Table of Contents
500 New Words With Meaning: Daily Used English Words: Welcome to our blog where we’ll explore the fascinating world of daily used English words. In this article, we have compiled a list of 500+ simple English words for daily use, along with 50+ words and their meanings, as well as examples to help you understand their context. Learning new words in English enriches vocabulary, enabling more precise and expressive communication. Whether you’re a native English speaker looking to expand your vocabulary or a non-native English learner striving for better communication, this resource is designed to make your journey easier.
500 New Words With Meaning for Daily Use
Here are some simple daily used English words.
Word | Word | Word | Word | Word |
About | Above | Accept | Across | Act |
Addition | Address | Admit | Advertisement | Afraid |
After | Again | Against | Age | Agree |
Air | All | Alone | Along | Already |
Also | Although | Always | Among | And |
Animal | Another | Answer | Any | Anybody |
Anyway | Appear | Apple | April | Area |
Arm | Army | Around | Arrive | Art |
As | Ask | At | August | Aunt |
Autumn | Away | Baby | Back | Bad |
Bag | Ball | Banana | Band | Bank |
Bar | Base | Basket | Bath | Be |
Beach | Bean | Bear | Beautiful | Because |
Become | Bed | Before | Begin | Behind |
Believe | Bell | Below | Best | Better |
Between | Bicycle | Big | Bird | Birthday |
Bite | Black | Blanket | Blue | Boat |
Body | Book | Both | Bottle | Box |
Boy | Bread | Breakfast | Bridge | Bring |
Brother | Brown | Build | Bus | Business |
Busy | But | Butter | Buy | By |
Cake | Call | Camera | Can | Candle |
Capital | Car | Card | Care | Carpet |
Carry | Case | Cat | Catch | Central |
Century | Certain | Chair | Chance | Change |
Character | Charge | Check | Cheese | Chicken |
Child | Chocolate | Choice | Choose | Church |
Circle | City | Class | Clean | Clear |
Clock | Close | Cloth | Cloud | Club |
Coat | Coffee | Cold | Color | Come |
Company | Computer | Condition | Cook | Cool |
Copy | Corn | Correct | Cost | Cotton |
Couch | Country | Course | Cousin | Cover |
Cow | Create | Cross | Crowded | Cry |
Cup | Cut | Dance | Dark | Date |
Daughter | Day | Dead | Dear | Decide |
Deep | Deer | Degree | Delicious | Dentist |
Desk | Develop | Dew | Diamond | Dictionary |
Dilatory | Difference | Different | Difficult | Dinner |
Direction | Dirt | Dirty | Disappear | Discover |
Dish | Divide | Do | Dog | Dollar |
Door | Down | Draw | Dream | Dress |
Drink | Drive | Drop | Dry | Duck |
During | Ear | Early | Earth | Eat |
Education | Egg | Elephant | Else | |
Empty | End | Enemy | Enjoy | Enough |
Enter | Equal | Erase | Evening | Ever |
Every | Excuse | Exercise | Exit | Expect |
Eye | Face | Fact | Fall | Family |
Famous | Far | Farm | Fast | Father |
Favorite | February | Feel | Female | Few |
Field | Fight | Fill | Film | Find |
Fine | Finger | Finish | Fire | First |
Fish | Fit | Fix | Flag | Floor |
Flower | Fly | Food | Foot | Football |
For | Forest | Forget | Fork | Form |
Forward | Found | Four | Fox | Friend |
From | Front | Fruit | Full | Fun |
Future | Game | Garden | Gas | Gather |
General | Geography | Get | Gift | Girl |
Give | Glass | Go | Goal | God |
Gold | Good | Government | Grade | Grandfather |
Grandma | Grandmother | Grape | Grass | Great |
Green | Grey | Ground | Group | Grow |
Guest | Guide | Gun | Hair | Half |
Hall | Hand | Happen | Happy | Hard |
Hat | Have | He | Head | Hear |
Heart | Heat | Heavy | Hello | Help |
Here | High | Hill | History | Hit |
Hobby | Hockey | Hold | Holiday | Home |
Hope | Horse | Hospital | Hot | Hotel |
Hour | House | How | Hundred | Hungry |
Hurry | Husband | Ice | Idea | If |
Important | In | Inch | Include | Increase |
Inside | Instead | Internet | Into | Introduction |
Island | Jacket | January | Jelly | Job |
Join | Joke | Journey | July | Jump |
June | Just | Keep | Key | Kick |
Kid | Kill | Kind | King | Kitchen |
Knee | Knife | Know | Ladder | Lady |
Lake | Land | Language | Large | Last |
Late | Laugh | Laundry | Law | Learn |
Leave | Left | Lemon | Lesson | Let |
Letter | Library | Lie | Life | Light |
Like | Line | Listen | Little | Live |
Load | Lock | Long | Look | Lose |
Loud | Love | Low | Lunch | Machine |
Magazine | Make | Male | Man | |
Manager | Map | March | Market | Marriage |
May | Maybe | Me | Meal | Meat |
Medical | Meet | Member | Memory | Mention |
Menu | Message | Middle | Midnight | Might |
Milk | Mind | Minute | Miss | Mistake |
Monday | Money | Monkey | Month | Moon |
