CBSE ExamCBSE SyllabusCBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus

The CBSE Class 10 Home Science 2024 exam is scheduled for March 4, 2024. The article provides the Class 10 Home Science syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for the 2023-24 academic session. It is available in both readable and downloadable formats. This syllabus is essential for understanding the Home Science curriculum, including course contents, marking scheme, exam pattern, and details of practical assessment. The study of Home Science helps in the development of self, family, and community. Therefore, it is not only important for improving scores in the CBSE Class 10 Board Exam but also for imparting life management skills to learners.

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    Also Check: CBSE Syllabus for Class 10

    CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24

    Below are the subject-wise PDFs of CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-24, including the course structure, unit-wise marks distribution, and number of periods allocated for each unit. The syllabus also covers the exam pattern, question paper design, projects, assignments, and practicals for the 2023-24 academic year. It is important for students to thoroughly review the latest CBSE syllabus and plan their studies accordingly for optimal performance in exams. Links to important study resources are also provided to help students effectively cover their syllabus.

    CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24 – Revised Syllabus

    The revised CBSE Class 10 Home Science syllabus for 2023-24 includes topics such as Principles of hygienic handling and serving of food, Adolescents: Special Features – Physical and biological, motor, social, emotional, cognitive, and language. Students should refer to the revised syllabus after reviewing the deleted portions. The theory section is worth 70 marks, while the practical section is allocated 30 marks. Below is the unit-wise distribution of marks for the CBSE Class 10 Home Science syllabus 2023-24:

    Units Marks Allotted Periods
    Unit I: Human growth & Development II 12 20
    Unit II: Management of Resources: Time, Energy and Money 12 20
    Unit III: Food and Personal Hygiene 8 16
    Unit IV: Meal Planning 13 30
    Unit V: Food Safety and Consumer Education 12 20
    Unit VI: Care and Maintenance of Fabrics and Apparel 13 20

    Unit I: Human growth & development II

    a) Play (birth-5 years), role of play in growth & development of children. Types of play active, passive, natural, serious and exploratory, selection of play material for children.

    b) Childhood (3 to11 years)-Age specific milestones- Physical, motor ,social, emotional, cognitive and language

    c) Adolescents : Special Features- Physical and biological, motor ,social, emotional, Cognitive and language

    Unit II: Management of Resources: Time, Energy and Money

    a) Time Management – Definition and Importance

    b) Time plans – Factors affecting time plan

    c) Energy Management : Definition and Importance

    d) Fatigue and work Simplification

    Unit III: Food and Personal Hygiene

    a) Principles of hygienic handling and serving of food

    b) Hygiene in kitchen

    c) Personal hygiene of food handler

    d) Hygiene during food storage

    Unit IV: Meal Planning

    a) Concept of Meal Planning

    b) Factors affecting meal planning – age, sex, climate, occupation, cost of food items, number of family members, occasion, availability of food, family traditions, likes and dislikes

    c) Basic food groups given by ICMR

    d) Use of food groups in planning balanced meal for self and family.

    Unit V: Food Safety and Consumer Education

    a) Problems faced by Consumer- Price variation, poor quality, Faulty weights and measures, Non-availability of goods, Misleading information, Lack of standardized products

    b) Food adulteration : Concept, adulterants(Metanil yellow, Argemone ,Kesari dal) and harmful effects of these adulterants on human health,

    c) Food Safety Standards-FSSAI (2006)

    Unit VI: Care and Maintenance of Fabrics and Apparel

    a) Cleaning and finishing agents used in routine care of clothes.

    b) Stain Removal

    c) Storage of cotton, silk, wool and synthetics

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    CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24 – Deleted Topics

    Below is the unit-wise deleted topics for the CBSE Class 10 Home Science syllabus 2023-24:

    Units Deleted Topics
    Unit I: Human Growth & Development – II Problems of adolescents
    Unit II: Management of Resources: Time, Energy and Money Family Income
    Unit V: Food Safety and Consumer Education Consumer Education
    Unit VI: Care and Maintenance of Fabrics and Apparel Readymade Garments

    Reasons Behind CBSE Class 10 Home Science Deleted Syllabus 2023-24

    The CBSE board has revised the CBSE Class 10 Home Science syllabus 2023-24 by deleting a few topics to enhance the quality of education and promote a practical approach to learning.

    • The removal of certain portions from the Home Science syllabus for class 10 in 2024 aims to lower the difficulty level of the questions.
    • This adjustment will help students in completing the syllabus more easily and within the allotted time frame.
    • Additionally, it is expected to foster self-reliance among students, reducing their dependence on teachers, particularly in the context of online teaching.

    CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24 – Question Paper Design

    The CBSE Class 10 Home Science 2024 paper is of 70 marks for theory. The internal assessment is 20 marks.

    Annual Board Examination
    70 Marks
    Internal Assessment
    30 Marks
    100 Marks

    The exam is conducted for 3 hours in pen and paper mode. Below is the question paper pattern:

    S. No. Competencies Total Marks %Weightage
    1 Knowledge and understanding based questions terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify,define, or recite interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information) 28 40%
    2 Application – or knowledge/concepts basedquestions
    (Use abstract information in concrete situation, toapply knowledge to new situations. Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem)
    21 30%
    3 Formulation, analysis, Evaluation and creativity based question (Appraise, judge, and /or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes) Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of integrate unique piece of information from a varietyof sources) 21 30%
    Total 70 100

    CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus FAQs

    Has CBSE released syllabus 2023-24 for Class 10?

    Yes, CBSE has released the syllabus for the academic year 2023-24 for Class 10.

    What is the syllabus of science class 10th 2023 and 2024?

    The syllabus for Science Class 10th in 2023 and 2024 includes topics such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental Science, among others. Students are advised to refer to the official CBSE website for the detailed syllabus.

    What is home science subject in class 10?

    Home Science is a subject in Class 10 that focuses on the study of home management, nutrition, health, textiles, and family economics.

    How to get 95 percent in class 10?

    To score 95 percent in Class 10, students should focus on thorough understanding of concepts, regular practice, revision, and solving sample papers. Time management during the exam is also crucial.

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