ConvertTemperature ConversionRankine to Fahrenheit

Rankine to Fahrenheit

Rankine (°R) and Fahrenheit (°F) are both temperature scales used to measure temperature.

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    Rankine is an absolute temperature scale named after the Scottish engineer and physicist William John Macquorn Rankine. It is primarily used in engineering and thermodynamics. The Rankine scale is based on the Fahrenheit scale, with absolute zero defined as 0°R. The size of one degree Rankine is equivalent to one degree Fahrenheit.


    Fahrenheit is a temperature scale commonly used in the United States and a few other countries for everyday temperature measurements. It was developed by the Polish-German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of water is defined as 32°F, and the boiling point of water is defined as 212°F at standard atmospheric pressure.

    The relationship between Rankine and Fahrenheit is straightforward. One degree Rankine is equal to one degree Fahrenheit. The only difference is the reference point. While Fahrenheit uses the freezing and boiling points of water as reference points, Rankine uses absolute zero as its reference point. Therefore, to convert between Rankine and Fahrenheit, you do not need to apply any conversion factor, as the temperature values are the same.

    How to convert Rankine to Fahrenheit

    To convert Rankine (°R) to Fahrenheit (°F), you can use the following formula:

    °F = °R – 459.67

    This formula subtracts 459.67 from the Rankine value to obtain the equivalent temperature in Fahrenheit. It allows for the conversion of temperature measurements between the Rankine and Fahrenheit scales.

    For Example- Convert 300 Rankine to Fahrenheit

    Ans: °F = °R – 459.67

    = 300 – 459.67

    = -159.67 °F

    Rankine to Fahrenheit conversion table

    Rankine (°R) Fahrenheit (°F)
    0 °R -459.67 °F
    10 °R -449.67 °F
    20 °R -439.67 °F
    30 °R -429.67 °F
    40 °R -419.67 °F
    50 °R -409.67 °F
    60 °R -399.67 °F
    70 °R -389.67 °F
    80 °R -379.67 °F
    90 °R -369.67 °F
    100 °R -359.67 °F
    110 °R -349.67 °F
    120 °R -339.67 °F
    130 °R -329.67 °F
    140 °R -319.67 °F
    150 °R -309.67 °F
    160 °R -299.67 °F
    170 °R -289.67 °F
    180 °R -279.67 °F
    190 °R -269.67 °F
    200 °R -259.67 °F
    210 °R -249.67 °F
    220 °R -239.67 °F
    230 °R -229.67 °F
    240 °R -219.67 °F
    250 °R -209.67 °F
    260 °R -199.67 °F
    270 °R -189.67 °F
    280 °R -179.67 °F
    290 °R -169.67 °F
    300 °R -159.67 °F
    400 °R -59.67 °F
    500 °R 40.33 °F
    600 °R 140.33 °F
    700 °R 240.33 °F
    800 °R 340.33 °F
    900 °R 440.33 °F
    1000 °R 540.33 °F

    Frequently Asked Questions on Rankine to Fahrenheit

    What is the formula for Rankine to Fahrenheit?

    The formula for converting Rankine (R) to Fahrenheit (°F) is: °F = R - 459.67

    रैंकिन टू फारेनहाइट का सूत्र क्या है?

    रैंकिन (Rankine) से फारेनहाइट (फ़ैरेनहाइट) में बदलने का सूत्र यह है: फ़ैरेनहाइट (°F) = रैंकिन (R) - 459.67

    What is 32 degrees F in Rankine?

    To convert 32 degrees Fahrenheit to Rankine, you simply add 459.67: 32°F = 32 + 459.67 = 491.67 Rankine

    What is the unit of Rankine?

    The unit of Rankine is Rankine itself. It is a temperature scale used in engineering and thermodynamics.

    What is the formula Rankine temperature?

    The formula for Rankine temperature is the same as Fahrenheit, but without the offset of 459.67: R = °F + 459.67

    What is 30 degree heat in Fahrenheit?

    To convert 30 degrees heat to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit: °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 30 degrees heat is not clear in terms of the scale being used. If it is Celsius, the conversion to Fahrenheit would be: °F = (30 × 9/5) + 32 = 86°F

    What is 50 degree heat in Fahrenheit?

    To convert 50 degrees heat to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit: °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 Again, the scale of the given temperature is not specified. Assuming it is Celsius, the conversion to Fahrenheit would be: °F = (50 × 9/5) + 32 = 122°F If it is Rankine, the conversion to Fahrenheit would be: °F = 50 - 459.67 = -409.67°F

    What is 40 degree heat in Fahrenheit?

    To convert 40 degrees heat to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit: °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 Assuming the given temperature is in Celsius, the conversion to Fahrenheit would be: °F = (40 × 9/5) + 32 = 104°F If the temperature is in Rankine, the conversion to Fahrenheit would be: °F = 40 - 459.67 = -419.67°F

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