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Hypoiodous Acid – Synthesis, Equation, Properties and Applications


Hypoiodous acid is a weak acid that is formed by the action of hypochlorous acid on iodine. It is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. Hypoiodous acid is unstable and decomposes to form iodine and water.


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    The hydroxyl (OH-) and iodide (I-) ions are the primary ions present in a solution of hypoiodous acid. The hydroxyl ion is a strong base, and the iodide ion is a weak base. This means that the hydroxyl ion will react preferentially with the weak acid, hypoiodous acid, to produce the hydronium ion (H3O+) and the iodide ion.

    The hydronium ion is a strong acid, and the iodide ion is a weak acid. This means that the hydronium ion will react preferentially with the weak acid, iodide ion, to produce the hydroxyl ion and the iodine molecule (I2).

    The acid dissociation constant for hypoiodous acid is 1.7 x 10-4. This means that the majority of the hypoiodous acid molecules will remain intact, and only a small fraction of the molecules will dissociate into ions in a given solution.

    The acid dissociation constant can be used to calculate the percent dissociation of a given solution. If a 0.1 M solution of hypoiodous acid is mixed with water, then the percent dissociation will be 1.7%. This means that only 1.7% of the molecules in the solution will dissociate into ions.


    Hypoiodous acid is a weak acid that is formed when iodine dissolves in water. It is a clear, colorless liquid that has a pungent, disagreeable odor. Hypoiodous acid is very soluble in water and is stable in solution. It is used as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

    Hypoiodous acid is a weak acid with the molecular formula HOI. It is synthesized by the reaction of iodide ions with hydrogen peroxide. The equilibrium constant for this reaction is relatively small, indicating that hypoiodous acid is a weak acid.


    The equation for the reaction of hypoiodous acid with water is as follows:

    HOI + H2O → H3O+ + IO-

    The equation for the reaction of hypoiodous acid with the iodide ion is as follows:

    HOI + I- → H3O+ + I2

    The equation for the reaction of hypoiodous acid with the hydroxyl ion is as follows:

    HOI + OH- → H3O+ + I-

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