EnglishWords that start with F

Words that start with F

The letter ‘F’ is the sixth letter in the English alphabet and is one of the few consonants that appear twice in some words. For example, consider words like ‘cliff,’ ‘puff,’ and ‘affix.’ In this article, we will explore more words like these, especially those that begin with the letter ‘F.’

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    Words Starting with F

    Look at the lists of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and phrasal verbs starting with ‘F’ to build your vocabulary. Check the meanings and how to use any words you don’t know.

    30 Verbs That Start with F

    • Faint – To lose consciousness briefly.
    • Fail – To be unsuccessful in achieving something.
    • Fall – To drop or descend under gravity.
    • Fasten – To secure or attach something.
    • Fatten – To make something or someone gain weight.
    • Feast – To eat a large amount of food, often in celebration.
    • Fend – To protect oneself from something.
    • Flick – To make a sudden movement with something.
    • Flip – To turn something over quickly.
    • Float – To stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking.
    • Flinch – To make a quick, nervous movement in reaction to something.
    • Flirt – To behave in a playful or romantic way.
    • Fly – To move through the air with wings.
    • Fumble – To handle something clumsily.
    • Fuse – To join two things together by melting them.
    • Foster – To encourage the development of something.
    • Fabricate – To make or construct something, often by inventing details.
    • Fleece – To deceive or cheat someone, usually for money.
    • Frown – To make a facial expression showing displeasure or concentration.
    • Forgive – To stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense.
    • Facilitate – To make a process easier.
    • Frolic – To play and move about cheerfully.
    • Fry – To cook food in hot fat or oil.
    • Fold – To bend something over onto itself.
    • Form – To bring together parts to create a whole.
    • Fit – To be the right size or shape for something.
    • Flare – To burn with a bright, wavering light.
    • Fast – To abstain from eating food for a period.
    • Frustrate – To prevent someone from achieving their goals.
    • Frighten – To make someone afraid or scared

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    30 Nouns That Start with F

    • Family – A group consisting of parents and their children.
    • Friend – A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
    • Forest – A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
    • Flower – The reproductive structure in flowering plants.
    • Frog – A tailless amphibian with long legs for jumping.
    • Farm – An area of land used for growing crops and raising animals.
    • Football – A sport played between two teams where a ball is kicked into a goal.
    • Food – Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat.
    • Furnace – An enclosed structure where heat is generated.
    • Fiction – Literature that describes imaginary events and people.
    • Festival – An event or series of events celebrated with festivities.
    • Fireplace – A place in a room where a fire can be safely contained.
    • Fountain – A decorative structure that shoots water into the air.
    • Ferry – A boat or ship used to carry people or goods across water.
    • Flag – A piece of cloth with a design, used as a symbol or signal.
    • Farmhouse – A house on a farm.
    • Fan – A device with blades that moves air to cool people.
    • Ferryboat – A boat used to transport people or vehicles across a body of water.
    • Fur – The thick, soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals.
    • Feather – The light, flat structures that cover birds’ bodies.
    • Fighter – A person or vehicle that fights in wars or battles.
    • Funnel – A device used to channel liquids or powders into a container.
    • Frame – A rigid structure that supports or encloses something.
    • Fictional – A character or story created by imagination, not real.
    • Foe – An enemy or opponent.
    • Farmer – A person who grows crops and raises animals.
    • Fleet – A group of ships or vehicles operating together.
    • Fabric – Material, typically produced by weaving or knitting textile fibers.
    • Fleece – The woolly covering of a sheep or similar animal.
    • Fable – A short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral lesson.

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    30 Adjectives That Start with F

