EnglishA Sound Word

A Sound Word

Words with the long ‘a’ sound are those that say the letter ‘a’ as its name. Here are some examples: play, gate, eight, acorn. There are different words that also have the long ‘a’ sound.

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    U Sound Words

    A sound word

    Long A Words List

    Here are some lists of words with the long “a” sound, including the rules and patterns. These examples are also part of our Long A Packet. They are useful to display in your classroom when teaching about long “a” words.

    E Sound Words

    Long A Words List
    Ace Raise
    Aid Rake
    Aim Rate
    Air Sail
    Ale Safe
    Ape Scale
    Ate Shake
    Age Shape
    Able Skate
    Agent Slate
    Apron Snail
    Baby Space
    Basic Sprain
    Cable Stake
    Cake State
    Cane Stay
    Cape Straight
    Case Strain
    Chase Table
    Crane Tale
    Date Tape
    Daisy Taste
    Day Train
    Drape Vase
    Face Wait
    Faint Wake
    Faith Jail
    Flake Lane
    Flame Late
    Gate Lay
    Gave Mail
    Graze Mane
    Hail Maple
    Haze Name
    Jail Maple
    Lane Name
    Late Paint
    Lay Pale
    Mail Plane
    Mane Plate

    Word Start with y

    Short A Words List

    Long A Words List
    Act Air
    Age Ant
    Aim Arm
    Afar Ably
    Arch Away
    Aqua Akin
    Area Aide
    Amid Abet
    Auro Alto
    Act Air
    Age Ant
    Aim Arm
    Ague Amok
    Aged Aqua
    Alas Ajax
    Area Able
    Aged Ally

    Transformation of Sentence

    Short A/Long A Sound Activity

    We’ll start by discussing the difference between the long and short ‘a’ sounds. For the first activity, I’ll say a word with either a long ‘a’ sound or a short ‘a’ sound. I’ll let you know we’re focusing on the long ‘a’ sound. If you hear the long ‘a’ sound, show thumbs up; if you hear the short ‘a’ sound, show thumbs down. For example, I’ll say, “The next word is ‘hat.’ Thumbs up if you hear long ‘a,’ or thumbs down if you hear short ‘a.’ Correct, you should have thumbs down. ‘Hat’ has a short ‘a’ sound.” We’ll use the provided word lists as examples. We can incorporate different actions, like standing up for long ‘a’ words and sitting down for short ‘a’ words. We’ll continue until most of you are answering correctly, then we’ll move on to practicing long and short vowel sounds with worksheets.

    A Sound Word FAQs

    What are the 5 sounds of 'a'?

    The five sounds of 'a' are: /æ/ as in 'cat,' /eɪ/ as in 'cake,' /ɑː/ as in 'father,' /ə/ as in 'sofa,' and /ɔː/ as in 'all.'

    What are 10 short 'a' sound words?

    Ten short 'a' sound words are: cat, bat, rat, hat, mat, sat, fat, pat, sad, and bag.

    How to write words with sounds?

    To write words with sounds, listen carefully to the sounds in the word and match them with the corresponding letters or letter combinations.

    What are examples of sound 'a'?

    Examples of sound 'a' include words like 'apple,' 'cat,' 'happy,' 'lamp,' and 'dance.'

    What are 10 words with the short 'a' sound?

    Ten words with the short 'a' sound are: cat, bat, rat, hat, mat, sat, fat, pat, sad, and bag.

    What are 20 examples of vowel sounds?

    Twenty examples of vowel sounds include: apple, elephant, igloo, octopus, umbrella, and yacht.

    Which word has a long 'a' sound?

    The word 'cake' has a long 'a' sound.

    What are 'a' sound words?

    'A' sound words are words that contain the sound of the letter 'a,' such as apple, cat, hat, and bat.

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