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Hug day is the seventh day of the Valentine’s week which is celebrated every year on 13th of February especially by the youths as well as interested people of any age group. Earlier it was the western culture event however, started celebrating everywhere in all regions of the country. Hug Day2025 would be celebrated all across the world by the people on 13th of February, at Wednesday.
How Hug Day is Celebrated
Hug Day is one of the most special days of the valentine week which is celebrated by the people of all age group by hugging each other. They hug their partner, friend, loved ones and etc very tightly to express their love and affection. Hug is a process of meeting each other very tightly in standing position. It has capability to relieve one from any problems and freshens the mind. If one person hugs another person, it makes him feel like he has been hugged by his loved ones.
Hugging has a lot of health benefits as well as it brings natural and feeling of being loved by someone. It may enhance the psychological and physical development of the person being hugged. It builds up and strengthens the immune system and decreases the risk of chronic heart diseases by decreasing the stress hormone, cortisol level, in blood. It has been proved that a hug of just 20 seconds brings a lot of happiness as well as enhances the level of oxytocin hormone. It prevents the persons hugging each other from the high blood pressure and high heart rate. It makes the person feels very relax and comfortable after getting hugged by anyone.
Hug Day Images
Happy Hug Day Quotes
- “Love is a circular emotion that surrounds you, like a hug. Or a noose.” – Jarod Kintz
- “A hug is the perfect gift- one size fits all and nobody minds if you exchange it.” – Irvin Ball
- “Love is a peaceful feeling, like a flower hugging a butterfly.” – Jarod Kintz
- “HUG a letter stand for Helping Unlock Greatness.” – zita h vasavan-ind-germany
- “A hug a day keeps the bad boys away.” – Jim Anderson
- “One word can end a fight; one hug can start a friendship; one smile can bring Unity; one person can change your entire life!” – Israelmore Ayivor
- “One day, I’ll feel the depth of hugs once again, and it’s going to feel like HOME.” – Nouf Alfadl
- “Hold my hands; kiss my forehead, hug me and look in my eyes; maybe today is the last day you can do this.” – M.F. Moonzajer
- “Be the first to hug and you will be the most to be the hugged.” – Sajid Baig
- “I never realized the warmth of his hug, until he was not around when I need it. ‘Oh Dad! I miss you.” – Sajid Baig
- “My mom smiled at me. Her smile kind of hugged me.” – R.J. Palacio
- “…when someone is honest and vulnerable, they wring my heart – I want to hug them for being real.” – John Geddes
Valentines Day Quotes | Rose Day Quotes |
Propose Day Quotes | Chocolate Day Quotes |
Teddy Day Quotes | Kiss Day Quotes |
Hug Day Quotes |
Hugging Day Quotes for Wife/ GF
- “A hug is a perfect way to express love without words. Every time I hold you, I feel like I’m home. Happy Hug Day, my love!”
- “A hug from you is the sweetest gift I can ever receive. With every embrace, I feel our love grow stronger. Happy Hug Day, darling!”
- “In your arms, I find my peace, my happiness, and my forever. Wishing you a warm and loving Hug Day, my love!”
- “Your hug is the only place I want to be. It feels like the world stops, and all that matters is us. Happy Hug Day, my dearest!”
- “Every hug you give makes me feel like the luckiest person alive. Your love is my greatest treasure. Happy Hug Day, my beautiful!”
- “A hug from you can heal any hurt, fill any void, and bring endless joy. I am so lucky to have you. Happy Hug Day, love!”
- “No words can ever describe how your hug makes me feel, but it’s the best feeling in the world. Happy Hug Day, my angel!”
- “Every hug with you is a promise that no matter what, we will always be together. I love you forever. Happy Hug Day!”
- “In your arms, I find the warmth I’ve been looking for. With you, every day is Hug Day. I love you endlessly!”
- “Your hug is my sanctuary. With every embrace, I feel like I belong to you. Happy Hug Day to the love of my life!”
