EnglishEssayEssay on Traffic Rules in English for Children and Students

Essay on Traffic Rules in English for Children and Students

Essay on Traffic Rules: Traffic Rules are definite rules and regulations formed by the government and other relevant agencies for the safety and convenience of daily road commuters and other travelers. Some rules vary for different types of road users i.e. cyclists, pedestrians, car drivers etc, while some are common. Whatever the rule may be, it is formed with just one prime objective – to ensure the safety of all road users.

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    Long and Short Essay on Traffic Rules in English

    Below we have provided essay on traffic rules and covered various topics. By going through them you will be able to define traffic rules, know the traffic rules in India, know the significance of traffic rules for commuter’s safety, know about traffic signals and rules, know how to raise awareness about traffic rules and how could obeying traffic rules effect our daily life. You can very well use the following traffic rules essays in a school competition, debate or a talk about traffic safety or relevant issues.

    Short Essay on Traffic Rules In India (200 Words) – Essay 1

    Indian roads are overcrowded with various types of vehicles – cars, buses, trucks, farm vehicles (tractors etc), along with bicycles, rickshaws (three wheeled passenger cart), motorcycles and pedestrians. Even vendors and road side stalls could be easily spotted encroaching on the road. With so much huge variety of vehicles and different commuters, it becomes imperative to design specific rules, to be followed while using the road in order to ensure safe transit for everyone. Thus, traffic rules come into picture. They are a set of rules and regulations formulated, to be obeyed while using the roads.

    The rules to regulate traffic on the roads have been put in the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. The Act came into effect from 1st July 1989 and is uniformly applicable throughout India.

    Some of the most significant traffic rules in India are – mandatory registration and insurance of all private as well as commercial vehicles; issuing of driving licenses only to the adults on or above the legal age of 18 years; fine and imprisonment on drunken driving; speed limits and zebra crossings for the safety of pedestrians and other commuters; mandatory helmets and seat belts; fitness certificate for all types of vehicles; while approaching an intersection, give right of way to vehicle already traversing on the road etc.

    Essay on Traffic Rules and Safety (300 Words) – Essay 2


    Traffic rules and regulations are formulated to regulate traffic, for the safety and convenience of all types of road users. They are very essential to ensure safety of various road users and as well as their easy commuting.

    What Makes Indian Roads Unsafe

    Indian roads are overcrowded with variety of vehicles and daily commuters. Our highways and city roads are carrying much more traffic than what they were actually designed for. But, it is only tip of the iceberg; main problem lays in the variety of vehicles on the same road and of course they all want to reach on time.

    We have slow moving traffic like – rickshaws, carts along with cars, buses, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, pedestrians and often animals; all using the same road. Besides, motorcyclists, bicycle riders and pedestrians are the most vulnerable, as they are difficult to spot on a crowded and busy road. Not to mention the road sides stalls and eateries, those have encroached on the road and footpaths, only making things vulnerable for pedestrians. In this scenario, a collision is the only next reality, if traffic rules are not followed promptly.

    How Traffic Rules Improve Safety

    The traffic rules and regulations are designed in such a way, so that they ensure the safety of all the commuters. Some rules are formulated for specific types of users, while some are common. Rule like “keep left” is meant to give pass to vehicles coming from opposite direction, as well as to other vehicles approaching from behind and travelling in the same direction. Rule mandating a slow down while approaching a zebra crossing is meant for the safety of pedestrians.


    Wearing helmet while riding a bike or bicycle is meant for safety of the rider. Likewise, there are many rules like wearing seat belts while driving, driving within limited speed, no drunken driving, giving way to pedestrians (as they are most vulnerable), following traffic signals and signs; all are designed for the safety of road users and ensure their easy transit.

    Essay on Road Safety
    Essay on Traffic Rules & Road Safety

    Essay on Traffic Rules and Signals (400 Words) – Essay 3

    Traffic Signals

    Traffic signals constitute an essential part of traffic rules and regulations. Every city commuter faces traffic signals, while on the road and must follow them in order to ensure safe and regulated transit. The main objective of traffic signals is the regulation of traffic. Traffic signals are also commonly called traffic lights, traffic lamps and signal lights.

    Where and Why Are Traffic Signals Installed

    Traffic signals are installed at road intersections and at pedestrian crossings. Intersections are the vital junction points where, an unregulated traffic flow could lead to accidents and long traffic congestions. Traffic lights alternate the right of way for vehicles passing through the intersection, thus making the commuting easy. Traffic signals are also installed at pedestrian crossings to regulate their movement, alternatively it with the vehicles’. Traffic signals are also installed at rail road crossings and on connecting roads to hospitals, schools or other significant junctions.

    Traffic Signals History

    World’s first traffic signal was installed in London in 1868, it was a gas lit signal operated manually. Though, it didn’t last for even a month and exploded. The first traffic light in India was installed in 1953, at Egmore Junction near Chennai – the capital of southern Indian state Tamil Nadu. Next the city of Bangalore, now capital city of southern Karnataka state, installed its first traffic signal at corporation circle in 1963.

    Traffic Signals/Rules in India

    Traffic signals or traffic lights are signaling devices installed at various intersections. They use a definite color representation system with a vertical display of colored lights. Indian traffic signals have three primary colors – red, orange (amber) and green. Red instructs to stop; orange to get ready and green gives permission to wade through. Traffic lights are also installed for pedestrians, often having the same color codes (Red-Stop, Amber-Wait, and Green-Go).

    While following the traffic signals, there are a few more things that one should keep in mind. While stopping on a red light, one should make sure to stop well before the zebra crossing meant for the pedestrians; turn left on a red signal only when there is no sign prohibiting the move; even though the signal turned green, don’t accelerate instantly, rather make sure that the traffic from other side has stopped and also that there is no stray vehicle. A flashing red signal is a strict indication to stop, while a flashing orange (amber) light directs to proceed with caution.

