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Silk – Structure and Types of Silk Fibres

Introduction to Silk Fibers

Silk fibers are produced by the silkworm, a caterpillar that feeds on mulberry leaves. The caterpillar spins a cocoon of fine, strong fibers that it weaves together with its saliva. These fibers are the raw material for silk thread, which is made by wetting the fibers and then twisting them together.

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    List of Advantages of Silk Fibers

    1. Silk is a natural fiber that is derived from the cocoon of the silkworm.

    2. Silk is soft and luxurious to the touch.

    3. Silk is strong and durable.

    4. Silk is absorbent and wicks moisture away from the skin.

    5. Silk is hypoallergenic and does not cause skin irritations.

    6. Silk is a natural thermal regulator and keeps the body cool in summer and warm in winter.

    7. Silk is environmentally friendly and biodegradable.

    Disadvantages of Silk Fibers

    The main disadvantages of silk fibers are that they are expensive, they are not very durable, and they are not very absorbent. Silk fibers are also not very versatile, meaning that they cannot be used for a wide variety of applications.

    How is Silk Made?

    Silk is made from the cocoons of silkworms. The silkworms are fed mulberry leaves and when they are ready to spin a cocoon, they are placed in a hot water bath. This dissolves the glue that holds the cocoon together and the silk is then unwound from the cocoon.

    How is Silk Obtained from the Cocoon of Silkworms?

    Silkworms are fed mulberry leaves until they are ready to spin a cocoon. The cocoons are then boiled and the silk is unwound from the cocoon.

    What is the Silk Structure?

    The Silk Structure is a protein fiber found in silkworm cocoons and spider webs. It is composed of two proteins, fibroin and sericin, which are produced by the silkworm and spider, respectively. Fibroin is the structural protein, while sericin is the sticky protein that helps the fiber bind together.

    Types of Silk Fibers

    There are three types of silk fibers:

    1. Bombyx mori silk fiber is the most common and is made from the cocoons of the silkworm.

    2. Tussah silk fiber is made from the cocoons of the wild silkworm.

    3. Muga silk fiber is made from the cocoons of the golden silkworm.

    For more visit Silk – Structure and Types of Silk Fibres


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