EnglishenvironmentalGlobal Warming Solutions: How to Prevent and Stop Global Warming

Global Warming Solutions: How to Prevent and Stop Global Warming

Global warming implies continuous increase in the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere. The phenomenon is mostly a result of human activities, leading to an increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Due to the increasing production of greenhouse gases or chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), ice is melting in Antarctica and in the Himalayas, water level of the sea is increasing and the desert is spreading. Western winds are becoming very strong. Scientists say that in the coming days the incidents of drought and floods may also increase.

During the Ice Age (about 50,000 to 100,000 years ago), the global average annual temperature of the earth was 5-10 degree Celsius colder than today. According to scientists, the Earth temperature has been increased by 0.74 Celsius from 1906 to 2006. The Northern and Southern Hemispheres have seen a decline in glaciers and snow-covered areas. Antarctica’s average temperature has been rising twice as high as the Earth’s average temperature over the last 100 years.

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    How to Stop Global Warming; Ways to Prevent Global Warming

    Environmental degradation and climate change have affected the whole world. The mankind needs to be one to find ways to stop global warming. Unfortunately, poor countries who mainly depend on the natural environment for their existence need help to be able to deal with environmental concerns.

    Nations around the world are moving forward in the fight against climate change. With the goal of reducing global warming in the future by 2°C, 195 countries signed an agreement at the Paris Climate Summit in 2015, to reduce their carbon emissions. This was a big step in the right direction. But it is important that every citizen equally contributes towards this goal. Environmental protection can be achieved in the right way by any person who has a desire to contribute towards how to prevent global warming.

    Here are some very simple, easy but effective steps, which if incorporated in our daily habits, can greatly contribute to environmental protection. Every one of us can make this change happen:

    • Raise Awareness

    The first thing to do for the prevention of global warming is to make people of every country aware about it! If we are successful in doing so, it will help us to prevent global warming from spreading. Awareness, clearly, has a critical role to play in the reduction of global warming.

    • Reduce Carbon Footprint

    In order to save the Planet Earth, we need to keep the environment around us away from pollution as much as possible. Remember that whatever has been happening to the environment, human activities are the culprit for it. We have to make our earth ‘green’ in the true sense. The ‘carbon footprint’ (measuring scale of carbon emissions per capita) will have to be reduced. We should reduce the emissions of CFC gases which can be done by reducing the use of refrigerators, air conditioners and other cooling machines.

    The smoke generated from the chimneys of industrial units and vehicles is extremely harmful as the carbon dioxide emitted from them increases heat in the atmosphere. One of the solutions to global warming is that environmental standards must be strictly adhered to minimize industrial and vehicular emissions.

    • Avoid Water Wastage

    Water is life. Clean and fresh water is becoming more and more valuable over the time. We should reduce the use of water as far as possible, not keep the taps open while brushing, consume less water during bath, and use the washing machine only when the clothes are too many. Do not wash your car every day, and wash it sometime with water in bucket. Oil and colour should not be flown in the drains, because they contaminate the rivers and finally the sea.

    Use energy-saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water, and taking frequent showers.

    In short, it is important that we know how we can stop global warming by saving water and preventing its contamination.

    • Adopt Water Harvesting

    The rain water flows in the drains and we do not care about it. If you save and store the rain water, it can be used in various works and save you from the shortage of water in the summer.

    • Maintain Hygiene and Sanitation

    If you spread the filth, then the surface of the Earth is at the risk of becoming contaminated. Keep your surroundings clean and sanitized to stay healthy and let the earth stay healthy too.

    • Minimize Plastic Use, say ‘No’ to Polyethylene

    Plastic is the biggest threat to the environment. Every year 1 million marine mammals and 10 million seabirds are killed by swallowing plastic. How to reduce global warming inevitably includes the minimum use of plastic. Also, plastic waste needs to be disposed of properly, do not fling it here or there.

    Polyethylene or polythene is such a mess which damages our environment even after burning. That’s why the sooner you stop using it, the better it is.

    • Plant and Conserve Trees

    It is necessary to plant trees to save the soil, ensure clean air and environment. Today, to meet the demands of urbanization, trees are cut indiscriminately. Trees are the largest source of oxygen and we, ironically, cut them instead of growing them. Tree plantation can be one of the great solutions of global warming.

    During the process of photo-synthesis, trees not only give oxygen but also absorb carbon dioxide, which is the main source of global warming. We should make the world aware of the need for planting more and more trees. Emphasis should also be on conservation of forests. If every person plants a tree, life on the Earth would improve significantly as pollution, global warming and greenhouse effect all will be significantly reduced.

    • Care for Animal Kingdom

    The main thing that distinguishes our Earth is that there is life here, and this life is not limited to mere human species. The birds and animals too have a right to live. Due to their being a part of food chain, they protect us from many diseases and dangers. But when we slaughter animals on a mass scale, such activities release vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, accentuating the problem of global warming.

