EnglishSpeechWedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – Marriage Anniversary Speech

Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – Marriage Anniversary Speech

Sisters are always special! Aren’t they? And so are their weddings and even their wedding anniversaries? So if you also have a sweet sister who is married and curiously awaiting her wedding anniversary, then it’s also the time for you to prepare a special wedding anniversary speech for you didi and jiju. Gifts are common and everyone gives something or the other on this special day, but giving a speech in their honor is something that will stay with them for their lifetime because words are never forgotten.

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    To make your work easier, here you would find both short speech on wedding anniversary for didi and jija as well as long speech on wedding anniversary for didi and jija where you can draw a reference from and prepare an impressive speech to impress your didi and jiju on their special day. So what are you waiting for? Just get started!

    Speech on Wedding Anniversary for Didi and Jija (Sister and Brother-in-Law)

    Wedding (Marriage) Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija

    Warm good evening to everyone present here!

    This is Emma and on the occasion of the fifth wedding anniversary of my beloved sister, I would like to say a few words. They say that love is blind, but marriage is a real eye opener. I am sure every married couple realizes this fact. It takes both the partners to make a relationship or marriage work and you guys have done it amazingly so far.

    Till the time you don’t have kids, you should enjoy each and every moment with each other as much as possible. Go out on trips, do sky diving or take a long walk on a beach because these are the moments that matter the most in life. Not that you will not find the time to do it again, but when you have family responsibilities with you situations change and become challenging at times. So I feel this is the most fruitful time to build beautiful memories together which you will cherish when you grow old and then you will have interesting stories to narrate to your grandchildren.

    Many times love seems to vanish away after a few years of marriage as many family responsibilities set in, but this isn’t the case here as you seem to be falling in love with each other more and more. But mind you even if the couple might be growing old, but that does not mean they should cease to become romantic. Just warmly wishing each other in the morning, making each other a cup of coffee, taking care of the miniscule things of each other are enough to keep the spark alive between the two persons.

    Every marriage is different and perfect in its own ways. And I wish for you that when you become parents, you should be the ones your kids look up to as their role model. They should be able to see the love and respect you have for each other.

    I am sure by now you both must have become habitual to each other’s strange habits and mood swings. You both must have learnt how to deal with each other’s families and relatives. I am really sure that my sister had definitely taught my jiju how to cook food and help her out in the kitchen chores. But jokes apart, it is always important to support each other whether it’s the household chores or career decisions. That’s the beauty of marriage. You get to take decisions together.

    It takes time to adjust and become comfortable with each other under the same roof. Many times roads are bumpy and things do not go the way you plan, but in the end it’s all about how you two complete the journey together in the way that both cherish it after many years when they look back. And I must say I’m so proud of you for crossing this first level of your journey. But this journey has not ended yet but has just begun. There are many years to go, many memories to build and many mistakes to be made in order to make this bond better and stronger than before.

    Cheers to you my lovely sister and brother-in-law. I wish for both of you all the happiness and success in life. Stay happy and blessed always!

    Wedding (Marriage) Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – 10th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija

    Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen present here and I warmly welcome everyone to the 10th wedding anniversary of my didi and jiju!

    Today is indeed an important and the most special day for us and of course for my didi and jiju. Therefore, today standing here in front of you all I am reminiscing the day when my sister got married on this very date, ten years ago. On this happy day I would like to raise a toast to my beloved sister and her husband whose marriage has always been an inspiration for me.

    They say “happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife” and it couldn’t have been more correct today with this beautiful couple here. They have always been each other’s friend first then husband or wife or parents. It doesn’t matter if you have found the right person if you do not understand each other properly. No one else can understand the wonderful bond you share and the love you have for each other. Everything you do for each other will only strengthen your bond further. Like it’s said that it’s not about thinking alike but indeed it is about thinking together.

    Every marriage has its share of ups and downs in terms of likes and dislikes, but in the end it’s all about that strong desire to preserve a happy family and a vibrant marriage in spite of the issues that arise. This day is a very memorable day for both of you, as you both go back to those commitments you made to each other and as you make new ones which will further strengthen your bond with each other. Today is the perfect day to thank each other for all the joys you both experienced with each other, along with accepting each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

    They have made me realize that it is important to work together in any situation and how amazing these two are with their kids. I wish I was half as good as they are. No matter how difficult situation gets they are capable of bringing joy in the lives of each and every person around them be it their kids, family or friends.

