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Women education in India is a most important topic now-a-days which students generally get in their schools to write a complete essay or only paragraph. We have provided here some easy and simple written essays and paragraphs on women education in India for the school students. You can select any of the given essays or paragraphs according to your need and requirement.
Long and Short Essay on Women Education in India in English
Women Education in India Essay 100 words
Women education is very important for the country to fully develop. It is like an effective medicine to cure a patient completely and provide health back. Women education is a big opportunity for India to be developed socially and economically. Educated women are the weapon who yield positive impact on the Indian society through their contribution at home and professional fields. They are the reason of improved economy in the country as well as society. An educated woman has capability to handle her home and professional life. They can effectively contribute in controlling the population of India as they would like to marry at a later age in comparison to the uneducated woman.
Women Education in India Essay 150 words
The women education in ancient India was quite good but in the middle age it was deteriorated because of many restrictions against women. However, again it is getting better and better day by day as modern people in India understand that without the growth and development of women, the development of country is not possible. It is very true that equal growth of both sex will increase the economic and social development in every areas of the country.
Women should be given equal opportunity in education like men and they should not be isolated from any development activities. Women covers almost half population of the country means if women are uneducated the half country is uneducated which bring poor socio-economic condition. Through the women education the social and economic development will be faster in India. To spread the importance and improve the level of women education all over the country, countrywide national propaganda and awareness programmes are very necessary. An educated woman can educate her whole family and thus whole country.
Women Education in India Essay 200 words
In terms of population, India is the second largest country of the world due to the low level women education. If a woman is uneducated, the future of country would also be uneducated. Women education was the matter of concern in India in the middle age however, it has been now solved to a great extent. Women education has been given a lot of priority in India just like men to bring some positive changes in the social and economic status of the country. In the past women were not allowed to go out of the door of their houses. They were only limited to the domestic works as their education.
Raja Ram Mohan Ray and Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar were some famous social reformers during the British rule in India who paid their attention towards the women education. Both man and woman covers the half half population of the country. They are like two sides of the coin so need equal opportunity to participate in the country development. One cannot exist without other because women are everything as they give birth to the future generation. If they would be well educated they would give rise educated future generation and thus healthy social and economic condition in India.
Women Education in India Essay 250 words
Women education is very important for the proper social and economic growth of the country. Both men and women are like two sides of the coin and run equally like two wheels of the society. So both are are important element of the growth and development in the country thus require equal opportunity in the education. If anyone of both goes downside, social progress is not possible.
Advantages of Women Education in India:
The female education in India is highly necessary for the future of the country as women are the first teachers of their children means future of the nation. If education of the women is getting ignored, it would be the ignorant of bright future of the nation. An uneducated women cannot actively participate in handling the family, proper care of the children and thus weak future generation. We cannot count all the advantages of the women education.
An educated women may easily handle her family, make each family member responsible, infuse good qualities in children, participate in the social works and all would lead her towards the socially and economically healthy nation.
India is now a leading country in the field of women education. History of India is never blank of brave women however it is full of women philosophers like Gargi, Viswabara, Maritreyi (of Vedic age) and other famous women are like Mirabai, Durgabati, Ahalyabi, Laxmibai, etc. All the famous historical women in India are inspiration for the women of this age. We never forget their contributions to the society and country.
Women Education in India Essay 300 words
Female education in India has been an urgent need of the new era. We cannot hope for the developed nation without proper education of the women of the country. Women play very important role in the progress of a family, society, and country. In order to make democracy successful in the country women education is necessary together with the men. Educated women are the real source of happiness in the family, society and country. It is very truly said that educating a man educate a man only however educating a woman educate whole family and thus whole nation a day.
It is very necessary to highlight on the importance of female education in the country because women are first teacher of their children. Future of the child depends on the love and care of the mother means a woman. Every child get his/her very first lesson through the mother thus it is very important for a mother to be educated as only a well educated mother can shape and mould the career of her child. Trained and educated mothers may nourish many lives in their life term and give rise to the developed nation.
A woman performs the role of many characters throughout her life such as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother. They have rights to get proper education to perform better in all areas of life. Women education help them to be more independent and empowered in their life. Education help them to grow their mind and status and not be a burden to their parents like past times. Education help them to be well aware of their duties and rights as well as realize their responsibilities to contribute towards development of the country as same as men do.
Women Education in India Essay 400 words
Since ancient time to the time after independence, there have been lots of progress in the field of women education. However not satisfying as much has yet to be achieved. The reason of backwardness in the Indian society is because of the lack of proper women education. Lack of proper women education is because of the various social restrictions against women in India which need to be over on urgent basis.

