EnglishEssayEssay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao for Students

Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao for Students

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a scheme of Indian government to promote save girl child and educate girl child among people and improve the welfare services for women.

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    Long and Short Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao in English

    We have provided essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, a scheme launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in order to help students as they generally get assigned in their schools for writing essay on the social schemes. All the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao essay are written using very simple words under various words limit according to the class standard of students. Essay or paragraph writing competitions have been very common in the schools in order to improve student’s writing skill.

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 1 (100 words)

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a government social scheme launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in order to address the gender imbalance and discrimination against girl child in the Indian society. This scheme was launched by the Prime Minister on 22nd of January in 2015 at Panipat, Haryana on Thursday. This scheme is to aware people about the importance of girls in the society. It is to increase awareness among common people to save the lives of girl child by completely removing the female foeticide. People should celebrate the birth of their girl child and educate them with full responsibility as they do for their boy child.

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 2 (150 words)

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (means save the girl child and educate the girl child) is a scheme launched by the government of India in the month of January in 2015. The purpose of launching this scheme was generating awareness as well as improving the efficiency of welfare services for women and girl child in the Indian society. The initial capital required for initiating this scheme was Rs 100 crore. The launch of this was very much required as according to census data of 2001, child sex ratio of age group 0-6 years was 927 girls/1000 boys in our country. It was seen a huge drop in the sex ratio 918 girls/1000 boys in 2011.

    India was ranked 41st among 195 countries worldwide by the UNICEF in 2012 that’s why the scheme for girls was very necessary to aware people about the safety of women all over India. This scheme also make a call to people to eradicate female foeticide.

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 3 (200 words)

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme is a nationwide scheme launched purposefully to address the issue of decreasing girl child ratio in the society as well as empowering girl child in the country. This scheme was successfully launched by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 22nd of January in 2015 at Panipat, Haryana. This scheme is to make people aware of the importance of girl child in the Indian society as well as bring some positive changes in the people mindset towards girl child. People in the Indian society have very rude mindset about the girl child. They think that girls are like burden in their life who only need to take whole life from their parents or husbands and never give.

    However, it is not true, girls occupy almost half population of the world so they are half responsible for the existence of life on the earth. Less importance of girl child in the human society is causing suspense of life existence on the earth as where there is no women, no new birth would be. The continuous decrease in the ratio of girl child per boy child is clearing this issue very well. So, this scheme has been launched by keeping in mind to prevent sex determination, female foeticide, save girl child, ensure safety of girl child, as well as provide quality education to them.

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 4 (250 words)

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is a government scheme launched by the Prime Minister of India in the month of January in 2015. This programme was launched to make some positive changes in the Indian society in status of girl child. There are many restrictions for the girl child in the Indian society which hinders the proper growth and development of the girl child. This scheme hinders the practice of female foeticide, girl child insecurity, sex discrimination, etc against girl child. People’s mindset for women has been more worse in the modern time than the people of 18th century”. While launching the programme prime minster said that, Indian people have common belief for girls that they are the property of someone else other than their parents. Parents think that only boys are their property as they have to look after them in the old age however girls have to go another place to care her in-laws.

    Such thinking of people of 21st century about girls is really embarrassing and need to be eradicated from the people’s mind for giving the full rights of girl child from birth.

    The condition of girl child was much worse in the last decades as female foeticide was getting practiced to a great extent. Girl children were killed in the mother’s womb through proper detection techniques before birth. This practice was in vogue to reduce the number of girl child as well as avoid the responsibility of a girl child. Haryana was chosen as the best place to launch the scheme as Mahendragarh district in Haryana has the worst sex ratios of girl child in the country (775 girls/1000 boys).

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 5 (300 words)

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a government scheme launched by the PM Narendra Modi on 22nd of January on Thursday, at Panipat, Haryana. This scheme has been launched by keeping in mind the drastic condition of girl child in the Indian society. According to the statistics, the ratio of girl child per male child (of age group 0-6 years) was 945/1000 in 1991 whereas it remains only 927/1000 in 2001 and again reduced to 918/1000 in 2011. If we see the census report we see that the ratio of girl child is decreasing continuously per each decade. It is a danger sign related to the possibility of life on the earth. If nothing is applied positively on urgent basis to reduce such type of issues against girls, surely there would be a day without women and new births.

    Keeping in mind this bad figure of girl child in the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the scheme Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. It is a very effective scheme aims to improve the number of girl child, save girl child, eradicate female foeticide, give them proper security and education, personal and professional development, etc all over the country. This scheme has been implemented in 100 selected districts of the country (by the joint initiative of ministry of Human Resource Development and Health and ministry of Women and Child Development) through a national campaign in order to cover all the states and UTs. There are some positive aspect that this scheme would be proved as a great start to remove social issues against girl child. We hope that there would be a day when no girl child would be killed, uneducated, insecure, raped, etc because of socio-economic reasons. Hence, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is aimed to make girls independent both socially and financially by reducing the sex discrimination all over the country.

    Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay 6 (400 words)

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a scheme for girls named Beti Bachao Beti Padhao in order to save the girl child and educate the girl child all over the India. The programme was launched on 22nd of January, Thursday in 2015 at Panipat,. This scheme was launched especially in Haryana as this state has lowest female sex ratio (775 girls/1000 boys) all over the country. It has been effectively implemented in hundred districts across the country to improve the status of girls. 12 districts (Ambala, Kurukshetra, Rewari, Bhiwani, Mahendergarh, Sonepat, Jhajjar, Rohtak, Kaithal, Panipat, Karnal, and Yamuna Nagar) have been chosen from the Haryana state itself because of having low child sex ratio.

    In order to improve the status of girls and give them importance, Haryana Government celebrates an event named Beti ki Lohri on January 14. The purpose of launching Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is to make girls independent socially and financially using their proper rights and higher education. It helps in improving the awareness among common public and improving the efficiency of welfare services given to women. If we have a sight on latest census report of 2011, we see a continuous decrease in the female child sex ratio (of age group 0-6 years) from last some decades. In 2001, it was 927/1000 whereas in 2011 it remains only 919/1000. There is huge reduction in the number of girls is because of the practice of aborting female fetus after sex determination through modern diagnostic tools in the hospitals. This bad practice came into existence because of the gender discrimination in the society.

    And, after birth of a girl child, she has to face another type of discrimination in terms of education, health, nutrition, safety, rights, and other needs of the girl child. We can say that women were dis-empowered instead of being empowered. In order to empowering women and give them their full rights right from their birth government of India has launched this scheme. Empowering women brings all around progress especially in the family and society. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is the way to achieve positive changes in the human negative mindset for girls. This scheme may make a call to people to end the discrimination between sons and daughters and work as a key to end female foeticide. While launching the scheme, PM reminded to the whole medical fraternity that the purpose of medical profession is to save lives and not finish lives.

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