Periodic ClassificationsTrends in Modern Periodic Table – Metallic and Non- metallic Character

Trends in Modern Periodic Table – Metallic and Non- metallic Character

Table of Contents

  • Metallic and Non-metallic Characters
  • Summary
  • Did You Know?
  • What’s Next?

In the previous segment of the chapter ‘Periodic Classification of Elements’, we learnt about the

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    atomic size. In this segment, let us get introduced to the metallic and non-metallic characters.

    What are Metallic and non-metallic characters in the periodic table?

    • The modern periodic table has metals placed on the left, non-metals on the right, and the metalloids occupy the nearly central region of the table.

    Metallic and non-metallic characters

    • Metals tend to lose electrons because it is easier to lose electrons when they are very few in number rather than accepting more number of electrons.
    • The atomic size increases down the group. The force of attraction from the nucleus for the valence electrons decreases. Thus, the elements show a tendency to lose electrons easily. So, the metallic character increases as we go down the group.

    For example, fluorine and chlorine show better non-metallic properties but the metallic characters keep increasing down the group.

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