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Speech on National Flag of India: The Indian National flag symbolizes freedom of India and it holds great respect and honor in the mind and heart of every Indian and it is of high importance to all of us. It is important that we know everything about the Indian National flag of India and represent it in high regards. National flag is hoisted on major national occasions and you may be required to give speech on the national flag on one of these occasions.
Long and Short Speech on National Flag of India in English
Here we have shared some samples of Indian National Flag Speeches for the wide range of students, which can be taken as an example.
Our long speech on national flag of India is a good reference point for occasions like Republic Day, Independence Day, etc; while the short speech on national flag of India can be used in essay writing/recitation competition, etc.
The language of every speech on national flag of India mentioned in this article is kept extremely simple and the content is highly informative and fresh for you to prepare your own speeches.
Indian National Flag Speech 1 – Short Speech
Good morning principal sir, teachers and friends. I _______ from class _____ will speak today on National Flag.
The flag is also called Tiranga in Hindi. It is a symbol of free India. Tiranga has three colors – saffron, white and green. There is also an Ashoka Wheel at the centre. Wheel is blue in colour with 24 spokes.
We are proud to have the Tiranga as our flag. It looks very beautiful in sun. Always raise the flag high. Never misuse the tiranga in anyway. We respect our national flag and also love it.
Thank You! Happy Independence Day!
National Flag of India Speech 2 – Short Speech
Good Morning Principal Sir, teachers and my dear friends. I am ______ from Class _____ section____. Today I am going to give short speech on national flag.
The National Flag of India is also called tricolor or tiranga. It was adopted on 22nd July 1947 by the Assembly. After freedom it became our national flag.
Tiranga was based on Swaraj Flag. Swaraj flag was designed by a freedom fighter Pingali Venkayya. He was from Tamil Nadu. The Swaraj flag was first flown by Chacha Nehru.
The tricolor has seen many freedom fights. It had the respect and love of our freedom fighters. Tiranga was like a trophy to freedom fighters. They died to save Tiranga from British rule. We also must love and respect the flag.
It is the symbol of our freedom. It must always held high. Raise it high and say. Jai Hind!!
Thank you! Happy Independence Day to all!!
Short Speech on National Flag of India 3
Respected Principal, teachers, staff members and my dear friends. I take this opportunity while we have gathered to celebrate Independence Day, to speak about the very symbol of this independence. Any guesses? Well, it’s obvious that I am talking about the national flag of India, or the tricolor or the tiranga as it is commonly called.
The tiranga not only signifies independence, but also the courage, unity, prosperity of the people as well as tranquility, fertility and serenity of the motherland. It is an indication that we are free and united and always on guard against any external invasion.
It’s appropriate for me, at the moment to speak on the design and construction of the Tricolor. The constructional details and the design of the tricolor are governed by the Flag code of India. The national flag is made up from khadi cloth and is rectangular in shape.
The length to breadth ratio of the flag is 3:2. It must be divided equally into three horizontal stripes of saffron, white and green colors from top to bottom respectively. The white stripe has a 24 spokes Ashoka chakra in middle.
Before I conclude my speech, I want us all to pledge for maintaining the dignity of national flag and to display it with due honour and respect in our premises. Thank You and Jai Hind!!
Indian National Flag Speech 4 – Short Speech
Greetings to all the respected guests, teachers, my schoolmates and members of the non teaching staff. Today I have the privilege of speaking to you, on a very significant symbol of the country – the Indian National Flag or the tricolor, as it is called owing to the three colors it has.
Tricolor is a symbol of our freedom and represents our pride and honour. Beautifully fluttering tricolors over the buildings of government and non government institutions indicate that India is a free nation with its own rule of law and where felling of patriotism and nationalism is predominant among the masses.
The tricolor is indeed a symbol of national pride, but also represents essential qualities of its people and motherland. Saffron on top represents courage and sacrifice, white in the middle represents peace, and green stripe in the bottom is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. The 24 spokes blue Ashoka Chakra in the middle represents the eternal wheel of law.
All in all, the tricolor sums up all the characteristics of the motherland and its people in a rectangular piece of Khadi cloth.
I must mention here that until 2002, the display of national flag by private members of public was prohibited by the law. Further, giving decision on a petition filed by a private member of the public, the Supreme Court ordered the government of India to make necessary Amendment in this regard. Consequently the flag code of India was amended, effecting from 26th January 2002, allowing members of public to display it in their houses and offices with stipulated rules and regulations. Thank You!!
Speech on National Flag of India 5
Respected Teachers and Dear Students – Welcome to the 10th annual sports week of our school! I feel immense pleasure to inform you all that this time the sports week concludes on 22nd July, which is also Indian National Flag Day.
So, I would like to speak on national flag today. India is our motherland and our National Flag holds great importance for each and every Indian. It is a matter of great honour for all of us to be a part of India and our national flag symbolizes unity, since people of various religions live with harmony and peace here. Everyone knows that the Indian national flag is equally divided in 3 colours, i.e. Saffron, White and Green, but did you know that Saffron colour was included in the design to honour Hinduism and green colour to respect Muslim religion.
