EnglishSpeechBest Man Speech in simple and easy words

Best Man Speech in simple and easy words

The best man is the principal subordinate to the groom at a wedding and is the third most significant attendant post the bride and the groom. The best man’s official speech duties are usually light and involve possibly the infrequent small tribute or lighter stories. This can be in the form of amusing stories, smart one-liners or helpful observations. The best man speech has become a tradition in almost every marriage now-a-days. You may become the best man to your friend, brother or relative and may be required to deliver speech.

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    We have shared below some sample on best man speech that would help you make your own speech memorable. Our short and long speech on best man is appropriate for friend, relative or brother. You can take cues from these speeches on best man and prepare your speech to serve the need.

    Long and Short Best Man Speech

    Best Man Speech – 1

    Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!

    We have assembled here to celebrate Jason’s marriage. I am sure many of you don’t know me; I am Mike, Jason’s brother, and his best man. Well, never in my life have I delivered any speech and on such an auspicious occasion, having been given this opportunity, I feel really honored.

    While I am little nervous, but looking at Jason and his would-be bride, I feel somewhat relaxed. Obviously, it’s their day to feel nervous, isn’t it? Jason and I have grown up together and there is hardly a year’s gap between us. Jason is more like a friend to me than a brother. We have shared lovely moments and seen several ups and downs together.

    Paula, you are a lucky girl since you are marrying Jason. I am saying this not because he is my brother but also because he is a very good human being. This being an arranged marriage, I am sure Paula and her relatives might be feeling little apprehensive. But I can assure that no girl can find a better match than Paula has found.

    He is a self-made man and is highly dedicated and passionate towards everything he loves. While I am very glad for both of you, I am little jealous at the same time, since Jason is not going to spend an equal amount of time with me anymore. He was my football partner, my travel partner, and my weekend partner; in fact, my entire life has been revolving around him.

    I have very fond memories of growing up with Jason. He has been my partner in crimes on several wild occasions and in silent times he is my close confidant whom I could tell anything. If I go about sharing the small and big incidents we have witnessed together, half of you probably doze off; jokes apart. Literally, I have several stories about us to share but I fear, I cannot reveal some of the secrets about Jason as he may also get a chance to ruin my marriage if he later becomes my best man.

    Jason and I have completed many activities together during our life-long relationship. We’ve ridden bikes together, built go-carts together, played football together, tried to convince girls together, bunked school and college together, messed up with daddy’s car and momma’s kitchen quite often and occasionally got drunk together over the years and not to mention have got beaten up together if we did disasters.

    Like all good buddies, we indeed had our downs as well. We have argued, disagreed, fought over petty issues and have punched each other quite often. I was everyone’s pet so I always got the rebate and Jason would take all the thrash later from mom and dad. Oops, I shouldn’t have said that!

    But like every couple, we would make up and Jason would be the first one to extend his hand of friendship. Paula, Jason may always extend his hand, but remember you will have to say ‘Sorry’ irrespective you were at fault or not in an argument.

    Nonetheless, Jason is a terrific human being; he is a good son, a good brother, a good friend, a good professional and certainly he is going to be a fantastic husband too.

    All the best to both of you!

    Thank You!

    Best Man Speech – 2

    Warm Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen!

    Today is my best friend A’s wedding and I was the happiest person until I was not standing here to deliver the best man’s speech. I mean being the best man for A is something, I probably was not expecting, it was kind of quite understood, but delivering a speech would make me nervous and especially when you have to deliver a speech on your best friend’s marriage. What if some destructive secrets get revealed?

    ‘A’ and I met each other just 5 years ago at our workplace. ‘A’ was my colleague and we shared the same department and same team. We have spent hours in chatting during our break. We have accomplished several projects together and have shared the fortune of success and the taste of failure together. Though, ‘A’ left the office for starting his own business but never have we passed even one weekend without meeting each other.

    I hail from a small town and when I met ‘A’, I was a shy and an introvert person. I shunned meeting people and would only confine myself to work. It was him who raised my confidence; he would always energize me with his funny jokes and boost my morale in my days of downs.

    Apart from being a highly equipped engineer and a terrific professional, he is a fantastic person too. I remember once I needed financial help as my father was hospitalized; not that he helped me with the money, he also visited my father every day in the hospital and take care of him when I needed a break.

    Well despite being a happy person, I’ve noticed something missing in his life. I have noticed him gloomy and sad quite often, mostly when we meet over a glass of drink in the pub or at our respective homes. Off course, he was cheerless only till he met his beautiful bride ‘X’. I guess, for the past six months, I’ve never seen him unhappy or gloomy. And, believing he’s now spending lesser time with me in the pub and almost nil time on the weekends, it’s certainly evident how he feels about his wife.