More | Morning | Most | Mother | Mountain |
Mouth | Move | Movie | Mr. | Mrs. |
Much | Music | Must | My | Name |
Nation | Nature | Near | Necessary | Neck |
Need | Neighbor | Neither | Nephew | Nervous |
Net | Never | New | Next | Newspaper |
Nice | Night | Nine | No | Noise |
None | Noon | Nose | Not | Note |
Nothing | November | Now | Number | Nurse |
October | Of | Off | Often | Oh |
Oil | Old | On | Once | One |
Only | Open | Opposite | Orange | Order |
Other | Our | Outside | Over | Own |
Page | Pain | Paint | Paper | Parent |
Park | Part | Party | Pass | Past |
Path | Pay | Peace | Pen | Pencil |
People | Perfect | Perhaps | Person | Pet |
Phone | Photo | Pick | Picture | Piece |
Pig | Pillow | Pink | Place | Plan |
Plane | Plant | Plastic | Plate | Play |
Please | Point | Police | Pool | |
Poor | Pop | Popular | Post | Potato |
Power | Present | President | Price | Princess |
Private | Prize | Problem | Protect | |
Proud | Public | Pull | Push | Put |
Queen | Question | Quick | Quiet | Rabbit |
Radio | Rain | Rainy | Read | Ready |
Real | Red | Remember | Restaurant | Return |
Rice | Rich | Ride | Right | Ring |
River | Road | Rock | Room | Rose |
Round | Rubber | Run | Sad | Safe |
Said | Salad | Salt | Same | Sandwich |
Saturday | Save | Saw | Say | School |
Science | Sea | Search | Season | Seat |
Second | See | Seed | Seem | Sell |
Send | September | Serious | Serve | Set |
Seven | Seventeen | Several | Sew | Shadow |
Shake | Shall | Shape | Share | Sheep |
Sheet | Shelf | Shine | Ship | Shirt |
Shoe | Shop | Short | Should | Show |
Shy | Side | Sign | Silent | Silver |
Similar | Simple | Sister | Sit | Six |
Size | Skate | Sky | Sleep | Slow |
Small | Smile | Smoke | Smooth | Snake |
Snow | So | Soccer | Social | Soft |
Soldier | Some | Son | Soon | Sorry |
Sound | Soup | Space | Speak | Special |
Spend | Spider | Spoon | Spring | Square |
Stairs | Stand | Star | Start | Station |
Stay | Steak | Step | Stick | Still |
Stomach | Stone | Stop | Store | Storm |
Story | Strange | Street | Strong | Student |
Study | Subject | Subway | Successful | Sugar |
Summer | Sunday | Sun | Supermarket | Sure |
Surprise | Swim | Table | Tail | Take |
Talk | Tall | Taste | Taxi | Tea |
Teach | Team | Telephone | Television | Tell |
Ten | Tennis | Test | Text | Than |
Thank | That | The | Theater | Their |
Them | Then | There | They | Thief |
Thing | Think | Third | This | Those |
Three | Through | Throw | Thursday | Ticket |
Time | Tire | To | Today | Toe |
Together | Toilet | Tomato | Tomorrow | Tongue |
Too | Tooth | Top | Touch | Towel |
Toy | Train | Travel | Tree | Try |
Tuesday | Turn | Twelve | Twenty | Two |
Umbrella | Uncle | Under | Understand | Up |
Use | Vacation | Vegetable | Very | Video |
Village | Visit | Voice | Wait | Walk |
Wall | Want | Warm | Wash | Watch |
Water | Wave | Way | We | Weak |
Wear | Weather | Wednesday | Week | Welcome |
Well | West | Wet | What | When |
Where | Which | While | White | Who |
Whole | Why | Wife | Wild | Will |
Win | Wind | Window | Wine | Winter |
Wish | With | Without | Woman | Women |
Wonderful | Wood | Word | Work | World |
Write | Wrong | Year | Yellow | Yes |
Yesterday | Yet | You | Young | Your |
Zero | Zebra | Zoo |
50 New Words with Meaning
Here are 50+ daily used English words along with their meanings:
Word | Meaning |
Apathy | Lack of interest or enthusiasm. |
Benevolent | Kind and generous. |
Cacophony | A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. |
Diligent | Hardworking and careful. |
Dilatory | Delay or slow down a process. |
Eloquent | Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. |
Fragile | Easily broken or damaged. |
Gratitude | Feeling of thankfulness. |
Humble | Modest and unassuming. |
Inevitable | Certain to happen; unavoidable. |
Jubilant | Feeling or expressing great joy. |
Kindle | Ignite or light up. |
Lethargic | Lacking energy; sluggish. |
Meticulous | Showing great attention to detail. |
Nostalgia | A sentimental longing for the past. |
Oblivious | Unaware or forgetful. |
Pensive | Deeply thoughtful, often with a hint of sadness. |
Quixotic | Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical. |
Resilient | Able to recover quickly from adversity. |
Serene | Calm, peaceful, and untroubled. |
Trepidation | A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. |
Ubiquitous | Present, appearing, or found everywhere. |
Voracious | Having a very eager approach to an activity. |
Wistful | Longing or yearning for something in the past. |
Xenophobia | Dislike or prejudice against people from other countries. |
