EnglishEssayEssay on Who Am I in English for Children and Students

Essay on Who Am I in English for Children and Students

I am the only person I know completely. However, still when people ask me to tell something about myself, I often get perplexed. I am mostly left clueless about what to say. Many people experience this and it is often quite embarrassing. While we know our selves well we must know how to define ourselves. Do you feel dumb founded when during an interview you are asked to speak a few lines about yourself? Well, most people face this problem. Isn’t it ironic that we aren’t even able to define ourselves?

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    Long and Short Essay on Who Am I in English

    Here are essays of varying lengths on the topic, Who Am I to help you with the topic. You can select any Who Am I essay according to your need:

    Who Am I Essay 1 (200 words)

    I am an amalgamation of bitter and sweet. I am a cool-minded and cheerful person and love to mind my own business however if somebody interferes or pokes in my life I can turn into a devil in no time. I love keeping my things in place and do not like anybody touching them.

    My cheerful and easy going nature has won me several friends. My friends, cousins and other family members love spending time with me. We all have a great time together. However, they are aware that I have set some boundaries and I lose my temper the moment somebody crosses them. So, though they enjoy my company they make sure they remain cautious about things that I don’t like.

    I am good in studies and also like taking part in extra-curricular activities. I am particularly fond of mathematics. I find the subject quite interesting and love solving the maths problems whenever I get time. I aim to do PhD in this subject when I grow up. I also love playing basket ball. I am the captain of the basket ball team in my school and we have won several inter-school basket ball tournaments. For me, playing this game is the best way to de-stress.

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    Who Am I Essay 2 (300 words)


    People call me by different names – some call me introvert, others call me sweet, yet others call me short-tempered while some say that I am full of attitude. Well, people have the habit of tagging others. They are quick to judge and label others. I believe that it is wrong to label anyone. We are humans and we experience numerous emotions during a day. I also experience a mix of different emotions every day and it would be wrong to call me by any of the aforementioned names.

    My Nature and Traits

    I am a cool person who loves enjoying life. I do not like to interfere in the lives of my relatives, neighbours or others around and expect the same from them. I want them to mind their own business rather than poking nose in my tasks. People often mistake this cool nature of mine as being haughty and rude. They feel that I have an attitude problem and think of myself as superior to them. But, this is not true. Though, I don’t want people to poke or bother me, I am also somebody who is always ready to help. I don’t hesitate going out of my way to help people if they genuinely need it.

    I am also quite disciplined. I wake up each morning and prepare a to-do list. I want the tasks done in the same sequence and within the time frame I have set for myself and do my best to accomplish the same. Not being able to complete these tasks on time can leave me dissatisfied and make me feel angry.


    My friends often call me a unique combination of cool, carefree and disciplined. I am blessed to have a supportive family and a bunch of crazy and fun-loving friends. I thank god for bestowing me with such a good life.

    Who Am I Essay 3 (400 words)


    I am a simple girl who loves keeping life simple. I dream of living independently as I grow up. I want to have loving relationships but I don’t want to depend on anyone for anything. I want to be both financially and emotionally independent and strong.

    My Aim in Life

    I am a very ambitious person. I have always been a topper in my class and want to continue the trend even as I take on higher challenges in life. I want to take up the science stream as I enter Class XI as I wish to study medicine. The field of Ayurveda has always fascinated me. I want to study this ancient science and want to heal people from various mental and physical illnesses with the help of Ayurvedic herbs and treatments.

    A career in medicine is not only respectful but also quite lucrative. I want to get into the medical field not only because of these two aspects but also because I want to help the needy. I want to open my own clinic or seek a good opportunity with an already established Ayurvedic centre. In addition to this, I also want to organize medical camps in remote areas at least once every 2-3 months to provide medical help free of cost to people living in those areas.

    My Role Model

    My role model is my mother. She has been a source of inspiration for me and my sister ever since our childhood days. She is a working woman and has achieved great heights in her career. Everyone in her office praises her for being extremely hardworking and sincere towards her work. This quality of her also reflects in the way she takes care of our home. She makes sure everything is in place. She cooks delicious food and makes sure all of us sit and have at least one meal together every day. Although she is working and has to take care of the home that does not dither her from taking care of us. She helps us with our studies and also encourages and prepares us for extra-curricular activities. She is truly an all-rounder. I aspire to be just like my mother. I want to strike a balance between my personal and professional life just like her.


    Many people aim high and want to achieve a lot in their lives. In an attempt they end up losing their health. I do not want to fall in that category. I am someone who is extremely ambitious but my aim also includes being healthy and happy and not just being successful and wealthy.

