 4 (g ) reacts with 45.4 L of O 2 to give 22.7 L of CO 2 ( g ) and 45.4 L of H 2 O ( g ) (iv) 16 g of CH 4 (g ) reacts with 2x 32 g of O 2 (g ) to give 44 g of CO 2 ( g ) and 2x 18 g of H 2 O ( g ) From these information the true interconversion should be Statement 1: In certain cases metals have a characteristic colour and lustre. Statement 2: Free electrons are present in metals.
    Which of the following change represents a disproportionation reaction(s) Assertion(A): specific charge of α − particle is twice to that of proton. Reason(R): Specific charge is given by e/m.
    Which of the following statements is correct for a lyophilic solution? The number of elements known when Mendeleef presented the periodic table is
    Maximum pπ – pπ back bonding exists in The decreasing order of acidic characters of the following is: I. p-Nitrophenol II. o-Nitrophenol III. m-Nitrophenol IV. Phenol
    The heats of adsorption in physisorption lie in the range (in kj/mol) T,B,Z and Q are 17 th group elements of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of acidic strength of their hydrides is HT > HB > HZ > HQ. The element ‘T’ in the sequence is
    In which of the following compounds, the C-Cl bond ionisation shall give most stable carbonium ion? Acid rain appears when (I) CO 2 dissolves in rain water. (II) Oxides of sulphur dissolve in rain water. (III) Oxides of nitrogen dissolve in rain water. (IV) Hydrocarbons dissolve in rain water.
    Number of S-O-S bonds in a molecule of Dithionic acid are When chains of one kind are attached to the back bone of a different polymer, the co-polymer is called
    When the temperature is raised, the viscosity of liquid decreases, this is because Which of the following statements is incorrect about the secondary structure of protein?
    When 100 mL of 1.0 M HCl was mixed with 100 mL of 1.0 M NaOH in an insulated beaker at constant pressure, a temperature increase of 5.7°C was measured for the beaker and its contents (Expt. 1). Because the enthalpy of neutralization of a strong acid with a strong base is a constant (-57.0 kJ mol -1 ), this experiment could be used to measure the calorimeter constant. In a second experiment (Expt. 2), 100 mL of 2.0 M acetic acid (K a = 2.0 × 10 -5 ) was mixed with 100 mL of 1.0 M NaOH (under identical conditions to Expt. 1) where a temperature rise of 5.6°C was measured.(Consider heat capacity of all solutions as 4.2 J g -1 K -1 and density of all solutions as 1.0 g mL -1 ) Which of the following atom has the highest first ionization energy?
    The number of nodal planes in a p x orbital is C, X, Z, B and D are the elements belonging to 15 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of electronegativity in these elements is C = X < Z < B < D. The element ‘B’ in the sequence is
    From a measurement of the freezing point depression of benzene, the molecular weight of acetic acid in a benzene solution was determined to be 100. The percentage association of acetic acid is In a Bohr’s model of an atom, when an electron jumps from n = 1 to n = 3, how much energy will be emitted or absorbed?
    Following are some of the certain facts of Ostwald’s theory of acid-base indicators. I : Ionised and unionised forms have different colours. II : Colour change is indicated at the end point when unionised form changes to ionised form due to change in pH. III : Benzenoid form changes to quinonoid form and vice-versa due to change in PH. Select the correct facts Statement 1: Inert gases are monoatomic. Statement 2: Inert gases have stable configuration.
    Copper matte is a molten mixture of ? Vapour pressure of pure A is 70 mm of Hg at 25 o C.It forms an ideal solution with ‘B’ in which mole fraction of A is 0.8. If the vapour pressure of the solution is 84 mm of Hg at 25 o C the vapour pressure of pure B at 25 o C is The order of boiling points of four equimolar aqueous solutions is
    For 10 – 2 M H 3 PO 3 solution which of the following relations is correct? Which of the following compound can show tautomerism?
    Statement-I: α -D(+) -glucopyranose and β -D(+)-glucopyranose are enantiomers. Statement-II: Melting point of β -D(+)-glucopyranose is higher than that of α -D(+) -glucopyranose. If the formation of diatomic boron molecule is predicted based on MO theory, the bond order would be
    The first organic compound prepared in the laboratory from its elements was Which of the following are anionic detergents? I. Sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohol. II. Ester of stearic acid and polyethylene glycol. III. Quaternary ammonium salt of amine with acetate ion. IV. Sodium salts of sulphurated long chain hydrocarbons. The correct option is
    The IUPAC name of the coordination compound K 3 Fe CN 6 is: 18 C–H and 7 C–C sigma bonds are in
    Statement-I: KMnO 4 oxidises Potassium iodide to Potassium periodate in faint alkaline medium Statement-II: In permanganometric titrations carried out in acidic medium, HCl is used as medium. The product of the following reaction is CaO + P 4 O 10 ……