    Manual Signals

    There are various manual signals using the gestures of hand for the regulation of traffic. These signals are used by the traffic policemen as well as vehicle riders. They include stop signal, slow down signal, right turn signal, left turn signal etc.

    Essay on Traffic Rules Awareness (500 Words) – Essay 4


    The reluctance to follow the traffic rules in India varies from place to place, similarly as its cultures and languages. People in some parts of India diligently obey the traffic rules while in some other parts they tend to be habitual offenders. Surprisingly, those who disobey the rules are well aware of them, and also the consequences that could arise by not following them. Still, they display their reluctance and regularly flout the rules, putting their own life as well as life of others in danger.

    Present Indian Scenario

    Our reluctance to follow the road traffic rules could be assessed from a recent 2018 statics, which states that road accidents in India claim 400 lives every day. Prime causes behind the fatalities are – over speeding, jumping signals, overloaded commercial vehicles, overcrowded passenger vehicles, not wearing safety gears etc. Most vulnerable are the two wheeler riders and pedestrians, who are difficult to spot on crowded and busy roads. According to a recent study, two wheeler drivers in India constitute 40% of total road accident deaths annually.

    Reasons for Low Awareness

    People’s reluctance to follow traffic rules could be attributed to various factors. There is no organized road safety education in the Indian system. Children come to know about the general traffic rules by their parents or by self observation. There are hundreds of traffic signs that the children have never been told about.

    The usual “let go” attitude also plays a significant role in Indian context. People tend to follow the irresponsible drivers. If a single driver jumps a red signal, he will be followed by many others. As if, they were not waiting for the lights to turn green, but for someone to jump it.

    Another reason behind low awareness is liberal monitoring. People disobeying traffic rules are seldom confronted, thus making them more reluctant. When not stopped for a number of times, they become habitual offenders, compromising their own safety as well as safety of others.

    Methods to Increase Awareness

    There are many initiatives that could be taken to increase public awareness. An organized structure for providing education regarding road safety and rules, in the schools must be provided. Road safety and rules could be started as a subject in schools and professional courses. Use of print and electronic media could also be vital tool in raising awareness. Any message sent by celebrities, through print or electronic media will have greater influence on the attitude of people. A mandatory training session for are new driving license holders, on road safety and rules too will help in raising awareness.


    Regular campaigns should be organized by the governments in coordination with relevant departments, wherein people must be taught about traffic rules and regulation, also encouraged to use proper safety gears. A strict monitoring and a policy of zero tolerance towards offences like drunken driving, over speeding etc, will send a strong message to the public and deter them from flouting the rules.

    Long Essay on Importance of Obeying Traffic Rules in Our Daily Life (600 Words) – Essay 5


    Road traffic rules are mandatory for all the occupants of the roads, including car drivers, bike riders, bus drivers, truck drivers, pedestrians and passengers. They are designed to regulate the flow of traffic and make daily commuting safer for every user.

    Various Traffic Rules and Their Significance in Our Daily Life

    Traffic rules that we follow daily while commuting from one place to another, help us reach our destination safely. Some of the most common traffic rules that one should follow while using the road and their significance are described below-

    1) Driving With a Valid Driving License

    If you are driving with a valid driving license, you have probably reached the permissible age limit to drive. Also, you must have undergone the necessary training provided about road safety rules and regulations by the licensing authority; making you a responsible driver behind the wheels.

    2) Keeping Left

    This is another significant rule obeyed while daily commuting. You must keep left of the road while leaving or entering, to make way for the approaching vehicles, already at high speed on the road. You must also keep left to make way for an emergency or other vehicle coming from behind at high speed. This way you ensure that both reach their destinations safely.

    3) Never Approach a Road From Wrong Side

    Approaching a road suddenly from wrong side might have fatal consequences. A wrong and sudden approach might surprise the other drivers/riders, resulting in confusion and collision. It’s advised to look for any approaching vehicle on the main road and in case they seem far, approach the road slowly, keeping left always.

    4) Always Wearing Safety Gears

    A driver must wear all the safety equipments required for the vehicle. Wearing a seat belt or a helmet could be all the difference between life and death. General conception that safety gears are not required while city commuting is a myth. Either on city roads or highways, safety belts and helmets have proven their mettle in saving lives.

    5) Following Traffic Signals

    A junction or a roads intersection is the most critical point that an everyday commuter has to pass through many times in a day. It is difficult to judge which way the vehicle coming from front will turn or to see any approaching vehicle from either left or right. Continuing blindly on a junction might have fatal consequences. Always follow the traffic rules or the signals of the policeman, who alternates the movement, ensuring safe transit for all.

    6) Waiting For The Pedestrians

    On foot pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of the roads. They depend on other drivers for their own safety. A negligent driver could hit an unsuspecting pedestrian, crossing the road or waiting for a bus to arrive. While daily commuting one should always make way for the pedestrians at zebra crossings or other spots, and ensure safe transit for all.

    7) Don’t Drink and Drive

    A Drunken driver not only risks his own life but also the lives of other road users. Drinking hampers one’s ability to make decisions and foresee the consequences. The drivers get negligent and over speed compromising the safety of their own as well as others. Either for daily commuting or for sometimes, drunken driving must be strictly prohibited.


    Traffic rules play a vital role in ensuring our safe transit to office and house every day. Even if someone flouts the rules and reaches safely is only because of other good commuters who follow and respect traffic rules. That is, if all the vehicles jump the signal, then no one is going to get to the destination safely or at least on time. It is therefore imperative for all, to diligently follow the traffic rules and regulations while on the road.

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