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Antibiotics – List of Antibiotics, Types and Antiseptics and Disinfectants

List of Antibiotics ;


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    Penicillin is an antibiotic that is used to treat a variety of infections caused by bacteria. It works by stopping the growth of the bacteria. Penicillin is available as a tablet, capsule, liquid, or injection.

    Types of Antibiotics

    There are three types of antibiotics:

    · Bactericidal antibiotics kill bacteria.

    · Bacteriostatic antibiotics stop bacteria from multiplying.

    · Fungicidal antibiotics kill fungi.

    Antiseptics and Disinfectants

    Antiseptics and disinfectants are both used to clean and protect wounds from infection. Antiseptics are chemicals that are applied to a wound to kill bacteria, while disinfectants are chemicals that are used to clean surfaces and objects to kill bacteria. Antiseptics are usually applied to a wound as a liquid, while disinfectants are usually applied as a spray or a wipe.

    Antimicrobial Agents Uses

    There are a variety of antimicrobial agents used in various settings. Some are used to prevent the spread of infection in the community, some are used to prevent the spread of infection in healthcare settings, and some are used to treat infections.

    Some common antimicrobial agents used in the community include hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and antibiotics. Hand sanitizers are used to kill bacteria on the hands, disinfectants are used to kill bacteria on surfaces, and antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria.

    Some common antimicrobial agents used in healthcare settings include hand sanitizers, disinfectants, antibiotics, and antiseptics. Hand sanitizers are used to kill bacteria on the hands, disinfectants are used to kill bacteria on surfaces, antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria, and antiseptics are used to kill bacteria on skin.

    List of Antibiotics

    A list of antibiotics and their uses.

    Ampicillin – used to treat a variety of infections, including ear infections, strep throat, and pneumonia

    Azithromycin – used to treat a variety of infections, including ear infections, strep throat, and pneumonia

    Ciprofloxacin – used to treat a variety of infections, including urinary tract infections, sinus infections, and pneumonia

    Penicillin – used to treat a variety of infections, including strep throat, pneumonia, and gonorrhea

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