    • Fabulous – Extremely good or impressive.
    • Fair – Just or unbiased; also can mean light in color or moderately good.
    • Faithful – Loyal and steadfast.
    • Famous – Well-known or celebrated.
    • Fancy – Elaborate or decorative; also means to imagine or desire.
    • Fantastic – Remarkably good; incredible.
    • Faraway – Distant in space or time.
    • Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed; quick.
    • Feeble – Lacking physical strength or effectiveness.
    • Ferocious – Savagely fierce or intense.
    • Fickle – Changing frequently, especially in regards to one’s loyalties or interests.
    • Fidgety – Restlessly nervous or uneasy.
    • Flimsy – Weak or insubstantial; lacking strength.
    • Floral – Pertaining to flowers; decorated with or resembling flowers.
    • Foolish – Lacking good sense or judgment; silly.
    • Foreboding – Implying that something bad is going to happen.
    • Fortunate – Lucky or having good fortune.
    • Fragile – Easily broken or damaged.
    • Frequent – Happening or occurring often.
    • Friendly – Kind and pleasant; showing friendliness.
    • Frigid – Extremely cold; lacking warmth.
    • Fuzzy – Covered with fine hairs or fibers; unclear or vague.
    • Functional – Designed to be practical and useful.
    • Furious – Extremely angry or enraged.
    • Frosty – Covered with frost; also can mean unfriendly or cold in manner.
    • Fuzzy – Soft or hairy texture; unclear or indistinct.
    • Fabulous – Wonderful or amazing.
    • Funky – Stylish or cool; also refers to a strong, unpleasant smell.
    • Faint – Lacking strength or clarity; barely perceptible.
    • Feisty – Lively, spirited, or determined, often in a way that is aggressive.

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    30 Words with Double Fs

    • Affection – A feeling of love or care.
    • Affirm – To state something with confidence.
    • Afflict – To cause pain or suffering.
    • Efficient – Performing tasks in a well-organized manner.
    • Affable – Friendly and pleasant.
    • Afford – To have enough money to buy something.
    • Effort – Physical or mental exertion.
    • Suffer – To experience pain or distress.
    • Buffer – A person or thing that prevents incompatible things from coming into contact.
    • Coffee – A drink made from roasted coffee beans.
    • Foffing – A rare Scottish term meaning “fooling around.”
    • Faffing – To spend time doing unimportant things.
    • Fluff – Soft, light fibers or a mistake.
    • Sniff – To draw air through the nose to smell something.
    • Affidavit – A written statement confirmed by oath.
    • Effigy – A sculpture or model of a person.
    • Taffeta – A type of fabric.
    • Muffin – A small cake or bread.
    • Affront – An action that causes offense.
    • Puffed – Swollen or inflated.
    • Fluffed – Made fluffy or messy.
    • Puffer – An object or person that puffs.
    • Rebuff – To reject or criticize sharply.
    • Unfaffed – A rare term meaning unaffected or calm.
    • Selfie – A photograph taken of oneself.
    • Effortless – Requiring little effort.
    • Fluffy – Soft and airy in texture.
    • Faffery – Informal term for trivial or excessive fussing.
    • Sniffer – An instrument or device for detecting substances.
    • Waffle – A type of batter cake or to speak without saying much of substance.

    30 Phrasal Verbs That Start with F

    1. Face up to
    Meaning: To confront and deal with something.
    Example: She had to face up to the fact that she failed the exam.

    2. Fade away
    Meaning: To gradually disappear or become less noticeable.
    Example: The memory of the event started to fade away.

    3. Fall apart
    Meaning: To break into pieces or become emotionally distressed.
    Example: The old book began to fall apart after years of use.

    4. Fall behind
    Meaning: To fail to keep up with progress or standards.
    Example: He fell behind in his studies after missing several classes.

    5. Fall for
    Meaning: To be deceived by something or to fall in love with someone.
    Example: She fell for the scam and lost a lot of money.

    6. Fall out
    Meaning: To have a disagreement that affects a relationship.
    Example: They fell out over a misunderstanding.

    7. Fiddle with
    Meaning: To handle or adjust something in a restless or nervous way.
    Example: He kept fiddling with his pen during the meeting.

    8. Figure out
    Meaning: To understand or solve something.
    Example: I need to figure out how to fix the broken machine.

    9. Fill in
    Meaning: To complete information on a form or to substitute for someone.
    Example: Please fill in the form before submitting it.

    10. Fill up
    Meaning: To make something full.
    Example: She filled up the tank with gas.

    11. Find out
    Meaning: To discover information or learn something new.
    Example: He found out that his favorite band was coming to town.

    12. Fix up
    Meaning: To repair or renovate something.
    Example: They fixed up the old house before moving in.

    13. Follow up
    Meaning: To take further action after an initial event.
    Example: The doctor will follow up with you after your surgery.

    14. Fool around
    Meaning: To waste time or engage in playful behavior.
    Example: Stop fooling around and get back to work.

    15. Freeze up
    Meaning: To become unable to move or think clearly, usually from fear.
    Example: He froze up during his speech in front of the large audience.

    16. Frown upon
    Meaning: To disapprove of something.
    Example: The company frowns upon employees using their phones during work hours.

