UncategorizedConformation – Conformational Isomers | Sawhorse and Newman Projections

Conformation – Conformational Isomers | Sawhorse and Newman Projections

Conformational Isomers – Eclipse and Staggered Conformation ;

Conformational isomers are molecules that have the same atomic composition but differ in their spatial arrangement of atoms. There are two types of conformational isomers: eclipsed and staggered.

In eclipsed conformations, the atoms on adjacent carbon atoms are in direct contact with each other. This arrangement is unstable, because it creates a high degree of electron overlap, which leads to a high degree of electron repulsion.

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    In staggered conformations, the atoms on adjacent carbon atoms are not in direct contact with each other. This arrangement is more stable, because it creates a lower degree of electron overlap, which leads to a lower degree of electron repulsion.

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