    Benefits of Solving Top 100 Chemistry Questions

    Solving the top 100 chemistry questions can be very helpful for students. Here are some of the main benefits:

    1. Better Understanding: It helps students grasp the key concepts and principles of chemistry more deeply. They learn to think critically and use their knowledge to solve problems.
    2. Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Practicing these questions enhances students’ ability to solve problems, a crucial skill for chemistry. It also helps them recognize and fix any mistakes they make.
    3. Time Management: Working on these questions under timed conditions helps students manage their time well during exams, which is important for getting good grades.
    4. Identifying Weak Areas: By solving these questions, students can find out which topics they need to work on more. This helps them fill in gaps in their knowledge and feel more confident about chemistry.
    5. Familiarity with Exam Patterns: It makes students familiar with the types of questions that might come up in exams, reducing anxiety and helping them perform better.
    6. Boosts Confidence: Successfully solving these questions boosts students’ confidence in handling chemistry problems, leading to better performance in exams and a more positive outlook on the subject.
    7. Revision and Practice: It provides a good way for students to review and practice their chemistry knowledge, ensuring they remember the information and can use it in various situations.
    8. Exam Preparation: These questions cover all important topics in chemistry, helping students be well-prepared for their exams.
    9. Enhances Analytical Skills: It helps students develop their analytical skills by encouraging them to think critically and link different concepts.
    10. Better Retention: Actively solving these questions helps students remember what they learn better because they are engaging with the material in a meaningful way.

    Solving the top 100 chemistry questions can significantly benefit students by improving their understanding, problem-solving skills, and confidence, and by preparing them thoroughly for their exams.

    FAQs on Top 100 Chemistry Questions

    Who is our father of chemistry?

    Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, is credited with establishing the discipline of chemistry as we know it today. He developed the concept of elements and compounds, which laid the foundation for modern chemistry.

    Who created chemistry?

    The roots of chemistry can be traced back to ancient alchemy, which aimed to transform base metals into gold and discover the elixir of life. Over time, alchemy evolved into modern chemistry, the scientific study of the composition, properties, and reactions of matter.

    What are the 7 types of chemistry?

    The seven main branches of chemistry are: Inorganic Chemistry, which involves the study of inorganic compounds such as minerals and metals; Organic Chemistry, which focuses on the study of organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen; Physical Chemistry, which examines the physical and chemical properties of matter at the molecular level; Analytical Chemistry, which deals with the analysis and identification of chemical substances; Environmental Chemistry, which studies the impact of human activities on the environment and the development of sustainable practices; Biochemistry, which explores the chemical processes within living organisms; and Nuclear Chemistry, which investigates the properties and reactions of atomic nuclei.

    What is the hardest question in the world chemistry?

    Determining the hardest question in chemistry is subjective, as it can vary depending on an individual's understanding of the subject. However, some of the most challenging topics include quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and advanced organic chemistry reactions.

    Who is the queen of chemistry?

    Marie Curie is often referred to as the Queen of Chemistry due to her groundbreaking work on radioactivity and her discovery of the elements polonium and radium. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person to win two Nobel Prizes in different fields, including chemistry and physics.

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