ConvertPower ConversiondBm to mW Conversion

dBm to mW Conversion

dBm and mW are units of power used to measure the strength of a signal, often in the context of telecommunication and electronics.

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    dBm stands for decibels relative to one milliwatt. It is a unit of power that represents the ratio of the power level of a signal to one milliwatt (1 mW) on a logarithmic scale. dBm is commonly used to express the power level of radio frequency (RF) signals, such as in wireless communications, Wi-Fi, and cellular networks. The dBm scale provides a convenient way to express signal power levels in a more manageable and standardized form.


    mW stands for milliwatt, which is a unit of power equal to one-thousandth of a watt. It is a standard unit of power measurement in the International System of Units (SI). Milliwatts are used to quantify the power output or consumption of electronic devices, such as lasers, transmitters, or electrical components.

    How to convert dBm to mW

    Converting dBm (decibels relative to one milliwatt) to mW (milliwatts) involves using a simple mathematical formula. The formula to convert dBm to mW is:

    P(mW) = 1mW ⋅ 10(P(dBm)/ 10)

    For Example – Convert 14 dBm to mW

    Ans. P(mW) = 1mW ⋅ 10(14dBm/ 10) = 25.118mW

    See Also

    dBm to mW conversion table

    Power (dBm) Power (mW)
    -40 dBm 0.0001 mW
    -30 dBm 0.001 mW
    -20 dBm 0.01 mW
    -10 dBm 0.1 mW
    0 dBm 1 mW
    1 dBm 1.2589 mW
    2 dBm 1.5849 mW
    3 dBm 1.9953 mW
    4 dBm 2.5119 mW
    5 dBm 3.1628 mW
    6 dBm 3.9811 mW
    7 dBm 5.0119 mW
    8 dBm 6.3096 mW
    9 dBm 7.9433 mW
    10 dBm 10 mW
    20 dBm 100 mW
    30 dBm 1000 mW
    40 dBm 10000 mW
    50 dBm 100000 mW

    FAQs on dBm to mW Conversion

    How do you convert dBm to mW

    To convert dBm to mW, use the formula: Power (mW) = 10^(dBm/10). For example, to convert -20 dBm to mW: Power (mW) = 10^(-20/10) = 10^(-2) = 0.01 mW (or 10 microwatts).

    What is 1 mW in dBm?

    To find the dBm value for 1 mW, use the formula in reverse: dBm = 10 * log10(Power (mW)). For 1 mW: dBm = 10 x log10(1) = 10 * 0 = 0 dBm.

    Is dBm equal to mW?

    No, dBm (decibels relative to one milliwatt) and mW (milliwatts) are not equal. dBm is a unit of power measurement on a logarithmic scale relative to one milliwatt. mW is a standard unit of power measurement equal to one-thousandth of a watt.

    How many mW is 20 dBm?

    To convert 20 dBm to mW: Power (mW) = 10^(20/10) = 10^2 = 100 mW.

    How many dBm is 40 mW?

    To find the dBm value for 40 mW: dBm = 10 x log10(40) ≈ 16.99 dBm.

    What is dBm strength?

    dBm strength indicates the power level of a signal relative to one milliwatt on a logarithmic scale. It is often used in telecommunications and electronics to express the power of signals. Higher dBm values represent stronger signals, while lower dBm values represent weaker signals. For example, -40 dBm is a weaker signal than -20 dBm.

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