    • Go for alternative energy

    One of important ways to stop global warming includes the need for renewable energy measures, i.e., wind energy, solar energy and hydroelectricity, instead of the electricity produced by coal.

    If we use solar energy, then the use of water is reduced, and it helps keep the earth remain green. These days solar panels are easily available to install. Incentives and exemptions are being given by government agencies and energy companies to focus on solar energy.

    • Reduce the use of electricity

    Taking small steps can help curb global warming. When you are not using any electric device in the house, you should turn it off immediately. As such, when you are not watching TV, keep it off or when leaving the room then switch off the light. Once you leave the office, turn off your computer and monitor. By doing this, you will help in reducing your power consumption, not only saving your electricity bill but also energy.

    Further, the ways to prevent global warming also include the use of LED or compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Though a bit expensive, they are environment-friendly and last for a long time and save a lot of energy in the long run. Replace your normal light bulbs with CFL or LED bulbs as they consume 70% less energy than normal bulbs.

    • Buy Energy-Efficient Equipment

    Always buy energy efficient products because they can help you save on a good amount of energy bills. These products can help you save energy, money and reduce your carbon footprint. When you consume less, less carbon dioxide is released in the environment.

    • Look for Renewable Fuel Options

    When shopping for cars, look at the benefits of the option that provide renewable fuel. Use electric, smart cars, or cars running on clean fuel like CNG, etc.

    • Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

    Almost all things can be recycled. You should try to buy products that are capable of recycling – glass, paper, cardboard, plastic or metal. Reuse the bottles, plastic containers etc purchased in the grocery store. Water bottles, yogurt cups, and other items can be reused. You should also minimize the use of paper and timber to do away with the need for cutting trees.

    The industrial waste, especially from chemical units, needs to be properly recycled. On your part, try to use/sell disposable products in any other way; just do not throw them here and there. Recycling of old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint because it takes very little energy to recycle compared to production of goods.

    • Reduce Waste

    Landfill is the main contributor to methane and other greenhouse gases. The burning of trash or crop stubble increases the risk of air pollution in the environment as it releases toxic gases, which results in the phenomenon called smog, badly affecting the air quality.

    • Prefer walking or cycling

    If you are going out somewhere, please see to it whether it is necessary to go by car. If it’s for a short distance, for instance, the local market, then you should either walk or go cycling. With less driving, you not only save fuel but also help to reduce global warming. Apart from this, you can see other possibilities as well such as car-pooling. You can travel with your colleagues who live in the same area, in the same vehicle. As global warming is aggravated due to the emission of smoke and gasoline, reducing their consumption is a major step to reduce energy waste.

    • Save the agricultural land

    As the workforce tends to buy or take rented accommodation near their offices, concrete jungles come up to evolve in the entire area. With the result, rainwater does not go to the ground and collects at a single place through the drains and contaminates the rivers, and also other small reservoirs.

    New industries should be set up in places where agriculture is not being cultivated. This will help us maintain the Earth’s green cover.

    • Plantation along Roads

    The government should enter into contracts with the companies building the roads that they will have to plant trees on empty ground lying on both sides of the road. Trees should also be planted along the canals to prevent soil erosion.

    • Plantation on Mountains

    A campaign to plant trees in hilly regions can be carried out as trees play an important role in environmental protection. We can plant trees bearing fruits, flowers, small shrubs and large bushes in such areas to help in soil conservation.

    • Grow Vegetables

    The vegetables we eat today carry the residues of chemicals and pesticides. If we plant organic vegetables, this will be beneficial for both our health and environment.

    • Quit Smoking

    Smoking, a harmful habit, increases air pollution. The environment can be saved from air pollution to a certain extent, if we give up smoking.

    • Carefully Maintain your Vehicle

    If you take care of your vehicles properly and periodically get its pollution check done, you can contribute to environmental protection and conservation.

    • Change Filters of Air-Conditioners

    If you are not doing this, then not only you are wasting energy but also breathing in the dirty air. So, better make it a habit to get your air filters cleaned at regular intervals.


    To prevent the ill-effects of global warming, we need to reduce the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. For this, it is necessary that we minimize the use of fossil fuels by controlling vehicular and industrial emissions. We have to use sources of energy in which carbon is used in a limited amount or not at all, such as solar energy, nuclear energy and wind energy etc. Trees should be protected from cutting and more trees should be planted as they are the biggest help in our fight against global warming.

    The horrors of global warming have brought different countries of the world on one stage. Under the Kyoto Protocol decided in 1997, many countries of the world agreed to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This protocol came into effect since 2005, but India and China disagreed with its many provisions, as they considered the policies adopted in the Kyoto Protocol to stop global warming, as a disaster in the development of their country. Subsequently, the Paris Climate Agreement was adopted by consensus on 12 December 2015. Many things have been agreed on. It is hoped that more and more countries will forget about disagreements and come together on a single platform to find ways to reduce global warming.

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