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Change States – Definition and Detailed Explanation

Change in State Definition

A change in state is the physical transformation of a substance from one state to another. The states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The change in state can be brought about by changes in temperature or pressure.

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    States of Matter

    The states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

    A solid is a state of matter where the atoms or molecules are closely packed together in a fixed position. A liquid is a state of matter where the atoms or molecules are not as closely packed together as in a solid, and they can move around freely. A gas is a state of matter where the atoms or molecules are not as closely packed together as in a solid or liquid, and they are free to move around. Plasma is a state of matter where the atoms or molecules are not as closely packed together as in a solid, liquid, or gas, and they are free to move around, and the electrons have been stripped from the atoms.

    Change in State

    When a substance changes from one state to another, its physical and chemical properties change as well. For example, when water turns to ice, its volume decreases, its density increases, and its heat capacity decreases. When ice melts, its volume increases, its density decreases, and its heat capacity increases.

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