Yearn | To have a strong desire or longing for something. |
Zealous | Showing great enthusiasm or passion. |
Abundant | Existing in large quantities; plentiful. |
Belligerent | Hostile and aggressive. |
Cautious | Careful to avoid potential problems or risks. |
Deceptive | Giving an appearance or impression that is misleading. |
Efficient | Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. |
Fickle | Likely to change one’s mind frequently. |
Gregarious | Fond of company; sociable. |
Harmony | A pleasing combination or arrangement of different elements. |
Innovative | Introducing new ideas or methods; creative. |
Jovial | Cheerful and friendly. |
Kaleidoscope | A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements. |
Luminous | Emitting or reflecting light; shining. |
Mundane | Lacking interest or excitement; dull. |
Nocturnal | Active at night; relating to the night. |
Obligatory | Required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory. |
Paradox | A statement that appears contradictory but may be true. |
Quintessential | Representing the most perfect or typical example. |
Reverie | A state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts. |
Surreptitious | Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of. |
Tumultuous | Making a loud, confused noise; chaotic. |
Ubiquity | The state of being everywhere at once. |
Vibrant | Full of energy and life; colorful. |
Whimsical | Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an amusing way. |
Xerophyte | A plant adapted to survive in dry conditions. |
Yield | Produce or provide a natural, agricultural, or industrial product. |
Zephyr | A gentle, mild breeze. |
Most Common New Words With Examples
Here are some of the most common English words along with examples of their usage:
Word | Example Sentence |
The | The sun is shining brightly today. |
I | I am going to the store. |
You | Can you help me with this task? |
He | He is my brother. |
She | She is a talented singer. |
It | It is raining outside. |
We | We are planning a trip. |
They | They are coming to the party. |
A | I saw a bird in the tree. |
An | An apple is a healthy snack. |
And | I like coffee and tea. |
In | She lives in New York. |
On | The book is on the table. |
At | We will meet at the park. |
With | I made a sandwich with cheese. |
By | The letter was written by John. |
For | This gift is for you. |
About | Tell me more about your trip. |
As | She works as a nurse. |
But | I wanted to go, but I couldn’t. |
Or | Do you want tea or coffee? |
Not | It’s not raining today. |
This | This is my favorite book. |
That | That car is very expensive. |
You’re | You’re a great friend. |
We’re | We’re going to the beach. |
It’s | It’s a beautiful day. |
They’re | They’re coming to the party. |
I’m | I’m happy to see you. |
Can | Can you pass the salt? |
Will | I will call you later. |
Go | Let’s go to the park. |
Have | I have a new job. |
Do | What do you want to eat? |
Say | Can you say that again? |
Get | I need to get some groceries. |
Make | She can make delicious cakes. |
See | I can see the mountains from here. |
Look | Look at the beautiful sunset. |
Like | I like to read books. |
Time | What time is it? |
Year | I was born in the year 1990. |
Day | Today is a sunny day. |
Week | I have a busy week ahead. |
Month | My birthday is next month. |
Now | We can leave now. |
Take | Can you take me to the airport? |
Think | I think you’re right. |
Come | Come to the party tonight. |
Want | I want to travel the world. |
Expand Your Vocabulary
Expanding your vocabulary is crucial for effective communication. Learning these daily used words will help you express yourself better in various situations, from casual conversations to formal presentations.
Practical Tips to Enhance Vocabulary
- Keep a vocabulary journal: Write down new words you come across and use them in sentences.
- Read regularly: Reading books, articles, and newspapers exposes you to a wider range of vocabulary.
- Play word games: Engage in word-based games like Scrabble or crossword puzzles.
- Use language-learning apps: Apps like Duolingo and mesmerize offer fun ways to learn new words.
Mastering daily used English words is a step toward becoming a more confident and articulate communicator. By using the 500+ words provided, understanding 50+ words and their meanings, and practicing with examples, you’ll enhance your language skills and open doors to more effective communication. So, start expanding your vocabulary today and watch your language proficiency soar.
