CBSE ExamCBSE SyllabusCBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English Updated 2023-24

CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English Updated 2023-24

CBSE Class 1 English Syllabus

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently updated the syllabus for Class 1 for the academic year 2023-24. The new CBSE syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive and holistic education to students, with a focus on developing their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. The updated syllabus is based on the latest educational research and best practices, and aims to provide students with a strong foundation in English. This syllabus is designed to introduce young learners to the basics of English through an engaging and comprehensive approach, ensuring they develop a keen interest and a profound understanding of the language.

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    For the academic year 2023-24, the CBSE recommend NCERT textbooks that are in alignment with the updated syllabus. These Class 1 NCERT books are selected with the aim of making English learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience for Class 1 students. Class 1 English CBSE syllabus is based on these two books:

    1. Marigold: Published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), ‘Marigold’ is the primary textbook for Class 1 English. It is comprised of a collection of stories and poems that are both entertaining and educational. The book is designed to enhance children’s language skills while also instilling moral values.
    2. Raindrops: Also published by NCERT, ‘Raindrops’ serves as a supplementary reader. This book is a compilation of short, simple, and engaging stories, poems, and other creative pieces. It is aimed at further enriching the students’ vocabulary and comprehension skills through diverse reading materials.

    CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English

    CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English Download PDF

    CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 for the academic year 2023-24, now available for download in PDF format. By downloading the syllabus, parents and educators can gain a detailed understanding of the course structure, including the topics covered.

    CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English PDF

    CBSE English Syllabus Class 1 Overview

    The syllabus contains a total of 19 chapters that include poems, rhymes, stories, etc. The syllabus is designed by experts and makes it easier to learn the complicated language. Thus, it is very important for teachers to make students learn things according to the curriculum. The CBSE English Syllabus Class 1 is based on two books, Marigold and Raindrops.

    Class 1 English Marigold All Chapters and Poem

    Here are all the chapters and poem covered on class 1 English textbook, the book is divided into into the unit and each unit has 1 story and 1 poe.

    Unit No. Unit Name
    1 A Happy Child—Three Little Pigs
    2 After a Bath – The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe
    3 One Little Kitten – Lalu and Peelu
    4 Once I Saw a Little Bird—Mittu and the Yellow Mango
    5 Merry-Go-Round—Circle
    6 If I Were an Apple—Our Tree
    7 A Kite – Sundari
    8 The Little Turtle: The Tiger and the Mosquito
    9 Clouds – Anandi’s – Rainbow
    10 Flying Man—The Tailor and His Friend

    Class 1 English Poems
    One Little Kitten Poem A Happy Child Poem
    After a Bath Poem A Little Turtle Poem

    Class 1 English Raindrop All Chapters

    In the CBSE Class 1 English syllabus, raindrops serve as a captivating theme that introduces students to various aspects of language and nature. Through this topic, children engage with vocabulary related to weather, sensory experiences, and descriptive language. Here are all the chapters covered in class 1 English Raindrop textbook:

    Raindrop Class 1 All Chapters
    Chapter 1: Clap, Clap, Clap
    Chapter 2: One, Two
    Chapter 3: The Little Bird
    Chapter 4: Bubbles
    Chapter 5: Chhotu
    Chapter 6: Animals and Birds
    Chapter 7: Fruits and Vegetables
    Chapter 8: Who Am I?
    Chapter 9: Hide and Seek
    Chapter 10: Fun with Numbers
    Chapter 11: Shapes
    Chapter 12: Cats
    Chapter 13: Colours
    Chapter 14: Actions We Do
    Chapter 15: Left and Right
    Chapter 16: The Lion and the Mouse
    Chapter 17: Morning and Evening
    Chapter 18: May I Come In?
    Chapter 19: Action Song

    CBSE English Grammar Syllabus Class 1

    Grammar forms the backbone of the English language. All the skills like writing, speaking, and reading depend on the grammar knowledge. The CBSE English syllabus for class 1 also includes basic grammar rules and concepts. It has activities like joining words, grouping words, and forming sentences into meaningful messages. The grammar syllabus includes very basic concepts like alphabets, vowels, and consonants to build a foundation for young students.

    English Grammar for CBSE Class 1

    Articles (A, An, and The)
    Am, Is, and Are
    Has and Have
    Vowels and Consonants
    Picture Composition
    Singular and Plural
    Story Writing

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    Topics Covered in Class 1 English

    • Listening, reading, and speaking skills include listening to recorded stories, reading rhymes, and talking with teachers.
    • Learning about basic oral production like words, phrases, and sentences.
    • To read stories, recite poems, sing songs, and play small skits.
    • Learn to introduce themselves, their parents, and their hobbies.
    • Identify capital and small letters in the English alphabet.
    • Read small sentences and understand them.
    • Write small sentences.

    FAQs on CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English

    What are the key components of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English?

    The CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English includes various components such as reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills. It also focuses on developing listening and speaking skills, as well as nurturing creativity and imagination.

    What is the teaching methodology used in the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English?

    The CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English uses an interactive and activity-based teaching methodology that encourages students to participate in various language-related activities such as storytelling, role-playing, and group discussions. This methodology helps students to learn and retain concepts more effectively.

    What is the importance of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English?

    The CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English is designed to provide a strong foundation in the English language, which is essential for academic and personal growth. It helps students to develop their language skills, which are crucial for communication, comprehension, and expression.

    How can parents help their children with the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English?

    Parents can help their children with the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English by encouraging them to read books, practice writing, and engage in conversations in English. They can also provide a supportive learning environment at home and help their children with homework and assignments.

    What are the benefits of following the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English?

    Following the CBSE Syllabus for Class 1 English provides several benefits such as improving language skills, enhancing cognitive abilities, and fostering creativity and imagination. It also prepares students for higher levels of education and helps them to become confident and effective communicators.

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