PhysicsHECW- Eye defects(Myopia)

HECW- Eye defects(Myopia)

Table of Contents

  • Myopia
  • Overcoming Myopia
  • Summary
  • Did You Know?
  • What’s Next?

In the previous segment, we learnt about the function of the eye lens and the passage of light through it. In this segment, we will learn about a few of the most common eye defects, starting with Myopia.

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    What is Myopia?

    • Myopia is one of the most common eye defects, also called nearsightedness.
    • It is a condition of the eye in which the nearby objects are visible clearly but the distant objects are blurry.
    • In the case of Myopia, the propagation of light from the nearer object occurs in the usual way. But the light rays from a faraway object get converged in front of the retina instead of on the retina. As a result, the image appears blurry.


    • This happens mainly due to the larger size of the eyeball. Due to the elongated eyeball, the distance between the lens and the retina is more than usual. Hence, the image is formed in front.
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