FAQ’s on Daily Used English Words
What are 10 new words for kids with meaning?
Here are 10 new words that kids can learn: Adventure: An exciting journey or experience. Benevolent: Kind and caring. Courage: Being brave even when you're scared. Curious: Wanting to learn more about something. Dazzling: Very bright or amazing. Explore: To look around and learn about new places. Generous: Willing to give to others. Harmony: Things working well together. Invent: To create something new. Journey: A long trip or travel to a place.
What are 5 simple words for kids?
Here are 5 easy words for kids: Happy: Feeling good and smiling. Play: To have fun with toys or games. Friend: Someone you enjoy spending time with. Jump: To move quickly up and down. Smile: To show happiness with your face.
What are 20 new words with meaning?
Here are 20 new words for kids: Amused: Feeling happy and entertained. Brave: Not afraid to try something new or difficult. Clever: Smart or quick at solving problems. Delight: Great happiness or joy. Eager: Really wanting to do something. Friendly: Kind and easy to talk to. Gentle: Soft and kind in manner. Honest: Telling the truth. Imagine: To think about or make pictures in your mind. Journey: A trip or travel. Kindness: Being nice and caring to others. Lively: Full of energy and fun. Mischievous: Being playful and sometimes naughty. Noble: Having good qualities like honesty. Optimistic: Always looking at the good side of things. Proud: Feeling good about something you've done. Quiet: Calm and without much noise. Respect: Treating others well and valuing them. Silly: Acting in a funny or not serious way. Tough: Strong and able to handle challenges.
What are 30 vocabulary words?
Here are 30 vocabulary words for kids: Adapt: To change or adjust to something new. Benevolent: Caring and kind. Charming: Pleasant or attractive. Doubt: Not being sure about something. Effort: Trying your best to do something. Faithful: Loyal and true. Genuine: Real and not fake. Humble: Not thinking you're better than others. Inspire: To make others want to do something good. Joyful: Full of happiness. Keen: Really wanting to do something. Loyal: Always staying true to someone or something. Mature: Acting grown-up or wise. Nurture: To take care of something or someone. Optimistic: Looking at the bright side. Polite: Being respectful and well-mannered. Quick-witted: Able to think fast. Reliable: Someone you can count on. Smart: Clever or intelligent. Tender: Gentle and kind. Unique: Special and one-of-a-kind. Vibrant: Full of life and energy. Wise: Being smart because of experience. Xenial: Friendly to guests or strangers. Youthful: Full of energy and spirit. Zealous: Really eager or enthusiastic about something. Achieve: To do something great. Brilliant: Very smart or bright. Challenging: Something that is hard but fun to do. Dazzling: So bright or beautiful that it’s amazing.
What are the 100 common words in English?
Above, Abroad, Access, Accomplish, Achieve, Achievement, Acknowledgment, Add, Additional, Adjust, Admiring, After, Air, Alluring, Alone, And, Another, Animal, Answer, Around, Art, Ask, Attach, At, Attain, Auspicious, Away, Avoid, Baby, Back, Balance, Banana, Bark, Basket, Beach, Beat, Beautiful, Because, Bed, Before, Belated, Believe, Belong, Below, Benefit, Best, Better, Bill, Billion, Birth, Blood, Bloom, Body, Book, Bore, Both, Bottle, Boy, Branches, Breed, Brother, Bucket, Building, Built, But, Buy, Cap, Capital, Captain, Captivate, Harmony, Tranquility, Gratitude, Serenity, Resilience, Compassion, Jubilant, Radiance, Bliss, Empathy, Hope, Grace, Courage, Kindness, Tranquility, Abundance, Contentment, Elegance, Peace, Reverence, Authenticity, Fulfillment, Harmony, Integrity, Wisdom, Joy, Patience, Vitality, Inspiration, Clarity, Creativity, Empowerment, Optimism, Unity, Trust, Curiosity, Freedom, Growth, Resilience, Sincerity.
What are words people use every day?
People use a variety of words every day depending on their interactions, routines, and conversations. Some common everyday words include greetings like hello and goodbye, expressions like please and thank you, as well as everyday nouns like home, work, family, food, time, money, water, day, night, love, and more.
How can I learn 100 English words a day?
Learning 100 English words a day can be overwhelming and might not lead to effective retention. Instead, consider a more manageable approach. Start with a smaller number of words, like 10 to 20, and focus on them thoroughly. Use various techniques such as flashcards, association, repetition, and context-based learning. Create sentences using those words, read them aloud, and try to use them in conversations. Consistency and practice over time are key for effective vocabulary acquisition.
What are the 10 most used words?
10 most used words are: time, year, people, way, day, man, thing, woman, life, child.