UncategorizedPlatinum – Atomic Number, Electronic Configuration, Properties and Uses

Platinum – Atomic Number, Electronic Configuration, Properties and Uses


Platinum is a dense, malleable, and ductile metal that belongs to the group of noble metals, which also includes gold, silver, palladium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium. It has a silvery-white appearance and is highly resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and wear. Platinum is known for its remarkable physical and chemical properties, making it a valuable material in various industrial, technological, and biomedical applications.

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    Platinum Atomic Number

    The atomic number of platinum is 78. This means that each platinum atom has 78 protons in its nucleus.

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    Electronic Configuration of Platinum

    The electronic configuration of platinum is [Xe]6s24f145d106p3. Platinum has six electrons in its outermost shell, and these are arranged in the configuration [Xe]6s24f145d106p3. This means that platinum has one electron in its s-shell, six electrons in its p-shell, and no electrons in its d-shell or f-shell.

    Properties of Platinum

    Platinum is a very rare, valuable, silver-white metal. It has a number of unique physical and chemical properties that make it useful in a variety of applications.

    One of platinum’s most distinctive properties is its resistance to corrosion. In fact, it is one of the most corrosion-resistant metals known. Platinum also has an extremely high melting point, making it a valuable material for use in high-temperature applications. Additionally, platinum is non-toxic, meaning it is safe to use in a variety of settings.

    Platinum is also a very dense metal, meaning it has a high mass-to-volume ratio. This makes it a good choice for use in heavy applications, such as jewelry or car parts. Platinum is also relatively soft, meaning it can be easily worked with.

    Uses of Platinum

    Some common uses of platinum include:

    -Making jewelry
    -Making coins
    -Making catalytic converters
    -Making medical equipment
    -Making laboratory equipment
    -Making electronic equipment
    -Making dental equipment

    Production of Platinum Metal

    Platinum metal is produced commercially by a three-stage process. The first step is the separation of elemental platinum from other metals in a platinum ore. The second step is the purification of the platinum metal. The third step is the fabrication of platinum products.

    1. Separation of Platinum from Other Metals

    The first step in the production of platinum metal is the separation of elemental platinum from other metals in a platinum ore. Platinum is a precious metal and is often found with other precious metals, such as gold and silver.

    The most common method of separating platinum from other metals is by a process called flotation. In flotation, the platinum ore is mixed with water and a chemical called a flotation agent. The flotation agent causes the platinum to attach to bubbles of air and float to the surface of the water. The other metals in the ore sink to the bottom of the container.

    The platinum ore is then dried and heated until the platinum melts. The melted platinum is poured into small molds called pigs and pigs are then sold to platinum refineries.

    2. Purification of Platinum Metal

    The second step in the production of platinum metal is the purification of the platinum. Platinum is a very precious metal and is often found in small quantities in platinum ores.

    The most common method of purifying platinum is by a process called smelting. In smelting, the platinum ore is heated until the

    Facts About Platinum

    Platinum is a chemical element that is found on the periodic table with the symbol Pt. It is a precious metal that is white in color and is very rare. Platinum is often used in jewelry and other decorative items.

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