PhysicsHECW – Dispersion of light

HECW – Dispersion of light

Table of Contents

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    • Dispersion of Light
    • Refraction of Light
    • Occurrence of Refraction of Light
    • Occurrence of Dispersion of Light
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about Newton’s prism experiments. In this segment, we will learn about the dispersion of light.

    What is the Dispersion of light?

    • White light from the sun is composed of seven different colours which can be split using a prism. This process is called the dispersion of light.
    • This happens due to the refraction of light.

    Dispersion of light

    What is the Refraction of light?

    • Refraction of light is the bending of light when it passes from one medium to another.

    For example, if the light is travelling from air to water, then it bends in the water. This is why the pencil appears to be broken when placed inside the water.

    Refraction of Light

    Why does refraction occur?

    • Consider a glass slab and assume a ray of light is incident on it at a point.
    • After refraction, we see the light bends because of the change in its speed.

    For instance, the speed of light is lesser in glass than in air. And hence when it goes from air to glass, its speed decreases and it bends towards the normal.

    • Similarly, when it is going from glass to air, its speed increases and it bends away from the normal.

    Bending of light

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