EnglishEssayEssay on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens for Students

Essay on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens for Students

India is a democratic country where its citizens live freely however they have lots of rights and responsibilities towards their country. Rights and responsibilities are two sides of a coin and both go side to side. If we have rights we must have their corresponding responsibilities too. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand with us where we live in whatever home, society, village, state, or country. Now-a-days, students gets assigned by their teachers to write some paragraphs or complete essay on any topic to enhance their English writing skill and knowledge as well as spread awareness. Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens to help students in completing their related task. All the Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:

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    Long and Short Essay on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens in English

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Essay 1 (100 words)

    Citizen is the person who lives as an inhabitant in any village or city of the state and country. We all are citizen of our country and have various rights and responsibilities towards our village, city, society, state and country. Rights and duties of each citizen are very valuable and inter-related. Every state or country provides its citizens some fundamental civil rights such as personal rights, religious rights, social rights, moral rights, economic rights and political rights. As a citizen of the country we are morally and legally required to complete our duties always together. We should love and respect each other and live together without any difference. We are expected to sacrifice time to time in order to protect our country.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Essay 2 (150 words)

    Citizens living in the country must know their rights and responsibilities. Understanding all the rules and regulation presented by the government may help every citizen in completing their responsibilities towards country. We must understand our rights for our own well being and freedom in the country as well as serve for the communities and country. The constitution of India (called as supreme law of India) came into force in 1950 on 26 January which has given democratic rights to the Indian citizen. According to the Indian constitution, people of India have various rights and responsibilities.

    There are around six fundamental rights of the Indian citizens without which no one can live in the democratic manner. Means, democracy in the country can work only if its citizens have rights. Such rights prevent the government from being dictatorial and cruel. Fundamental rights help people in their moral, material and personality development. In case of rights violations of someone, courts can protect and safeguard them. There are some fundamental responsibilities too for the peace and prosperity of the country.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Essay 3 (200 words)

    Fundamental rights of the Indian citizens are given to them for the basic and essential conditions of good life for their progress. Without such rights no Indian citizen can develop his/her personality and confidence. These fundamental rights are preserved in the Indian Constitution. Fundamental rights are protected and guaranteed to the citizens by supreme law while ordinary rights by the ordinary law. Fundamental rights of the citizens are not violable in ordinary situation however in some reasonable circumstances they can be suspended but temporarily.

    Six fundamental rights according to the Indian constitution are Right to Equality (Article 14 – Article 18), Right to Religion (Articles 25 – Article 28), Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 – Article 24), Right to Culture and Education (Articles 29 – Article 30), Right to Freedom (Articles 19 – Article 22), and Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32). Citizens enjoy their fundamental rights living anywhere in the country. He/she can go to the court for legal assistance in case his/her rights are violated by force. There are various responsibilities too of the good citizens which everyone must follow in order to improve surroundings and get inner peace. Fulfilling responsibilities towards country gives sense of ownership for the country. Being a good citizen of the country, we should not waste electricity, water, natural resources, public property, etc. We should follow all the rules and laws as well as pay tax timely.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Essay 4 (250 words)

    Fundamental rights given to the Indian citizens are essential part of the Constitution. Such fundamental rights can be altered by the Parliament using special procedure. No person other than Indian citizen is allowed to enjoy such rights except right to liberty, life, and personal property. Other fundamental rights except right to life and personal liberty can be suspended during time of emergency. If any citizen found his/her rights violated can go to the court (Supreme Court and High Court) for enforcement. Some fundamental rights are positive or negative in nature and always become superior to the ordinary laws. Some fundamental rights like freedom of speech, assembly, cultural right and educational rights are limited to citizens only.

