Free Online QuizzesQuiz 1 – Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surrounding

Quiz 1 – Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surrounding

Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surrounding Quiz 1


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    1. Time Limit: 15 minutes is the time limit to complete the quiz.
    2. Multiple Choice: Each question have multiple answer choices.
    3. One Correct Answer: Only one answer choice is correct for each question.
    4. No Negative Marking: There is no penalty for incorrect answers.

    Quiz Structure:

    • Number of Questions: 10
    • Topics Covered: The quiz focuses on the fundamental concept of matter, including its definition, different states (solid, liquid, gas), and the physical properties that govern how matter behaves in our surroundings. It also covers the particulate nature of matter, inter-particle spaces, and the forces of attraction between particles.

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    Class 9 Chemistry Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surrounding Quiz Questions

    Q.1: The mass of a piece of paper is 0.02 g and the mass of a solid substance and the piece of paper is 20.036 g. If the volume of the solid is 2.16 cm³, calculate the density of the substance up to the proper number of significant digits.

    a) 9.37
    b) 9.27
    c) 9.17
    d) 9.38


    Correct Option is B:
    Mass of piece of paper: 0.02 g

    Mass of solid substance and piece of paper: 20.036 g

    Mass of solid substance: 20.036 – 0.020 = 20.016

    Therefore, mass of solid substance up to the second decimal place is 20.02 g

    Volume of solid: 2.16 cm³

    Density = Mass / Volume

    Density = 20.02 / 2.16 = 9.268

    Since 2.16 has 3 significant figures, the answer should also contain 3 significant figures.

    Therefore, density up to the proper number of significant figures: 9.27 g/cm³

    Q.2: 81.4 g sample of ethyl alcohol contains 2 mg of water. The amount of pure ethyl alcohol is:

    a) 81.398 g
    b) 71.40 g
    c) 91.4 g
    d) 81 g


    Correct Option is A:
    Pure ethyl alcohol = 81 .4 – 0.002 = 81.398.

    Q.3: Given the numbers: 161 cm; 0.161 cm; 0.0161 cm. The number of significant figures in them are:

    a) 6, 4, 5
    b) 3, 3, 3
    c) 3, 3, 4
    d) 3, 4, 4


    Correct Option is B:
    All non-zero digits and zero between non-zero digits are significant.

    Q.4: On dividing 0.46 by 15.374, the actual answer is 0.029236. The correctly reported answer will be ____?

    a) 0.02
    b) 0.029
    c) 0.0292
    d) 0.02924


    Correct Option is B:
    0.46÷15.734=0.02936. As the least precise term involved has two significant figures (viz, 0.46), therefore, reported answer = 0.029.

    Q.5: The S.I. unit of volume is:

    a) cm²
    b) cm³
    c) cm³
    d) A°


    Correct Option is C:

    Q.6: The value of 90 miles per hour in S.I. units is:

    a) 40 m/s
    b) 40 cm/s
    c) 44 m/s
    d) 20 m/s


    Correct Option is :
    Volume = (length in m)3 = m3.

    Q.7: The result of the following arithmetical operation 50.21 + 3.06 – 0.425 can be rounded off to:

    a) 52.845
    b) 52.85
    c) 52.84
    d) 52.850


    Correct Option is C:
    50.21 + 3.06 – 0.425 =52.845=52.84

    In case of addition and substraction, answer should be rounded off with least no. of significant figures(from question)

    Q.8: Which of the following properties helps gas to be filled in CNG cylinders?

    a) High Compressibility
    b) High diffusivity
    c) The random movement of particles
    d) Tendency to flow


    Correct Option is A:
    CNG (Compressed natural gas) can be easily stored in a small cylinder and then used as a fuel. This is because all gases have a high compressibility due to large spaces between their particles.

    Q.9: On which of the following factors does the compressibility of a substance depend?

    a) Intermolecular distance between the particles
    b) Type of particles
    c) The shape of the substance
    d) The velocity of a substance


    Correct Option is A:
    The compressibility of the substance depends upon the intermolecular distance upon the intermolecular space between the particles. More the intermolecular distance, the more will be compressibility.

    Q.10: Why do solids have low compressibility?

    a) Particles of solids are tightly packed
    b) Particles of solids are loosely packed
    c) Particles of solids are moderately packed
    d) Particles of solids take the shape of the container


    Correct Option is A:
    The solids have low compressibility because particles of solids are tightly packed. Moreover, particles of solids are not allowed to move because of strong molecular forces between the particles. If we try to compress a solid substance, it will get deformed and in some cases, the solid may break too.

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