    Though I am going to miss my best friend forever, I am certainly happy for both of you. ‘A’ has been a big support in my life and I would always cherish the relationship we have shared. While I have sacrificed you for your happiness, I am not going to leave you so easily. You have to promise me that you would call me every weekend and let me taste delicious food cooked by dear ‘sister-in-law’. No, I mean ‘A’ loves her so much that I doubt whether he would let her take the pain of cooking.

    Ladies and gentlemen, on a serious and final note, please be upright and lift your glasses to my best buddy ‘A’ and his gorgeous new wife ‘X’.

    I thank each one of you for listening to me with so much of patience. Wish all the luck to ‘A’ and ‘X’.

    Thank You!

    Best Man Speech – 3

    Good Morning Friends – How you all are doing?

    I warmly welcome you all to the speech ceremony of today! The topic for today’s speech is the Best Man Speech. Friends, at some point or the other one of your very good friends or may be your brother will perhaps ask you to be the best man on his wedding day. This is a matter of great honor. But do you even know how you would be handling such a situation? Well, one of the responsibilities of a best man is to deliver a speech wherein you speak a few nice words in the admiration of your friend/brother and his newly wedded wife.

    If you have been a part of several weddings then you would know that many times best man speeches can very easily devolve into an embarrassing display of emotions. It’s the inadequate preparation and the combination of booze that lead to the best man stuttering and sharing embarrassing and irrelevant stories about the groom in front of a huge gathering of family and friends. So if you don’t want to become an object of laughter in front of your audience and you truly want to portray yourself as the best man, then here are some pointers to be kept in mind as you prepare yourself to deliver the speech:

    1. Prepare

    Don’t simply enter into the wedding function thinking you will be able to say what needs to be said. If you have enough time before the wedding, say a week or so then start gathering a few ideas for the speech preparation. Do your brainstorming, pen down your thoughts, jokes, stories or even quotes to make your speech sound even more interesting. In case, you don’t know much about how your best friend and his wife met, you can ask them. Try to wield a story from the past in order to show how great your friend and for that matter friendship is! The aim of your speech is to celebrate the coming together of this couple and showing them in a good light.

    1. Stay normal

    Surely, you would want to enjoy yourself, but alcohol could make you go over the board while giving the speech in front of so many people. On the other hand, you are not even expected to be completely inhibited. Stay normal and speak only what you rationally feel should be said in front of so many people so that it remains as a wonderful memory and not a regretful one!

    And most importantly when you open up don’t forget to express your gratitude towards the groom, his family and the bride as well. Avoid running into controversies and don’t try to sound humorous if it doesn’t come naturally to you. Also, keep your speech short and simple. You can make your speech personal and say things which directly spring forth from your heart so that it remains special not only for you, but for your best buddy as well. This is all I have to say.

    Thank you so much!

    Best Man Speech – 4

    Dear Friends – I warmly welcome you all to the speech ceremony of today!

    Before I begin with the Best Man Speech, I wish for the good health and a promising future for everyone. It gives me immense pleasure to be chosen as the best man for delivering the speech on my best friend’s wedding. When my friend insisted me to be his best man I firstly got pleasantly surprised to have heard the news of his wedding with the one whom he has been seeing from quite some time now and then over the moon when he said that there can be none but I can be his best man. But on the second thought, I got intimidated by the realization that I would be required to give a speech in front of so many people, his family, the bride’s family, their relatives and group of close friends.

    This thought made me think really hard whether I can take up this big responsibility or not. At that moment my friend held my hand and said that all I have to do is to stand up with confidence in front of all and just recount the best incidents of our lives and that is all. So this brought back my confidence and here I am in front of you all!

    Firstly, I would like to congratulate uncle and aunty and everyone who made this reception party a huge success and pleasurable for all. Whether I talk about the venue, food or decoration everything is very well taken care of. Secondly, to the power couple who look so amazing today that we are unable to take our eyes off from you guys and thirdly the bridesmaid for taking care of our bride so well! And last but not the least, to all the relatives and friends of the bride and groom who have add grace and sparkle to this party with their sizzling presence.

    It seems that I have known my friend Vikram since eternity because I believe that I know him so well, his likes, dislikes and even his instincts. Our friendship has been going strong from last 14 years and by now all his little and may be annoying habits. We have seen each other evolve and stood by each other during thick and thin. We battled together so many ups and downs of life, but never doubted our friendship. And I am sure the way he loved me and supported me, he will love and support his beautiful wife too and make her feel special in his own peculiar ways. The best part about him is that he cares for all and is extremely emotional. I remember the time when it was our exam days and I fell seriously ill. Vikram at that point in time didn’t think much about his exams and used to visit my place daily and looked after me so well. He not only supported me, but my complete family. This touched my chord deeply and I was overwhelmed by his immense support.

    As much as he is emotional, he is full of life too and never likes to keep situations serious for a long time. He is happy go lucky and believes in spreading the gift of laughter everywhere. I sincerely wish from the bottom of my heart that you continue to be the same person as you are now and you have the best of life together.


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