    There were no fundamental duties preserved in the Constitution of India when it came into force in 1950. However, ten fundamental duties (covered by Article 51 A) were added in the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India in 1976. Following are the fundamental responsibilities of the Indian citizens:

    • Indian citizen must respect their National Flag and the National Anthem.
    • They must respect, value and follow all the noble ideals used in the national struggle for freedom.
    • They must to protect the power, unity and integrity of the country.
    • They guard the country and maintain the spirit of common brotherhood.
    • They must protect and preserve the cultural heritage sites.
    • They must protect, preserve and improve the natural environment.
    • They must safeguard the public property.
    • They should develop scientific temper and spirit of inquiry.
    • They must work hard to get excellence in every area of individual and collective activity.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Essay 5 (300 words)

    Fundamental duties of the Indian citizens are mentioned in the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India in 1976. All the responsibilities are very important and necessary for the vital interest of country. They can be civic duties or moral duties which cannot be enforced legally upon the citizens even by the courts. One cannot be punished if he/she is not performing his/her duties as there is no legal force governing these duties. Fundamental duties (right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights and right to constitutional remedies) are the integral part of Constitution of India having moral impact and educative value upon the Indian citizens. Inclusion of such responsibilities to the Constitution is important for the progress, peace and prosperity of the country.

    Some of the fundamental responsibilities mentioned in the Constitution of India are like respect to the National Flag, the National Anthem, citizens must defend their country, commit to provide National service whenever required, safeguard the public property, etc. Such rights and responsibilities are very important for National interest of the country however not forcefully enforced to the people. In order to completely enjoy the rights, people must perform their responsibilities towards country in a well manner as rights and responsibilities are related to each other. As we get rights our responsibilities increases too towards individual and social welfare. Both are not separable and vital regarding prosperity of country.

    As a good citizen of the country, we need to know and learn our all the rights and duties for the welfare of our society and country. We need to understand that all of us are responsible for good or bad condition of the society. We need to change our thinking into action to bring some positive effect in our society and country. If the individual action performed by a person can change the life; why not, our collaborative actions have positive effects over the society and country. So, the duties of citizens matters a lot for the prosperity and peace of society and entire country.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Essay 6 (400 words)

    As we are a social animal, we have lots of responsibilities for the development as well as bring prosperity and peace in the society and country. In order to fulfill our responsibilities we have given some rights by the Constitution of India. Rights are very necessary given to the citizens for their individual development and improve the social life. Democratic system of the country is completely based on the freedom of its citizens to enjoy their rights. Rights given by our Constitution are called as Fundamental Rights which cannot be taken back from us in normal times. Our Constitution gives us six rights such as:

    • Right to Freedom: It is very important fundamental right which makes people able to express their thoughts and ideas through speech, writing or other means. According to this right, a person is free to cherish, criticize or speak against the governmental policies. He/she is free to carry on any business in any corner of the country.
    • Right to Freedom of Religion: There are many states in the country where people of various religions live together. Each one of us is free to practice, propagate and follow any religion we like. No one has right to interfere with the faith of anybody.
    • Right to Equality: Citizens living in India are equal and have no any difference and discrimination between rich and poor or high and low. A person of any religion, caste, creed, sex or place can get the highest position in office for which he/she has ability and required qualifications
    • Right to Education and Culture: Every child has right to education and he/she can get education in any institution up to any level.
    • Right against Exploitation: No one has right to force anybody to work without wages or against his/her wish or children below 14 years of age.
    • Right to Constitutional Remedies: It is the most important one which protects all the fundamental rights. If someone feels that his/her rights are being harmed in any condition he/she can approach to the court seeking justice.

    As we know that both, duties and rights go side by side. Our rights are meaningless without duties thus both are inseparable. We do not have right to get benefited with rights if we do not follow our duties properly for the smooth running of country. As being the citizen of the country, our responsibilities and duties are:

    • We must respect the National Flag and National Anthem.
    • We should respect and obey the laws of our country.
    • We should enjoy rights and freedom under the limit without interfering with freedom and rights of others.
    • We should be ready to protect our country whenever required.
    • We should respect and protect national property and public property (such as railways, post-offices, bridges, roadways, schools, colleges, historical buildings, places, forests, etc).
    • We should pay our taxes with honesty in timely manner.
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