Hugging Day Quotes for Husband/ BF
- “A hug from you makes everything feel right in the world. You are my safe place, and I’ll always cherish every embrace. Happy Hug Day, my love!”
- “Your arms are my favorite place to be, where I feel loved and protected. Wishing you a warm and loving Hug Day, my heart!”
- “A hug from you is all I need to make my day complete. Thank you for always being my strength. Happy Hug Day, darling!”
- “Every time you hold me close, I feel like the luckiest person alive. Your love makes me whole. Happy Hug Day, my forever!”
- “A hug from you is not just an embrace; it’s my whole world. You are my happiness, my comfort, and my love. Happy Hug Day!”
- “When you hug me, I feel like everything falls into place. With you, I know I’m where I’m meant to be. Happy Hug Day, my love!”
- “No matter what happens, I know that your hug will always make everything better. I’m so blessed to have you. Happy Hug Day, my love!”
- “Your hugs are my escape from the world. They make me feel loved, safe, and appreciated. Happy Hug Day, my best friend and love!”
- “In your arms, I find my strength. Your hugs make me feel cherished and adored every single time. Happy Hug Day, my soulmate!”
- “You’re the reason I smile, and your hugs make me feel like everything is perfect. Happy Hug Day, my love!”
Hug Day Quotes in Hindi
- “तेरे गले लगने से बेहतर कुछ नहीं लगता, जैसे सारे जहाँ की खुशी मिल जाती है। हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी जान!”
- “तुझे गले लगाकर मैं अपनी सारी परेशानियाँ भूल जाता हूँ, तेरी बाहों में ही तो सुकून मिलता है। हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी जिंदगी!”
- “तेरी एक प्यारी सी झप्पी से दिन की सारी थकान चली जाती है। तुझे गले लगाना हमेशा मेरे लिए खास होता है। हैप्पी हग डे, प्यार!”
- “तेरी बाँहों में बसा है मेरा सच्चा सुख, तुम्हारी झप्पी में ही हर दर्द की राहत है। हैप्पी हग डे, दिल के सबसे करीब!”
- “तुझे गले लगाकर ही मुझे अपनी पूरी दुनिया मिलती है। तेरे साथ मेरी हर खुशी पूरी होती है। हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी धड़कन!”
- “तुझे गले लगाकर, मैं हर दर्द, हर तकलीफ को भूल जाता हूँ। तेरे साथ ही तो जिंदगी का हर पल खास है। हैप्पी हग डे!”
- “तेरी बाहों में मुझे वो सुकून मिलता है, जो कहीं और नहीं। तेरे गले लगने से मेरी दुनिया पूरी होती है। हैप्पी हग डे, जान!”
- “तुझे गले लगाने से मुझे ऐसा लगता है जैसे सारी परेशानियाँ खत्म हो जाती हैं। तुझसे प्यारी कोई जगह नहीं। हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी दुनिया!”
- “तेरी एक झप्पी ही मेरे दिन को खास बना देती है, जैसे तुम ही मेरी जिंदगी हो। हैप्पी हग डे, तुमसे बहुत प्यार है!”
- “जब भी तुम मुझे गले लगाते हो, दुनिया की सारी खुशियाँ मेरे पास आ जाती हैं। हैप्पी हग डे, मेरे प्यार!”