Later white strip was included to honour all other religions since India is the land to people belonging to different religions, castes and colours. In fact, the name ‘Tiranga’ has been given to our national flag since it has 3 colours’ stripes in it. The White stripe has a navy blue coloured ‘Ashok Chakra’ that has 24 fairly divided spokes. The Saffron colour also symbolizes selflessness and sacrifice; White colour purity and truth and the Green colour energy. The ‘Ashok Chakra’ in the centre signifies true victory of justice and honesty.
National flag is not only the symbol of independent India but also signify us as proud Indians. Our national flag also symbolizes unity, peace, pride and freedom. On every national occasion, the national flag is hoisted by the government officers; however, civilians in India can also display the flags on occasions. Our national flag is not only hoisted in government offices, but also in schools, colleges and all other educational establishments on the occasions of Independence Day, Republic Day and all other national functions.
While it feels immense proud to see the national flag fluttering high on occasions such as Independence Day, Republic Day, etc.; it feels all the more proud to see the Indian national flag fluttering in foreign lands when various sports persons make our country proud by winning international games such as Olympics, Commonwealth, ASIAN Games, etc.
It is not only delight to see the sportsmen running across the field, holding the Indian national flag in their hands; it also makes us feel proud to be Indians. The sportsmen hold and kiss the flag proudly and bow down their heads in front of the flag; such importance has been given to the national flag. Almost all schools in India teach children at very young age about the national flag, about how it came into being and how was it designed. The Indian national flag teaches all of us to live with harmony and peace; respect humanity and be united. It describes that truth always prevails and no matter how much hardships you undergo, honesty and truth always win in the end.
Dear students, you are the future of our country and I am seeing many emerging sports persons in you and I am hoping to see some of you carrying our national flag and running across foreign lands after being victorious in some international games. No matter how much successful you become, be always grounded and respect our national flag.
Wish you all the very best and Thank You!
Indian National Flag Speech 6
Dear Friends – Thank you for being a part of the occasion; I am going to speak on the national flag today!
Our country became independent on this very day. As we all know that India became independent after the struggle of numerous freedom fighters those sacrificed their lives for freeing the nation. On 15th Aug 1947, India got independence from the British and just few days before the independence, our national flag was adopted, i.e. on 22nd July 1947. A meeting of constituent assembly was held as a symbol of triumph and unity and so was our national flag designed accordingly.
Our national flag is the symbol of inspiration and courage for us and it reminds us of the sacrifices done by our respected freedom fighters. The national flag is highly honored by all the Indians and it is also the symbol of pride and self respect. The time was very difficult when India was under the rule of British and attaining freedom was very difficult. Thus it required sacrifices and determination of several leaders and common men, women and children to achieve freedom. Thus, it is the duty of every Indian to respect our national flag and never let it down by our acts and deeds in India and in foreign countries.
The length and width ratio of our national flag is 3:2. Our national flag, popularly called as the ‘Tricolor’ and ‘Tiranga Jhanda’ is equally divided in 3 colors horizontally, i.e. Saffron on the top, White in the middle and Green at the bottom. There is an Ashok Chakra in Navy Blue colour with 24 spokes embedded in the middle White portion. All these colors and the Chakra and spokes contain their own significance. While Saffron symbolizes devotion & renunciation; white signifies peace & harmony and green indicates youth & energy. The Ashoka Chakra, also known as the Dharma Chakra, is influenced by the king Ashoka the Great and signifies peace & gallantry.
The Indian national flag is made from ‘Khadi’ fabric, specially spun with hand, inspired by the great Mahatma Gandhi. The flag is considered sacred and it is severely prohibited in India to hoist flag constructed of any other fabric than Khadi and the manufacturing procedures and designing stipulations are guided by the ‘Department/Bureau of Indian Standards’.
The display and use of the Indian national flag is guided and governed by the ‘Prevention of Improper Use Act, 1950’ and the ‘Prevention of Insults to National Honor Act, 1971’. Another practice called ‘Flag Code of India’ was also established in the year 2002 to administer all the practices, laws, instructions and conventions to honor and respect the national flag. While the design of the Indian national flag was first proposed by the Pingali Venkayya; it was first offered by the Mahatma Gandhi in the year 1921 to the INC (Indian National Congress). It is said that the colors saffron and green were adopted in the design to symbolize respect for the religions Hinduism and Islam; however, a white strip was later added in the center with a spinning wheel to mark honor to other religions too.
I thus appeal to every Indian that we must, irrespective of any caste, creed or religion, respect our national flag and feel proud to be Indians.
Indian National Flag Speech 7
Dear Friends – Welcome to the 4th annual function of our school!
I thank you, first of all for being a part of our annual function. Each year, I choose a topic that instills feeling of patriotism in my students and each visitor. This year, I would like to speak on our National Flag.