For the betterment of the women education in India following programmes have been run:
- Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan
- Indira Mahila Yojana
- Balika Samridhi Yojana
- Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
- Mahila Samridhi Yojana
- Employment and Income Generating Training-cum-Production Centres
- Programme of Development of Women and Children in rural areas
- Short Stay Home for Women and Girls
Here are some factors affecting the women education in India:
- Undernourishment and malnutrition of the girl child
- Sexual harassment and abuse at early age
- Lower socio-economic status of parents
- Infections and low immunity power at childhood
- So many social restrictions and taboo in their life
- Forced to follow orders of elders in family whether at home of parents or parents-in-law
What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
- Cover education in all districts by the year 2002.
- Bring all children to school by the year 2003.
- Make necessary for all children to complete 5 years of education by the year 2007.
- Make necessary for all children to complete 8 years of quality elementary education by the year 2010.
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Long Essay on Women Education in India 800 words
India is considered as one of the world greatest democracies and has also surpassed China as the world’s fastest growing economy in the financial quarter of October-December 2018; an achievement only made possible through ensuring education for all and gender equality. Promoting women education and ensuring female literacy have been the major factors behind India’s success. The statistics reveal an unprecedented growth in development and women education in the past few decades- India is progressing fast towards her never seen before socio economic development as more and more Indian women are becoming part of its economy; through, their education and empowerment.
Current Status of Women Education in India (with Statistics)
The national female literacy rate when India gained independence was tragically low at 8.6%. The female literacy rate of India has increased from 8.6% in 1951 to 64.63%, according to 2011 census. Though, this increase in the female literacy rate is encouraging and promising as well; unfortunately, there is also a flip side to it.
The current female literacy rate of India lags behind the male literacy rate, the former at 65.6% and the latter at 81.3%. The female education rate of India at 65.6% is significantly lower than the world average at 79.7%. The situation is more critical in rural areas, where fewer girls go to schools as compared to boys and the number of dropout rate is alarming among girls.
Statistics also reveal that India still has nearly 145 Million women, who are unable to read or write.
Why Do We Lag Behind?
Below we will go through a summarization of such factors with a brief detail.
1) Patriarchal Society
Though, the situation is different in urban areas, where women are more educated and employed; rural areas constituting 70% of the Indian population, still lag behind on gender equality.
2) Gender Discrimination
While we progress fast to become world’s super power one day; gender inequality is the reality that screams in our society even today. Even the educated and working urban women are not aloof from the experiences of gender bias, not to mention the women in rural areas.
3) Crime against women
Women of India are much more susceptible to violence and threat than the men. Many crimes against women are still prevalent in Indian society, like- dowry, domestic violence, flesh trade, sexual harassment etc. such crimes only restrict the women folk to step out of their houses and enter schools or even offices, for that matter.
4) Lack of Security
Women working even in the safest cities of the country, lack the courage to transit alone during late night hours. Such incidents are also responsible for high female school dropout rate. It is the responsibility of the government and the society as well to ensure a girl’s safe transit to school, ensuring her education.
Advantages of Women/ Female Education in India
Following is the brief description of the advantages of women/female education in India-
1) Social Development
Educating women could be the key to remove many social evils of Indian society- dowry system, female infanticide and workplace harassment etc. An educated woman changes the future generations.
2) Economical Development
Educating women will definitely lead to the economical development of the nation as more women join the work force.
3) High Living Standard
An educated woman will contribute financially for the needs of her family and relatives. Two earning parents provide better growth prospects for the children as well as a raised living standard of the family.
4) Social Recognition
An educated woman conducts appropriately in the society earning laurels for the family and making it proud.
5) Improved Health And Hygiene
An educated woman recognizes the health hazards to her family and knows how to deal with them. She knows how to feed and nurture her children, telling them about good and bad hygiene.
An educated woman is like a magic wand which brings prosperity, health and pride. We just have to unleash her potential and see the magic happen. Factors restricting the growth of women education in India are mainly societal, and we need to recognize them and eliminate them, if we want to achieve the goals of socio-economic development.
Essay on Women Education FAQs
What is the importance of women education essay?
The importance of women's education essay highlights how educating women empowers them, enhances their skills, and contributes to gender equality.
How to write an essay about women's education?
To write an essay on women's education, start with an introduction, discuss its significance, provide examples, and conclude by emphasizing its positive impact.
What is the importance of women's education?
The importance of women's education lies in empowering women, reducing gender disparities, and improving overall societal development.
What is the role of education in women's life?
Education in women's lives plays a pivotal role in enhancing their knowledge, decision-making abilities, and economic independence.
What is female education in simple words?
Female education, simply put, means educating girls and women to provide them with knowledge and skills for personal growth and societal contributions.