    Who Am I Essay 4 (500 words)


    I am a very kind hearted person. This attribute of mine has helped me win several friends. My family members and relatives also praise me because of this. However, this characteristic of mine has also landed me in trouble many a times. Over the time, I have learned that it is good to have a kind heart and help others however excess of everything is bad.

    How My Kindness Lands Me In Trouble?

    It is said that those who help others are always content and happy. Kindness comes naturally to me and I love helping others. It gives me a sense of satisfaction. Be it in school or home or anywhere, I love helping everyone around. I want everyone to be happy. So, I do my best to spread smiles.

    However, this habit of mine has often created problems for me. For instance, since I am good in studies, students often take my notebooks to complete their work. Even when there is an exam the next day, I cannot deny giving my notebook to my fellow students if they ask for it. Quite a few times, my classmates haven’t returned my notebook on time and in such cases it becomes very difficult for me to prepare for the exam. At times, I get my notebooks torn or scribbled. While I want to do good for others it turns out to be bad for me. Many a times, I give away my lunch to the poor kids who come begging for food and money on my way to school. However, because of this I am not left with anything to eat until mid day. This has a bad impact on my health. I suffer from headache, stomach ache and acidity on such days.

    How I Changed Myself for the Better?

    My mother cannot see me suffer this way. So, she keeps telling me not to do such acts that have a bad impact on me. While earlier I used to dismiss her teachings as I liked helping people however over the time I have realized that we must help others but it is essential to take care of ourselves first. There is a famous quote, “You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first”. This means that we can help others only when we ourselves are healthy and have enough. We cannot starve ourselves and feed others.

    So even though I feel the urge to help people now I stop and ask myself if this might have a negative impact on me. If the answer is yes, I refrain from doing so. Looking at this slight change in my behaviour, some people have started calling me rude. However, this does not affect me as I know what I am doing is correct. My family feels that I have become wiser and that is enough for me.


    I love learning and experiencing new things in life. I am thankful for what I have and want to do whatever I can to make others happy. However, I now keep in mind that in order to take care of others and make them happy, I need to take care of myself first.

    Who Am I Essay 5 (600 words)


    Who am I? I am a girl who has just entered her teenage. I am full of life and love surrounding myself with like-minded people. I have high ambitions in life and most of all I want to make my family proud.

    I live in a joint family. We are six people in total – my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and my younger brother. We are a close knit family and love celebrating every festival and occasion with great zeal. Our house is often seen filled with guests especially on the weekends and holidays. My family defines me. I am who I am because of them. Each of my family members inspires me and adds value to my life. I want to introduce you to every member of my family in brief as it will help you understand as to who I am and why I am this way.

    My Loving Family

    My Grandfather: My grandfather is extremely loving and supportive. He supports me and my brother in everything we do. During his childhood and early adulthood he lived in that part of India that now forms a part of Pakistan. Like most other Hindus, he came here during the partition. His story of struggle during those hard times is an inspiration for us.

    My Grandmother: My grandmother is a very religious person. She is strict yet sweet. She has several fond memories of her childhood days and the times when her children were growing up and often narrates them to us. We love sitting by her side and listening to her stories.

    My Mother: My mother is a working woman. She takes care of her office as well as household work gracefully. She wakes up much before all of us and starts with the household chores. She cooks, gets us ready, drops us to school and then heads to her office. In the evening, she supervises our studies, cooks and spends quality time with us. She binds the family together with her love and warmth.

    My Father: My father is quite strict with everything. He likes things to be in order. As per him, everyone should lead a disciplined life. He is very particular about the timings and wants us to respect the same. He is the pillar of strength for our family.

    My Brother: Being the youngest in the family, my brother is quite pampered. He is the source of joy for all of us. He loves playing and keeps everyone engaged with his interesting games. I share a very special bond with him. We study, play, eat, laugh and cry together. We also fight a lot but make up within no time.

    My Family Defines Me

    It is rightly said that our company and environment has a great impact on our personality. When I look at myself today, I see how I have inculcated various habits of my family members. I have the strength and courage of my grandfather. People find me warm and friendly and I believe I have got these traits from my grandmother. I am love spreading smiles around and do all the tasks sincerely and this quality I have taken after my mother. I am hard working and determined just like my father. And who says you can only learn from your elders? You can also learn from those who are younger to you. I am a bit naughty too and this I think is a result of me spending a good part of my day with my naughty little brother.


    Our family plays a vital role in shaping our personality. They teach us something of value every day. I am glad I have an amazing family. I am happy and proud of who I am.

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