I am sure you all know that our national flag is also called ‘Tiranga’ because it is equally and horizontally divided in 3 parts and colors, i.e. saffron, white and green. But, do you know that prior to achieving independence; several flags were fabricated to lead the Independence Movement of India to attain independence from the British? The current design of the national fag was finally adopted since it not only honoured Hinduism and Muslims; it also respected all other religions in India.
Now-a-day, you all see the national flag being hoisted by civilians as well, but it was prohibited earlier and only the government officers were allowed to hoist the national flag during national events. Today, even common people are allowed to display the national flag on their premises, in their cars and other vehicles, as a badge on their chest, etc. Displaying of national flag makes people feel proud to be Indians since our national flag symbolizes unity and harmony and it is the duty of each Indian to respect the national flag and ensure not to let its admiration go down, especially in foreign lands.
Our National flag is so designed that it respects people of every religion be it Hindu, Muslim or of other religion. All the colors, i.e. Saffron, White, Green and Blue, the strips, cloth and the chakra used in the national flag have their own significance. You must not be aware that until 52 years post India’s independence, no common people were allowed to display the National Flag; however the rule got altered and ‘The Flag code of India’ was introduced on 26th Jan 2002 that guides the display and use of national flag by civilians and government officials. The code allowed the use of flag at offices, homes and factories on special occasions such as Independence Day, Republic Day, etc.
It is especially displayed in schools, colleges and other educational institutions such as coaching centers, sports camps, universities, scout camps, etc. for inspiring young students to honour and respect the Indian Flag and feel proud to be Indian. Many students sing national anthem and patriotic songs and take oath while hoisting the national flag. While common people are allowed to hoist the flag on special events; it is prohibited to exhibit the national flag for any personal gains or to provoke communal riots.
You must know that no one is allowed to exhibit the national flag constructed of any other cloth than ‘Khadi’; it’s considered crime punishable with fine and imprisonment. You can display the flag from sunrise to sunset (morning till evening) in any weather. It is also banned to dishonour the national flag intentionally or keep it on the ground or floor or tail in water. It must also not be used as a covering to shield the back, bottom or top of any vehicle such as boat, car, aircraft, trains, etc. whilst you can hoist the flag on the top of these vehicles to display your pride and admiration for your motherland.
In the end, I would say, feel proud to be an Indian and respect your National flag.
Thank You!
Speech on National Flag of India 8
Very Good Morning Friends!
Our school has completed 5 years today and like every year, this year too, the school has organized the speech competition. I would like to speak on ‘National Flag’ today.
Our National Flag, also called ‘Tiranga’, is the pride of the nation. It is one of the most integral and significant part of our free and Republic India since it symbolizes the sovereignty of India and is respected by every citizen. Though, it is displayed in all government premises of India; it is the tradition to unfurl the national flag on national occasions such as Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, etc.
Our National Flag represents the true civilization, culture and history of India. The flowing flag is the symbol of liberty; in fact, every free nation must have its own national flag. Our national flag reminds us of the sacrifices and contribution made by all the freedom fighters to liberate our nation from the British. It is called ‘Tiranga’ because it is made up of three colors divided horizontally and equally – ‘Saffron on the top, White in middle and Green at the bottom.
While saffron symbolizes selflessness, courage and altruism; white colour symbolizes peace, purity and truth and green colour symbolizes the nature and soil and encourage us to remain grounded. Our national flag also inspires the leaders to remain indifferent towards artificial things and serve the nation and its people with honesty, selflessly and sincerely.
Engraved in the center of the White colour is the ‘Ashoka Chakra’ with 24 spokes colored in Blue. It is the symbol of ‘Dharma’ or the Law and signifies that the law, virtue or Dharma must be the foremost guiding principles of everyone in the nation. It also symbolizes the motion, thereby inspiring to move constantly in life despite hardships and challenges.
The National Flag of India has certain codes that guide each citizen to respect and uphold the honor of our national flag. There are certain rules and guiding principles suggesting that strict action would be taken against those who would mistreat the national flag. It is a punishable offense to display the national flag made of any other fabric than ‘Khadi’ or hand-spun fabric. The national flag can be held and displayed during processions; however, it must be carried only on the right side of bearer’s shoulder and it must be borne in front of the March past or procession.
While carrying the national flag, it must be held high always and must not be bowed down before anything at any cost. It is punishable to place any other flag above the national flag. Also, no other flag can be placed to the right of the Tiranga. People present in the assembly must always pay respect and stand attentively and salute while passing the national flag in a moving column. The national flag should be flown at half mast if the death of the President, VP (Vice-president) and the PM (Prime Minister) occurs during their serving period. Half mast flag signifies mourning.
I would rest my speech on the note that our national flag is the matter of our pride and we must uphold its respect and dignity at any cost. It must be displayed high always since it reminds us of the sacrifices made by many freedom fighters and thus this freedom is very costly for us.
Thank You
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