    Isn’t it commendable, falling in love with the same person each and every day for ten years and promise to do that for many more years to come? I don’t know about other couples, but in this case these two are surely going to be like the same in the years to come. I hope that I will be raising a toast again, when we are old, probably on their 50th anniversary because my sister and brother-in-law are just made for each other. I am certain that they will be set the couple goals for their children and other young couples as they are for me right now. It’s only been ten years sister, there is more to go.

    Cheers to the indomitable love you have for each other!

    Wedding (Marriage) Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – 25th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija

    Good Evening Everyone!

    This is Misha and I am Mansi’s sister. On this day, the silver jubilee of my sister and brother-in-law’s wedding, I would like to raise a toast. I am extremely happy for them, but I wonder at times how both of them have made it this far. I must say that they have set serious marriage goals for other couples.

    Marriage is said to be a roller coaster ride with no rules or regulations. Once you board the ride there is no going back. There are bumps and twists and sometimes ride even gets upside down, but the key is to have faith and keep going on till the end just holding each other’s hands. Interesting part is that you all have to learn about the ride in the process without any warning. It is not even the same for everyone.

    What I am trying to say here is, we all have got our own journey and it is on us how to make it till the end. Being here, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary is an example that they have done pretty well in their marriage.

    In case anyone were to ask me if all these years filled with responsibilities, such as taking care of children as well as managing office were easy or not? I would have said absolutely not! But what is more important to know is the fact that whether you like doing all these things or not. It is all dependent on the couples how adroitly they overcome all the obstacles that are in their path and make the most of their marriage.

    I have seen these two together for almost twenty seven years; two years before their marriage and twenty five years post it and I know it is not as simple as it looks. I saw them struggle through the first year of their marriage because it is not easy just to start living with a person, sharing the same space and be as comfortable as you used to be before marriage. Then five years later the wedding, when they had their first child, they did not know a single thing about parenting. But look at them now! They have raised two amazing and beautiful kids. They have surely come a long way since then.

    You see, most of the time in later years of marriage, you have less discussions and more arguments. It’s like Tom and Jerry. Just like them you keep fighting, but you cannot live without each other as well. One person fulfills the other and that is how it should work with everyone. Well, you all can look at them if you want to know what togetherness and companionship is all about.

    You both have spent your time taking care of others, so I think it is finally time to take a break from work and parenting. Your kids are grown up enough to take care of themselves. Go on a vacation, fulfill your other dreams and do each and everything that you otherwise sacrificed before. You should relive your younger days and private moments. Take your vows again and pledge to each other that you both will keep each other happy as always. I really hope and wish for you guys to stay the same. And I wish all the happiness that you deserve.


    Wedding (Marriage) Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – 50th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija

    Warm Greetings Everyone!

    My name is ____ and I am the youngest sister of the person who became bride fifty years ago and we are all gathered here to cherish the love that both my sister and brother-in-law shares. I believe lucky are those people, who get to celebrate their 50th anniversary with the people they dearly love. Celebrating fifty years of togetherness is rarely to be seen. I got a chance to say a few words on their wedding and I’m grateful to God to have been given this chance again after all these years.

    I am sure everyone will agree to the fact that initial years of marriage are mostly good, but things tend to get a little sour with time. Right from having your own house, own kids, overtime work, EMIs to nurturing kids, looking after their needs, school and college, the love for each other and the feeling of being a couple gets lost somewhere in between. Thus, it is extremely important sometimes to recall your vows that you made to each other. Do not let your love fade away because of responsibilities. Challenges are always there in every wedding, but my sister and brother-in-law have always ensured that the spark of their wedding life doesn’t die down.

    Well, marriage is about partnership. Yes, you do have children and they are the centre of your life. But when they grow up and have the life of their own, then all you have is the support of each other. It was and will be your companionship in the end that would make all the difference in the world. So how to take care of each other and also manage other things in life is something I learnt from them.

    Most people buy expensive gifts or jewelries for their wives, which I mention is “really important”  but what is more important is that you make your better half feel wanted and most importantly respected and gift the most precious gift to her which is time. My brother-in-law never failed to give his time to my sister. I know their love conquers all but they have shown immense respect for each other, which is much more required than love.

    I would like to borrow some words from my favorite poet Shakespeare who wrote “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. O no, it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken; it is the star to every wand’ring bark, whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.”

    Let me put it in simple words, true love never alters no matter how difficult the life gets. Marriage for many people is scary. But when I look at my sister and brother in law, I feel safe. They have given a hope to me and to each and every one of us that everything in life can be dealt with if you bravely face all the troubles together and look for a solution. So cheers to them, for having a love that did not alter over all these years and is in fact continuing to grow by leaps and bounds.

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