Kelvin to Rankine

Kelvin (K) and Rankine (°R) are both temperature scales used to measure temperature.

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    Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale commonly used in scientific and technical contexts. It is named after the Scottish physicist William Thomson, also known as Lord Kelvin. The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero, which is the coldest temperature possible and is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius. In the Kelvin scale, temperatures are measured in units called Kelvin (K), and they are always positive values. Kelvin is widely used in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering, where absolute temperature measurements are required.


    Rankine is a temperature scale primarily used in the United States, particularly in some engineering and scientific applications. It is named after the Scottish engineer and physicist William Rankine. The Rankine scale is an absolute temperature scale that is based on Fahrenheit degrees, with absolute zero being 0 Rankine. The size of each Rankine degree is the same as that of Fahrenheit degrees, so the intervals between temperatures are the same, but the zero point is shifted to absolute zero.

    How to convert Kelvin to Rankine

    Kelvin (K) and Rankine (°R) are temperature scales used to measure temperature.

    To convert from Kelvin to Rankine, you need to multiply the Kelvin value by 9/5:

    °R = K × 9/5

    For example- Convert 273 kelvin to rankine

    Ans. °R = 273 × 9/5

    = 2,457 / 5

    = 491.4

    Kelvin to Rankine conversion table

    Kelvin (K) Rankine (°R)
    0 K 0 °R
    10 K 18 °R
    20 K 36 °R
    30 K 54 °R
    40 K 72 °R
    50 K 90 °R
    60 K 108 °R
    70 K 126 °R
    80 K 144 °R
    90 K 162 °R
    100 K 180 °R
    110 K 198 °R
    120 K 216 °R
    130 K 234 °R
    140 K 252 °R
    150 K 270 °R
    160 K 288 °R
    170 K 306 °R
    180 K 324 °R
    190 K 342 °R
    200 K 360 °R
    210 K 378 °R
    220 K 396 °R
    230 K 414 °R
    240 K 432 °R
    250 K 450 °R
    260 K 468 °R
    270 K 486 °R
    280 K 504 °R
    290 K 522 °R
    300 K 540 °R
    400 K 720 °R
    500 K 900 °R
    600 K 1080 °R
    700 K 1260 °R
    800 K 1440 °R
    900 K 1620 °R
    1000 K 1800 °R

    Frequently Asked Questions on Kelvin to Rankine

    What is the formula for Kelvin to Rankine?

    The formula for converting Kelvin (K) to Rankine (°R) is: °R = K × (9/5)

    What is the Rankine conversion formulas?

    The Rankine conversion formulas are as follows: To convert Rankine to Kelvin: K = (°R - 491.67) × (5/9) To convert Kelvin to Rankine: °R = K × (9/5) + 491.67

    What is the R in Kelvin?

    The R in Kelvin refers to the Rankine scale, which is a temperature scale named after the Scottish engineer and physicist William John Macquorn Rankine. It is an absolute temperature scale similar to Kelvin but used primarily in engineering applications.

    What is the unit of Rankine?

    The unit of Rankine is denoted by the symbol °R and is used to measure temperature. It is part of the Rankine temperature scale.

    What is the use of Rankine formula?

    The Rankine scale and its conversion formulas are primarily used in engineering and thermodynamics. It is commonly used in the United States and some engineering disciplines where the Fahrenheit scale is still prevalent. Rankine is particularly useful for calculations involving thermodynamic systems and energy transfer.

    What is the formula for converting temperatures?

    The formula for converting temperatures depends on the specific temperature scales being used. Here are some common formulas: Celsius to Fahrenheit: °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius: °C = (°F - 32) × 5/9 Celsius to Kelvin: K = °C + 273.15 Kelvin to Celsius: °C = K - 273.15 Fahrenheit to Kelvin: K = (°F + 459.67) × 5/9 Kelvin to Fahrenheit: °F = (K × 9/5) - 459.67

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