Hug Day Shayari
- “तुझसे लिपटकर मैं खो जाता हूँ,
तेरे गले लगने से दिल रो जाता हूँ।
जिंदगी की हर खुशी मिल जाती है,
जब तू मुझे अपना बना लेता है।
हैप्पी हग डे, मेरे प्यार!” - “एक तेरा गले लगना, जैसे सारी दुनिया मिल जाए,
तेरे साथ हर दर्द और दुःख, गायब हो जाए।
तेरी बाहों में सुकून मिलता है,
तेरे साथ हर खुशी सच्ची लगती है।
हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी जान!” - “तेरे गले लगने से हर परेशानी छुप जाती है,
मेरे दिल में बस तुम ही समा जाती हो।
तेरी एक झप्पी से पूरा जहां बदल जाता है,
साथ तेरा, जिंदगी का सबसे प्यारा पल बन जाता है।
हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी धड़कन!” - “सारा जहाँ भुला दूं, जब तुम मुझे गले लगाती हो,
तुमसे मिलने के बाद, दुनिया की कोई कमी नहीं होती है।
तेरी बाहों में बसा है मेरा सुकून,
तुम ही हो मेरे दिल की धड़कन।
हैप्पी हग डे!” - “तुझे गले लगाना सबसे सच्चा एहसास है,
तेरी एक झप्पी में बसी है सारी खुशियाँ मेरी।
तू है साथ तो डर किसका,
तेरे गले लगने से हर दर्द जाता है।
हैप्पी हग डे!” - “तेरे बिना कुछ अधूरा सा लगता है,
तेरे गले लगने से पूरा सा लगता है।
तू है तो हर दिन खास होता है,
तेरे प्यार से मेरा हर दिन रोशन होता है।
हैप्पी हग डे, मेरी दुनिया!” - “तू पास हो तो मैं कभी उदास नहीं होता,
तेरे गले लगने से हर दर्द छुप जाता है।
तू है तो मैं खुदा से भी ज्यादा खुश हूँ,
तू ही है मेरा प्यार, मेरी जिंदगी का जूनून।
हैप्पी हग डे!” - “तेरे गले लगकर ही पूरा दिन सज जाता है,
तू पास हो तो हर पल खास हो जाता है।
तेरी बाहों में पाकर मुझे सुकून मिलता है,
तू हो तो मेरी दुनिया पूरी लगती है।
हैप्पी हग डे, मेरे प्यार!” - “तेरे गले लगने से हर डर चला जाता है,
तेरे पास रहते हुए दिल कभी भी नहीं डरता है।
तू है साथ तो मैं हर मुश्किल से लड़ सकता हूँ,
तेरे गले लगकर मैं सारी दुनिया भूल सकता हूँ।
हैप्पी हग डे!” - “प्यार में तेरे, दुनिया साकार होती है,
तेरी एक झप्पी से खुशी का आभार होता है।
तू पास हो तो कुछ भी कम नहीं,
तेरी बाहों में दुनिया पूरी होती है।
हैप्पी हग डे!”
Happy Hug Day FAQs
Is Feb 12 a Hug Day?
No, February 12 is not specifically designated as Hug Day. However, it is widely celebrated as National Hug Day in some cultures.
Is it Hug Day or Kiss Day on February 12?
February 12 is often recognized as Hug Day in many cultures, part of the Valentine’s Week celebrations. Kiss Day is celebrated on February 13.
Is Feb 11 a Hug Day?
February 11 is generally celebrated as 'Make a Friend Day,' but it's not officially Hug Day. Hug Day is typically celebrated on February 12.
What day is International Hug Day?
International Hug Day is celebrated on January 21, while National Hug Day is observed on January 21 in the U.S.
Is June 29th a National Hug Day?
No, June 29th is not recognized as National Hug Day. The official National Hug Day is on January 21.
Is February 12th National Hug Day?
Yes, February 12 is considered National Hug Day in some regions, though it’s more often associated with Valentine's Week celebrations.
Which day is from 7th February to 14th February?
The days from February 7 to February 14 are commonly celebrated as Valentine’s Week, with different themes for each day. Here’s a quick breakdown: Feb 7: Rose Day Feb 8: Propose Day Feb 9: Chocolate Day Feb 10: Teddy Day Feb 11: Promise Day Feb 12: Hug Day Feb 13: Kiss Day Feb 14: Valentine's Day
What day is today, Kiss Day or Hug Day?
Today’s celebration depends on the specific date. If it's February 12, it's Hug Day, and if it's February 13, it's Kiss Day.
What is February 7 to 14, 2024?
February 7 to February 14, 2024, will be celebrated as Valentine’s Week, with each day dedicated to a different theme (Rose Day, Propose Day, etc.).