    17. Face off
    Meaning: To confront or compete with someone directly.
    Example: The two teams will face off in the championship game.

    18. Feel like
    Meaning: To have the desire to do something or experience a certain way.
    Example: I feel like going for a walk in the park.

    19. Fill in for
    Meaning: To substitute for someone temporarily.
    Example: She will fill in for her colleague who is on vacation.

    20. Flake out
    Meaning: To not show up for an appointment or to cancel at the last minute.
    Example: He flaked out on our dinner plans.

    21. Fend off
    Meaning: To defend oneself from an attack or unwanted situation.
    Example: The company had to fend off a hostile takeover bid.

    22. Fire up
    Meaning: To start a machine or to become excited about something.
    Example: She fired up the grill for the barbecue.

    23. Fasten up
    Meaning: To secure something or make it fast.
    Example: Please fasten up your seatbelt before the plane takes off.

    24. Filter out
    Meaning: To remove unwanted elements from something.
    Example: The system filters out spam emails from your inbox.

    25. Fill out
    Meaning: To complete a form with information.
    Example: You need to fill out this application form before applying.

    26. Follow through
    Meaning: To continue an action until it is completed.
    Example: He followed through on his promise to help with the project.

    27. Formulate
    Meaning: To create or develop something, usually a plan or idea.
    Example: She formulated a new strategy for increasing sales.

    28. Fold up
    Meaning: To collapse something into a compact form.
    Example: After the picnic, we folded up the blankets and packed everything away.

    29. Fan out
    Meaning: To spread out in a wide area.
    Example: The police officers fanned out to search for the missing person.

    30. Face down
    Meaning: To confront or overcome a difficult situation.
    Example: She faced down her fears and completed the challenging task.

    200+ Words That Start with F for Everyday Communication

    Word Definition
    Fabulous Amazing or extraordinary
    Facilitate To make a process easier
    Famous Well known or recognized
    Fantastic Extremely good or impressive
    Fashion Popular style or trend in clothing
    Fast Moving or capable of moving quickly
    Fascinate To attract and hold the interest of
    Fearless Lacking fear or bravery
    Feasible Possible to do easily or conveniently
    Fellow A person in the same position or group
    Festive Relating to a celebration or festival
    Flexible Capable of bending easily without breaking
    Flawless Without any imperfections
    Focus To direct attention towards something
    Follow To come after or pursue
    Foolish Lacking good sense or judgment
    Fortunate Having good luck or favorable circumstances
    Frighten To make someone afraid
    Frolic To play and move about cheerfully
    Future The time that comes after the present
    Fragile Easily broken or damaged
    Faithful Loyal and devoted
    Facial Relating to the face
    Flourish To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way
    Familiar Well known or easily recognized
    Ferocious Savagely fierce or violent
    Free Not under the control or in the power of another
    Faith Strong belief or trust
    Fiction Literature created from imagination
    Fluent Able to speak or write smoothly and effortlessly
    Fragrant Having a pleasant or sweet smell
    Fortify To strengthen or reinforce
    Friend A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
    Formidable Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large or powerful
    Frenzy Wild and uncontrolled excitement or activity
    Fair Just or equitable in treatment or judgment
    Fretful Feeling or expressing worry or discomfort
    Favorable Showing approval or support
    Feast A large meal, typically one celebrating something
    Far At a great distance
    Feather A light, flat structure growing from a bird’s skin
    Fluffy Soft and light in texture
    Fumble To handle something clumsily or inefficiently
    Fragile Delicate or easily broken
    Faint Lacking strength or clarity
    Flicker To shine with a wavering light
    Fable A short story with a moral lesson
    Fasten To attach or secure
    Fabric Material used for making clothes or other items
    Flight The act of flying or traveling through the air
    Frame The structure of a building or object
    Fold To bend or lay one part over another
    Frost A layer of ice crystals formed by the freezing of moisture in the air
    Furnish To supply with necessary items or equipment
    Fur The soft hair of an animal

    Words that start with F FAQs

    What are 10 easy words from F?

    Fan, Fish, Frog, Flag, Farm, Food, Fun, Fork, Foot, Fire.

    What words start with F for kids?

    Fun, Frog, Fish, Family, Fruit.

    What is a 5 letter F word?


    What are 10 letter words that start with F?

    Fantastic, Friendship.

    What's a positive word that starts with F?


    What is a beautiful word that starts with F?


    What is a word for beauty that starts with F?


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